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joined Oct 16, 2013

Sooo what I'm getting from this is Emi is asexual? But has possessive issues? I dunno...maybe if I reread it, it'll make sense. Dunno what to make of their relationship now. Didn't know it'll just that.

last edited at Oct 28, 2018 9:19AM

joined Sep 19, 2017

the hell. finish? i just couldn't get her friend. lol. Yuu doesn't need a friend like her. Immature and has some issues.

last edited at Oct 28, 2018 9:16AM

joined Jan 21, 2016

Oh yeah, I do hate things like love in uber vague mangas like this one. Is fin really fin? o.o

joined Jun 3, 2018

Sooo what I'm getting from this is Emi is asexual? But has possessive issues? I dunno...maybe if I reread it, it'll make sense. Dunno what to make of their relationship now. Didn't know it'll just that.

Pretty much what I managed to get from this...

joined Oct 16, 2013

Okay reread it all, but still pretty confusing. I'm trying to focus on the ufo toy symbolism but the end is still kinda unclear. I guess what's confusing is whether the toy represents Yuu or the feeling of love?

Emi tries each day to pick up the toy (understand love) but puts it off because she doesn't actually want to deal with them (or take the next step and take Yuu for herself). Yuu knows this and gets the toy which means she's set herself free from Emi's control over her life and gives herself to Emi to make Emi face her feelings of love.

But then Emi still says she doesn't understand and that Yuu getting the toy was payback? Does payback just mean "because you never considered my feelings, I'm gonna ignore yours?" Or maybe it's like "I've been moving at your pace this whole time, so it's time you follow mine?"

I said I thought Emi is asexual but does Emi actually hate kissing and still doesnt understand love? Her words say one thing, but she looks shy and is blushing which is usually seen as actually "enjoying it" in manga. Emi also looked concerned about "holding hands for any longer" and at the end Yuu holds her hand and Emi is blushing there too. Is this a good end? Are they together now?

Jeez typing all that out gave me a headache. There's too many ways to read it imo and there's so much conflicting actions and emotions that makes it frustrating. Maybe author note explains it all.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

That was pretty good. Even though Eimi wasn't ready, Yuu went ahead and made a move for her.

joined Aug 18, 2015

That was pretty good. Even though Eimi wasn't ready, Yuu went ahead and made a move for her.

Exactly how I see it, the roles reversed.

joined Jul 26, 2013

now, i think i get it, it is not an open ending, it is quite clear that Yuu understands Emi's feelings better than Emi itself, Emi all this time has liked Yuu, but she is not able to understand her own feelings.

the stuffed animal was a love talisman, yuu went ahead and gave it to her, as if saying, I'm not going to wait any longer, and she made the move, the "payback thing" was just a joke, like "You wanted it and i took it ", but it's clear that she wanted it for her.

joined Apr 27, 2014

..bleh what a stupid ending.

joined Jan 10, 2017

Okay, I guess I kinda get the ending. It was instant and complete role reversal. One was pushing her selfish feelings on the other and doesn't know what she wants anyways. Then the other girl decided to pay her back and is from now on going to push her feelings on the other girl, regardless of what she wants.

(I forget the names) The toy was basically the first girl getting what she wanted despite not even knowing what that is.

last edited at Oct 28, 2018 12:34PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

now, i think i get it, it is not an open ending, it is quite clear that Yuu understands Emi's feelings better than Emi itself, Emi all this time has liked Yuu, but she is not able to understand her own feelings.

the stuffed animal was a love talisman, yuu went ahead and gave it to her, as if saying, I'm not going to wait any longer, and she made the move, the "payback thing" was just a joke, like "You wanted it and i took it ", but it's clear that she wanted it for her.

Most of the ending is clear to me--Yuu forced Emi's feelings out into the open and took it to the next step--physical intimacy. (The "shit or get off the pot" moment, as my old grandma used to say). But Emi's not ready to deal with any of that, so she says that love is suffocating and that the kiss was "gross."

If it weren't for the next-to-last panel, where Yuu takes Emi's hand, I would have said that the toy was a symbolic good-bye gift--just as Emi foiled all Yuu's attempts at love, Yuu ruined Emi's attempt to win the toy.

But that holding-hands panel can't mean anything except that Yuu intends to stay close to Emi, with the further implication that Yuu is going be taking the lead from now on, and none of this "hidden emotions" bullshit any more.

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

now, i think i get it, it is not an open ending, it is quite clear that Yuu understands Emi's feelings better than Emi itself, Emi all this time has liked Yuu, but she is not able to understand her own feelings.

the stuffed animal was a love talisman, yuu went ahead and gave it to her, as if saying, I'm not going to wait any longer, and she made the move, the "payback thing" was just a joke, like "You wanted it and i took it ", but it's clear that she wanted it for her.

Most of the ending is clear to me--Yuu forced Emi's feelings out into the open and took it to the next step--physical intimacy. (The "shit or get off the pot" moment, as my old grandma used to say). But Emi's not ready to deal with any of that, so she says that love is suffocating and that the kiss was "gross."

If it weren't for the next-to-last panel, where Yuu takes Emi's hand, I would have said that the toy was a symbolic good-bye gift--just as Emi foiled all Yuu's attempts at love, Yuu ruined Emi's attempt to win the toy.

