Forum › Netsuzou Trap discussion

joined May 17, 2014

My theory of Hotaru is that since she a pretty/ shy girl when she started dating in middle school she ended up with a lot of a ss holes who took advantage of her and got her to do a lot of things that she didn't exactly want to and wasn't ready for, and that she didn't know how to say no. Since it was all she knew she probably kept going with it and that's how she turned out to be promiscuous. In the end though she always had feelings for Yumi, but since she had never been loved she didn't know a better way to express her feelings.
Also I don't think that Takeda is a total douche bag, but I don't think he wanted to be with Yumi for anything besides sex. Sure he had enough decency to not try and molest her when she obviously didn't want him, he's no rapist, but I haven't seen enough yet to believed that he cared about her deeply.
Also, Fujiwara needs to die.

joined May 18, 2013

Thank you for the fast updates!.

I didn't really like Hotaru's last lines but... I'll just wait for the story to progress.

joined Feb 3, 2013

Heh, Hotaru is really a grade A emotional manipulator. And I'm afraid Yuma has no chance against her, if no one helps her. So I guess she will end up in an abusive relationship with Hotaru?
Fujiwara might be able to disrupt Hotarus plans a bit if he cared enough because it seems like she can't manipulate him exactly the way she wants, but he's not a nice person, so i doubt he will involve himself more then necessary. And so far he has played into her hands.
Takeda should just save himself and get away from them. Would be better for him. He's a decent person, but I doubt he can help Yuma because he is no match for Hotaru.

Not quite my kind of story but it's kinda fresh (at least for me) and this descent into darkness is interessting enough to watch^^.

Frankly, I do not believe that Hotaru's manipulation would work on anyone except Yuma, and that is because Yuma lets herself be manipulated as a convenient excuse. I mean, Takeda merely pushed Yuma down, and she is already comparing how forceful he is compared to Hotaru. Just like what Hotaru said a chapter before, she barely has any strenght to force Yuma, but only succeeds because Yuma puts zero resistance. If anything, it looks like Fujiwara is the one manipulating Hotaru.

Cruel with Takeda, but their relationship should formally end now, while they were still can do it in good terms. As it was said in the first chapter, their relationship went on super slow, which was a result of Yuma not wanting it to progress at all. Their relationship was going to fall apart sooner or later due to that, or progress out of Yuma mustering willpower to do something she did not really want to do. Rejection sucks, but he will at least be free to find some other person who actually likes him back.

Hopefully there will be a chapter explaining how the pairings FujiwaraXHotaru and YumaxTakeda were formed, which would explain how all the "cheating" thing came to be. The way Yuna comments on it, it seems similar to the story "First Kiss", where Reiko's sole reason to get a boyfriend was because Ayano got herself one. In this case Hotaru was the first to get a boyfriend and Yuma followed, but we all know there is no way that could happened naturally.

last edited at Aug 9, 2015 7:25PM

joined Feb 7, 2013

Naoko-sensei . . . . I hate you!! ; _ ;

joined Aug 6, 2015

I wonder if peoples' opinions of Takeda have changed regarding the events of chapter 5. We all know the other guy is a real douche, but I've read a lot of people lumping Takeda in with him before this, mainly saying he was only concerned with getting laid on the trip and didn't care about the protagonist at all. Personally, I can no longer say that's the truth, but I wonder if others have had their opinions swayed.

Chapter 5 proved all he was out for was to get laid. It worsened my opinion of him. Fair enough he backed out when he knew she didn't want it, but then he sulks and doesn't talk to her again, jut because she won't provide the sex he was expecting.

I mean, conversation is a two way street. That's not entirely on Takeda. If anything, he should be a little weirded out and/or confused about the protagonists's actions.

She agrees to go on this trip along with another couple, and it's implied that the rooms were set beforehand for each couple. Even the girls acknowledge that they'll have sex with the guys. Things are going well, then at the cusp of their first night, the protagonist throws a curve ball out of nowhere. Granted. she's being hardcore manipulated by this point, but Takeda is in the dark about that. Okay. Takeda-bro can deal with rejection. He's still on good terms with her. Sure, he seems to be depressed for a bit before quickly getting over not getting laid.

