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joined Aug 4, 2018

For some reason I can help but think Sakurako would be nothing but completely useless for some actual sexy time...

I'm not sure if I got your meaning right.
You trying to say that, in a session of KasuSaku sex, Sakurako would be useless at pleasing Kasumi??

There are some useless lesbians out there.
Heaven knows there are some useless lesbians out there.
But Sakurako ain't one of them.

joined Oct 22, 2018

For some reason I can help but think Sakurako would be nothing but completely useless for some actual sexy time...

I'm not sure if I got your meaning right.
You trying to say that, in a session of KasuSaku sex, Sakurako would be useless at pleasing Kasumi??

There are some useless lesbians out there.
Heaven knows there are some useless lesbians out there.
But Sakurako ain't one of them.

Kasumi, while I don't think she's a useless lesbian, is much, much closer to being one than Sakurako is.

joined Jan 11, 2019

There are some useless lesbians out there.
Heaven knows there are some useless lesbians out there.
But Sakurako ain't one of them.

Oh yes, she's far too energetic, diligent and task oriented for that. She's probably already read and memorized every how-to manual on the subject.

joined Oct 22, 2018

There are some useless lesbians out there.
Heaven knows there are some useless lesbians out there.
But Sakurako ain't one of them.

Oh yes, she's far too energetic, diligent and task oriented for that. She's probably already read and memorized every how-to manual on the subject.

Well, there may already have been hints for that. Remember that extra chapter that focused on Koruri and Moka? When Sakurako saw them holding hands with interlocking fingers, she congratulated them, I presume because this holding hands with interlocking fingers thing showed her that Koruri and Moka started dating. This started turning gears inside my head: Did Sakurako start reading yuri manga? If yes, did she even catch on the hand holding meme we have going on here, on Dynasty Reader?

last edited at Apr 11, 2019 3:43AM

joined Dec 12, 2017

Hand holding is not a meme.

joined Oct 22, 2018

^ It on itself isn't, that is true. But, it's the joke comments we make that seemed so meme-y to me that calling it a meme is safe. Y'know, comments like " Hand holding is so lewd." or "WTF? Pixelize those hands!" and so on...

last edited at Apr 12, 2019 6:43AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

^ It on itself isn't, that is true. But, it's the joke comments we make that seemed so meme-y to me that calling it a meme is safe. Y'know, comments like " Hand holding is so lewd." or "WTF? Pixelize those hands!" and so on...

Agreed, although maybe jokes like "OK, they've fisted, but they're not really dating until they've interlocked fingers" are common elsewhere and I've just never happened to run across them.

joined Aug 26, 2018

While the lewdest of all shameful sexual acts (aka hand holding) is a meme around here, it really doesn't connect to the scene BV mentioned. You don't need to know some silly meme to realize that two girls who didn't act that close before and now suddenly hold hands are probably advancing their relationship. Especially because there were plenty of other hints already.

last edited at Apr 12, 2019 11:52AM

joined Aug 4, 2018

^ It on itself isn't, that is true. But, it's the joke comments we make that seemed so meme-y to me that calling it a meme is safe. Y'know, comments like " Hand holding is so lewd." or "WTF? Pixelize those hands!" and so on...

Agreed, although maybe jokes like "OK, they've fisted, but they're not really dating until they've interlocked fingers" are common elsewhere and I've just never happened to run across them.

Oh, it's not just us. In Reddit threads, they make jokes all the frigging time about the lewdness of hand holding. You can't upload a pic of two persons holding hands without getting replies complaining about the obscenity of your post.

According to some sources, it was "Dakara Boku wa, Ecchi ga Dekinai" ("So, I Can't Play H!") that started it. The anime came out in 2012 and one episode would have included this scene:

The indented witticism was something like: "Look peeps, our show is so pure we even use mosaic censorship (which usually covers instances of intercourse or fellatio in porn videos) to hide two hands touching!"
In Japan, the joke fell flat; but it was a huge succes among Western fans. Or so they claim.

*Edited to correct mistake about the name of the show, thx @luinthoron

last edited at Apr 12, 2019 1:28PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

OK, pixelizing hand-holding is pretty awesome--just imagine what's going on behind that mosaic.

Thanks, I clearly don't get out enough on the internet. . .

joined Dec 20, 2018

^^That gif is clearly from Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai., though...

last edited at Apr 12, 2019 11:43AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

The most famous gif of that type I know is this one:

last edited at Apr 12, 2019 11:57AM

joined Aug 4, 2018

^^That gif is clearly from Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai., though...

Don't ask me about that, I haven't watched any of those shows. They claimed it was Puchimas in the Reddit thread where I found it. Go figure why.

joined Aug 16, 2018

Luinthoron is right, that exotic redhead is clearly Lisara Restall from "Dakara Boku wa, Ecchi ga Dekinai" ("So, I Can't Play H!") without any doubt. The fancy bracelet is a dead giveaway:

Both anime series, Boku-ecchi and Puchimas, came out and aired in the same year (2012) which I guess explains why someone mistook one for the other and mislabeled the gif.

... would you believe it, I didn't even need to google to recall this stuff. I'm too much of an anime nerd. >_<

joined Oct 22, 2018

anime nerd

I believe the word you're looking for is "otaku".

joined Jun 27, 2017

Good stuff, good stuff.

... also, lock the fucking door while on the toilet ^^;

joined Jul 29, 2017

Notice to Dynasty Readers:

Please resume “Kasumi can’t imagine life without Sakurako but are they dating?” commentary at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your attention.

joined Oct 6, 2015

Don't doubt the power of science Kasumi. If Sakurako puts her heart and crazy mind into it, science babies would be possible.loool

joined Feb 11, 2018

“Kasumi can’t imagine life without Sakurako but are they dating?”

Not really sure if anyone actually cares about that at this point. I think the college chapters have framed it well enough by now, that there is no merit to any kind of discussion whatsoever about it.

It's not like there has been anxiety or tension of that sort in RfT for a long time. Relationship just exists and that's all there is to it.

last edited at Apr 16, 2019 8:14AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

Please resume “Kasumi can’t imagine life without Sakurako but are they dating?” commentary at your earliest convenience.

Never doubted their relationship, but that line honestly felt more about how Sakurako takes care of most things for her than about their status as a couple.

On the other hand, Sakurako rather nicely defined their relationship once again for those who somehow still didn't understand it after the last few chapters.

Also, Sakurako would clearly feel right at home in another series here. :D

last edited at Apr 16, 2019 8:24AM

joined Nov 23, 2014

Ah nice, clearly some foreshadowing for when Sakurako makes science babies possible in the future.

joined Dec 11, 2017

So I notice that when she accidentally mishears the topic of making out, Kasumi's only real concern is about doing it in public. ;p

joined Oct 3, 2016

^ that's always been the basis if her concern. But apparently Kasumi was in the mood to go with it. And since she misheard Kasumi, herself, was thinking about kissing Sakurako.

joined Oct 3, 2016

An so begins the two month wait.

joined Nov 14, 2016

An so begins the two month wait.

What? Is that how long we have to wait before we get the next chapter?

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