Typical French spitting on their own stuff! :3
Well, Ubisoft's still a big thing in France and (some) Japanese love France, so why not. In addition to that, I'd say infogram is mostly known for bad games from what I heard here and there. But we made Dishonored and Styx, and other nice stuff. Don't sell ourselves short so quickly!
Infogram’s games were not bad. They were totally sadisticaly hard but they were still greats megadrives games. It’s just that game on 32bits were hard as hell.
But we don’t have really great studios anymore, lot of indies like Marion diabolito said, but in term of big AAA games we are just not there anymore. I worked for a small indie startup after school, but as it didn’t work out and closed I was given the choices to either leave France to continue working on video games, work at very small companies, or at Ubisoft French branch.
But I can understand that for Japanese , France look foreign enough to drive the point of “she is going to work far away” home.