Forum › Corrupted First love discussion

joined Feb 18, 2018

This was hot. Kodama never fails to deliver what she promises.

joined Apr 1, 2018

Eh, "woman in an unhappy marriage has a fling with a girl that likes her" isn't really that bad. I was expecting something much more dysfunctional

Well, other stories had group punishment rape and exhibitionist sex, so maybe it was good to have something bit more mellow like cheating to go with that stuff. :)

What is the name of the group punishment rape one? Asking for a friend...

joined Feb 24, 2017

The author said it herself that she has a thing for morally depraved women. It's a fetish in a sense and preferences as well.
I for once enjoy all of her morally fucked stories. I also agree with the others above. This is Kodama here y'all know it ain't gonna be a fluffy ride and it's not right to call her a horrible mangaka because of her preferences.


Also there are not enough morally depraved women x younger girls. So she has all of my respect for having the guts to draw these kind of stories.

If thinks like ntr can trigger you that easily, you are just weak.

last edited at Mar 7, 2019 1:42AM

joined May 21, 2019

Wow, the commentary section in this was really really fun!

joined Mar 15, 2019

Don't cheat your husband! It's not his fault that he is not a girl!

joined Jan 4, 2020

Ok, let me get this right, some of y'all are haters, I get it, but come on... Don't just tell her that she's a bad writter. Some of y'all (including myself) can't even draw a stickman right! So don't complain about some else's work, be nice and if you're a hater, just ignore and/or don't read her mangas.

joined Jun 18, 2020

damn.. i’m bisexual myself so i actually look for that tag when i read mangas on this website. i‘m not really into ntr but i read it for the ecchi anyway.. didn’t know people here are soooo against men/bi people LMAO. i can see how her works might portray people like us as problematic but i honestly don’t think she is a bad mangaka art wise. story wise, though, i can see how she isn’t really the best.

joined Jun 18, 2020

damn.. i’m bisexual myself so i actually look for that tag when i read mangas on this website. i‘m not really into ntr but i read it for the ecchi anyway.. didn’t know people here are soooo against men/bi people LMAO. i can see how her works might portray people like us as problematic but i honestly don’t think she is a bad mangaka art wise. story wise, though, i can see how she isn’t really the best.

joined Apr 27, 2018

Hahaha it could be possible that this mangaka could do a good Yuri manga? Really? It could be possible? ALMOST ALL HER STORIES ARE BISEXUAL AS F#VK!!!! AND TOXIC AND SHIT!!!!
If she love so much the men, then do a het shoujo manga xd (i hate this author with my soul, since NTR, all her stories, except the fake marriage, are bad and crap)

You know she has other works that don't have NTR or Cheating in it...

joined May 3, 2014

Ok, let me get this right, some of y'all are haters, I get it, but come on... Don't just tell her that she's a bad writter. Some of y'all (including myself) can't even draw a stickman right! So don't complain about some else's work, be nice and if you're a hater, just ignore and/or don't read her mangas.

she is an bad writer, there is no denying that, I though the artwork was familiar then I remember who the author is an just gonna skip this one, also she always portrais bi women as toxic cheating people.

joined May 28, 2022

I agree that some teeny gorillas just can't resist a sexy milf, kodama-sensei

joined Feb 10, 2022

Hahaha it could be possible that this mangaka could do a good Yuri manga? Really? It could be possible? ALMOST ALL HER STORIES ARE BISEXUAL AS F#VK!!!! AND TOXIC AND SHIT!!!!
If she love so much the men, then do a het shoujo manga xd (i hate this author with my soul, since NTR, all her stories, except the fake marriage, are bad and crap)

That's what she likes to draw. Other yuri mangaka draw wholesome stories. You should avoid kodama's works tho

joined Dec 23, 2024

Essa Mangaká De Merda Só Escreve Obras De Traição? Será que Ela é incapaz de Fazer Obras Boas e com personagens lésbicas de verdade? ai ai, O que dizer sobre naoko kodama? Bem, ela é definitivamente uma das mangakás mais medíocres que eu conheço, histórias sem pé nem cabeça e mal escritas, traição, chantagem, personagens bi, personagens de péssima índole, merdas acontecendo e finais horríveis, mal feitos ou preguiçosos, as histórias dela são basicamente isso

pergunta: "ai, mas qual o problema de personagens bi?"

Minha resposta: Porra, se eu tô lendo um Yuri, eu quero ter certeza que aquelas personagens são lésbicas, eu não quero ficar com aquele pensamento de "quando o relacionamento delas acabar, ela vai procurar um homem", vai se foder, é ficção, faz lésbica assumida e para com essa porra de bi, não recomendo nenhuma história dessa mangáka, a menos pior é "me casei com uma amiga", o resto é lamentável e digno de esquecimento, ah, espera, eu acabei de me lembrar de uma coisa, ela fez um oneshot usando as mesmas personagens desse mangá que falei acima, e advinhem? Sim, isso mesmo, mais traição, personagens bi e personagens de índole duvidosa, até quando ela faz uma obra aceitável, ela faz questão de sabotar com um oneshot porco e desnecessário, Essa mangaká de merda não é uma pessoa feliz, e ela desconta essa infelicidade que ela sente, nos mangás de merda que ela escreve, Quem defende essa mangaká com unhas e dentes é tão doente e podre por dentro quanto ela, e isso é um fato, Falar que ela é uma boa mangaká só mostra o quanto a humanidade deu errado, enfim, eu já disse e repito, não recomendo nenhuma obra dela, quanto antes esquecermos da existência desse ser humano, melhor, obrigado por ter lido até aqui e tenha um bom dia

last edited at Dec 25, 2024 7:01PM

joined Dec 23, 2024

Hahaha it could be possible that this mangaka could do a good Yuri manga? Really? It could be possible? ALMOST ALL HER STORIES ARE BISEXUAL AS F#VK!!!! AND TOXIC AND SHIT!!!!
If she love so much the men, then do a het shoujo manga xd (i hate this author with my soul, since NTR, all her stories, except the fake marriage, are bad and crap)

Concordo plenamente, também odeio essa mangaká de merda

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