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J<->M discussion 08 Jul 05:02
joined Nov 1, 2015

that was a really cool chapter ! i wonder what is the most improbable between really ricocheting those bullet or what he really done at moving through the area and doing all the shooting without being seen

joined Nov 1, 2015

yeah i got surprised by the uncensoring too. it's the first time we actually see a pussy on the manga no ?

joined Nov 1, 2015

i didn't know i needed this in my life.

joined Nov 1, 2015

i'm always bummed when the author consider going out to be the end goal. show us their lovey dovey couple life too geez

joined Nov 1, 2015

sudden chapter dump ! i'm glad both couple officially got together properly

joined Nov 1, 2015

END ? my day is ruined :(

joined Nov 1, 2015

i'm inhaling copium like crazy but i hope nanao will win over asumi in their date and she will turn her decision around. it will probably not be that way but i really hope it is ^^

joined Nov 1, 2015

Can we hum… have that video? For reference purposes obviously

joined Nov 1, 2015

"Where there is light, there is (darkness) shadow" "sword of the dark moon"

joined Nov 1, 2015

in what way, indeed

Ayakashiko discussion 04 Sep 05:05
joined Nov 1, 2015

What a crappy ending

Love Signal discussion 22 Jul 06:30
joined Nov 1, 2015

because of nico's birthday

New Game discussion 14 Nov 01:57
joined Nov 1, 2015

This arc is seriously making me want to drop the manga more and more. Don't get me wrong. I know Aoba was given UI Design and how important 'Game UI' Design is and in fact, it's more important than some character design. But how the hell did they seriously believed that the company would collapse if they kept doing what they did to Aoba during PECO? What the actual hell is marketing team thinking? For goddess's sake, they are making game with newbie director and not well-known character designer. Reputation of someone well-known is not something that they should ignore in the godforsaken game they are making.

put all your eggs in the same basket by leaving all the hard work to the famous person, and you will deeply regret it if she happen to leave the company. helping the newbys grow is really important for the future.

and lets be honest you don't really remember the name of the character designer or art designer. you'll rememeber studio X produced a great game and maybe the game's director name but often no more than that.

joined Nov 1, 2015

reminded me of k-on's doujin Gouryella

joined Nov 1, 2015

new chapter, its been so long \o/

joined Nov 1, 2015


joined Nov 1, 2015

seem like sakurako has been reading swap<->swap lately and had a dream about it.

joined Nov 1, 2015

Damn, that's sad news. Hopefully several more to be translated before its gone forever.

7 more chapter to be translated according to the translator

joined Nov 1, 2015

they should have let them alone, it would have been good development of their relationship :p

joined Nov 1, 2015

What if this child she gave her bento to on the first chapter has allergies and be ill from her food? It’s getting me worried:(

More seriously nice 3 first chapter , but didn’t get me hooked that much. Still will follow

joined Nov 1, 2015

It remind me about ao haru ride with main girl caring too much about apparence for her own sake and being a bitch. Surely she will change by befriending kuro and redeem herself.
I hope for a true full yuri ending

New Game discussion 06 May 08:34
joined Nov 1, 2015

that was surprisingly high quality

joined Nov 1, 2015

Haruko is a genius ! I’m jealous I wanna play all day too :( can someone swap with me and go to work for me ?

joined Nov 1, 2015

tongues girls, you forgot to check that (although you mentioned it before !)

New Game discussion 25 Sep 14:26
joined Nov 1, 2015

Typical French spitting on their own stuff! :3

Well, Ubisoft's still a big thing in France and (some) Japanese love France, so why not. In addition to that, I'd say infogram is mostly known for bad games from what I heard here and there. But we made Dishonored and Styx, and other nice stuff. Don't sell ourselves short so quickly!

Infogram’s games were not bad. They were totally sadisticaly hard but they were still greats megadrives games. It’s just that game on 32bits were hard as hell.

But we don’t have really great studios anymore, lot of indies like Marion diabolito said, but in term of big AAA games we are just not there anymore. I worked for a small indie startup after school, but as it didn’t work out and closed I was given the choices to either leave France to continue working on video games, work at very small companies, or at Ubisoft French branch.

But I can understand that for Japanese , France look foreign enough to drive the point of “she is going to work far away” home.