But that holding-hands panel can't mean anything except that Yuu intends to stay close to Emi, with the further implication that Yuu is going be taking the lead from now on, and none of this "hidden emotions" bullshit any more.

Cool, so it was a happy ending

joined Jul 29, 2017

But that holding-hands panel can't mean anything except that Yuu intends to stay close to Emi, with the further implication that Yuu is going be taking the lead from now on, and none of this "hidden emotions" bullshit any more.

Cool, so it was a happy ending

Depends on your definition of "happy," I guess. Assuming I'm reading it correctly, it's more like Emi thought she was manipulating Yuu without her friend's knowledge, but Yuu has now turned the tables on her:

"Sure, I promise to always stay by the side of my cute Emi, and I'll even help you explore what love really is. We'll start with the concepts of 'top' and 'bottom.'"

And pretty soon Yuu is calling Emi "kitten" and shopping online for ball gags.

joined Apr 7, 2018

It's somewhat annoying

joined Jan 27, 2016

What thats it what a bitchslap into my face

joined May 15, 2014

I vote in removing this travesty form dynasty.

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Emi is 1 dense motherfucker.

joined May 8, 2017

I think this ending makes sense. Emi has been in denial with her feelings for a very long time, so one measly kiss won't immediately make her realize she's in love with her friend. Several more kisses, however....

last edited at Oct 28, 2018 3:36PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Emi is 1 dense motherfucker.

I think it goes beyond mere denseness--more like a pathological refusal to grow up and make the move into adulthood, with a bit of psychopathic manipulation of other people thrown in there.

I suspect Yuu will get her sorted.

Malibu Uploader
joined Jan 25, 2016

Emi is 1 dense motherfucker.

I think it goes beyond mere denseness--more like a pathological refusal to grow up and make the move into adulthood, with a bit of psychopathic manipulation of other people thrown in there.

I suspect Yuu will get her sorted.

Hopefully, but we’ll never know. The magaka apparently decided to apply the brakes at Chspter 3. Grade A weak sauce. Would have loved to see more of these two and watch them grow as people.

joined Jul 26, 2016

ended too soon, bad end

joined Oct 4, 2018

... I guess that's one way to rush an ending...

joined Mar 12, 2014

Ouch that was certainly a way to end it

With the whole "that was gross I don't get it" kiss, I totally felt Yuu's state of "well fuck this". I like that she was called out for being fucking weird and not even because she and any unrequited feelings - I think it's a possessiveness instead of being in denial about her feelings, the reaction to the kiss was totally the opposite of what I expected. Like that should've been the eye opener here but nope

The whole winning the toy thing, seemed like it was Yuu's way of saying I've had enough of waiting around for your bullshit and so I'm doing it for you. I'm not really sure where they go from here though. Unhealthy manipulative and ambiguous relationship? Or will Yuu just decide to drop her completely? I guess we will never know.

I want it to be the latter, I feel like the payback comment was a real Mike drop moment. But mehhh. Would've preferred the obvious Emi is in denial about her feelings/unrequited childhood love route

joined Sep 6, 2015

Emi is 1 dense motherfucker.

I think it goes beyond mere denseness--more like a pathological refusal to grow up and make the move into adulthood, with a bit of psychopathic manipulation of other people thrown in there.

I suspect Yuu will get her sorted.

Honestly, I do not want Yuu to get her sorted. Emi is the kind of not-right-in-the-head possessive asshole any normal person would give a wide berth in real life, while whispering "oh yeah, it is that girl..."

joined Jun 23, 2015

Ouch that was certainly a way to end it

With the whole "that was gross I don't get it" kiss, I totally felt Yuu's state of "well fuck this". I like that she was called out for being fucking weird and not even because she and any unrequited feelings - I think it's a possessiveness instead of being in denial about her feelings, the reaction to the kiss was totally the opposite of what I expected. Like that should've been the eye opener here but nope

The whole winning the toy thing, seemed like it was Yuu's way of saying I've had enough of waiting around for your bullshit and so I'm doing it for you. I'm not really sure where they go from here though. Unhealthy manipulative and ambiguous relationship? Or will Yuu just decide to drop her completely? I guess we will never know.

I want it to be the latter, I feel like the payback comment was a real Mike drop moment. But mehhh. Would've preferred the obvious Emi is in denial about her feelings/unrequited childhood love route

I wrote this up then realized I basically said what you said, so I'll create this as a follow-up.

Honestly, I can't see anything but negativity coming from Emi. That hand-holding panel was pretty confusing, but it's there so it must mean something. Maybe Yuu wants to hold onto something inside Emi, but I don't think Emi's going to get better. This is too heavy to be denial. She's been manipulating her best friend's life for years and now probably won't be able to keep doing it but she will always want to. I genuinely think that she doesn't understand love, and has an unhealthy obsession with Yuu, refusing to let her live her own life. Emi doesn't want to be alone, for whatever that's worth, but isn't willing to give Yuu what she needs. This is a good ending, but not a romantic one. I sincerely believe that Emi is incapable of romantic love (she could be asexual/aromantic, but that sounds like an insult to ace/aro). Yuu's now in control of what happens in the future and we're to view her as the sympathetic party. Emi is purely antagonistic, but clearly provides something to Yuu otherwise she would have dropped her like a rock.

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