Next night, the protagonist announces in front of everyone that they'll go back to their original room assignments, pretty much saying "Ima have sex with you as planned, Takeda." We know as readers that the girl is confused and upset, but Takeda doesn't really. They get in, but something's not right. Takeda has the decency to recognize that the girl is troubled and doesn't actually want sex right then. He does the honorable thing and backs off.

Now dialogue between them is rocky, and I really can't blame either of them. The protagonist is sexually confused, and Takeda is just confused in general. The girl sent some serious mixed signals that whole trip. Her mouth said yes, but her body language screamed no. Use your words, girl. That whole trip was a huge mind fk for Takeda. Even assuming he's a perfectly innocent guy who just wanted to do it with the girlfriend he genuinely liked, the only thing he could take away from that trip is "Bitches be crazy, and I don't know what's going on."

Going a few days without talking to her is kind of a dick move, but again, that's not entirely just on him. Maybe he thinks she needs some space to sort her issues out. Or maybe he's done with her like you say. I don't know. We'll see in the coming chapters.

joined Mar 16, 2013

That's too simple. Very well could be an option, but as far as I'm concerned if Hotaru eventually does get Yuma in a clear way, she'll chill with the control. I don't think she herself is an emotional manipulator, or for that matter is particularly trying. She just is doing what she wants in desperation.


Abusive is a bit of a leap.

Right now? Yes, but i can see it happening later. The one time Yumas puts up resistance and slaps Hotaru, she turns it around immediately and puts all the blame on Yuma, because there is just no way she could ever "abuse" her, if she didn't wanted it to happen. Sounded like a classic abuser tactic.
If they get together and everything is fine? Both will be happy. But if an argument/jealousy comes up I'm pretty sure Hotaru would use her skills to controll Yuma in some way, depending on how insecure she is about the relationsship and Yumas feelings. If Hotarus believes she only got Yuma into a relationship through her tricks and manipulation, can she ever be sure that Yuma loves her and will stay with her if she stops manipulating her? But that is all a big What if? about how it could develop from her "little" manipulation. It could also end with sunshine and rainbows.
So right now i would say that she isn't abusive yet, but she's going into a dangerous direction.

... The injured eye was all part of her plan?

Her Relationship with Fujiwara allows her to collect all sorts of ammunition she can use against Yuma later. Will be interessting to see if she will guilt trip Yuma over this stuff or if she will simply fish for some emotional reaction. In this sense he is playing into her hand. Just like the cheating. He is cheating with some girl so it's ok if Hotaru cheats with Yuma and Hotaru doesn't have to pretend that this stuff is something harmless (relationship wise).
She had other boyfriends before and so far it seems her only reasons for having boyfriends (besides maybe forgetting about/getting over yuma) are to use them to get a reaction from Yuma + an easy excuse for double dates. Because it would be kinda odd if she always played the third wheel at those dates. Otherwise she could have easily ditched him and get a new one. But she keeps him. She knows what she's doing (to some degree at least).

Frankly, I do not believe that Hotaru's manipulation would work on anyone except Yuma, and that is because Yuma lets herself be manipulated as a convenient excuse.

Yeah, probably not. That's why i called her an emotional manipulator. She can't go around manipulating strangers to her liking. She needs some positve emotional connection to do this stuff. And Yuma has some feelings for her but there is also friendship. She is using the existing connection (friendship) and is pushing the bounds to see how far she can go while still saying (or more like implying) that all of this is somehow still a part of their friendship and nothing too serious. Confusing the (naive?) target always helps.

Just like what Hotaru said a chapter before, she barely has any strenght to force Yuma, but only succeeds because Yuma puts zero resistance.

Like i said above: that sounds like an classic abuser excuse. Because only the physical strong can ever abuse someone and those who don't put up any physical resistance want it, only that this isn't true. And again, I don't want to say she already is an full grown abuser, just that she's very manipulativ and treading close to the line and could cross into abuser territory later on.

