In what world is 40 chapters lazy?
K-on did three years in 4 volumes with a total of 56 chapters, then it moved on to college.
A Room For Two has done three years in 4 volumes with a total of 40 chapters + 5 bonus chapters.
These two series are very similar, and it would be difficult to find someone who thinks K-on was "lazy" because there weren't 100+ chapters.
mmm well the k-on manga is indeed 4 volumes long but to be honest the k-on manga is not that good i think the thing that makes k.on great is all stuff that yamada naoko and the kyoani staff put on the show wich is a lot a there´s a pretty good video that talks about it by digibro
If we could decide if something is lazy or poorly made by looking at its size, I would actually insist that Yuru Yuri's author isn't trying very hard if that many chapters have passed without any significant changes. But that's not how things work. The quantity of a work isn't proportional to its quality. It can only have a subjective impact on someone's opinion.
yeah i wasn´t triying to say that the manga is bad because of it i just find werid the way the manga handles the high school topic a lot of manga and anime depicts high school as this amazing, fun , random and exicitng stage of your life when you can do and be whatever you want and the end of it as this sad melancholic time where the chatarcters stop being kids and pass to the next part of his life that is young adulhood (wich i know is a lie because even though i almost finish my carrer im still inmature and a child at heart)
but a room for two is so casual about it the characters just pass through high school like it was nothing and when they finish the school doesn´t seem like they really care about it
again im not saying that the manga is bad is just so different from other mangas that´s why i find it kind of weird surely im just looking at it the wrong way this is clearly not traditional school manga
sometimes i froget that if you critize or point out something about a manga is clearly because you hate it to death there´s no way that you can enjoy something if you don´t think of it as a 10/10