Sure, I might be giving to much credit to Hotaru for planing all this stuff instead of going by instinct or something, but it's more interessting to read this way.

joined Nov 6, 2013

Ahhh the rage I felt when I saw Fujiwara's face aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~

joined Jul 16, 2015

Why is everyone calling this manga stupid? While I personally do not believe in cheating, the manga isn't stupid. I admit that Yuma is stupid, but mainly she is just confused, which is perfectly plausible. I think the whole manga is plausible. Most girls would become confused in a situation like this, especially in Japan where gender roles still hold strong and homosexual relationships are not really acknowledged in society. For Yuma, she cannot distinguish between childhood friendship and a lesbian relationship because she has no prescedent for it.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

updated version uploaded

joined Jan 8, 2014

Ahhh, such a sexy cliffhanger! Lol, the author is a tease!
And the translator is awesome! Ty again for the fast ch's ^_^

joined Jun 30, 2015

To put things into perspective, Yuma is the one using Takeda as a tool in this case, to escape from dealing with her anger at seeing Hotaru in that scenario. Also, why are people likening Hotaru to some kind of master manipulator? Yuma likes Hotaru, we know that, Fujiwara and Hotaru also somewhat know that, only dense as a brick Yuma herself doesn't know it. Rather than manipulating, it's more like she was testing the water to see how far Yuma would let her go.

joined May 23, 2013

This is shi$@# I am telling you guys drop the bomb before it gets worse. I mean citrus has gotten alot better believe me....this is just beggining. What a cheater seriously? is that all she thinks of her? a fuc$#@ cheater. Cut me a chase.

joined May 13, 2015

I'm not exactly for Hotaru's actions, but I don't understand the whole need to see Takeda as a victim, from the chapters all I've gathered is that he was with Yuma believing that he would have sex with her. at least he realized Yuma didn't want to do anything and didn't proceed further, but he sulks and ignores her because of it. I don't even know what to say for Hotaru, and poor Yuma.

joined Apr 1, 2013

I guess everything from now on is a cheating festival lololol. I just want my happy yuri ending p_p

joined May 1, 2014

I'm not feeling bad for Takeda because all the time he is "I want sex", he doesn't look like he is really in love.

... And Yuma is so stupid ._.

joined Aug 2, 2015

I'm not feeling bad for Takeda because all the time he is "I want sex", he doesn't look like he is really in love.

... And Yuma is so stupid ._.

Actually, Takeda's really cool. And he's totally the most gentlemanly bruh in the series. He didn't always focus on sex. He's shy and really awkward, so he's leagues better than Fujiwara. Plus in the end, he didn't hurt Yuma by doing it with her on the latter's impulse. I don't know bout you, but I would totally go for her, but no. He didn't. He's nice like that. I wouldn't even mind if Yuma gets an ending with him.

Though we all know it's gonna be a bad ending.

joined Jun 6, 2014

Abusive is a bit of a leap.

Right now? Yes, but i can see it happening later. The one time Yumas puts up resistance and slaps Hotaru, she turns it around immediately and puts all the blame on Yuma, because there is just no way she could ever "abuse" her, if she didn't wanted it to happen. Sounded like a classic abuser tactic.
If they get together and everything is fine? Both will be happy. But if an argument/jealousy comes up I'm pretty sure Hotaru would use her skills to controll Yuma in some way, depending on how insecure she is about the relationsship and Yumas feelings. If Hotarus believes she only got Yuma into a relationship through her tricks and manipulation, can she ever be sure that Yuma loves her and will stay with her if she stops manipulating her? But that is all a big What if? about how it could develop from her "little" manipulation. It could also end with sunshine and rainbows.
So right now i would say that she isn't abusive yet, but she's going into a dangerous direction.

She is, but from what I know of her personality I don't think Yuma will let her do that, or for that matter Hotaru won't let her do that to herself. Yuma has enough strength and independence that she won't be dependent on Hotaru, and while will probably obviously be the passive one in bed, she'd likely give a lot of what I call "power love" in the relationship. Without question I don't know what's going to happen, of course. But that's optimal end at this point.

joined Jun 6, 2014

Man it's really hard to read this thread with all the stupid comment's from you guy's. I'm getting sad just reading it so i better stop before you ruin this great manga for me. :( Doooitz

Thank you for getting the reference. I app'eciate it.

joined Jun 6, 2014

I'm not feeling bad for Takeda because all the time he is "I want sex", he doesn't look like he is really in love.

... And Yuma is so stupid ._.

Actually, Takeda's really cool. And he's totally the most gentlemanly bruh in the series. He didn't always focus on sex. He's shy and really awkward, so he's leagues better than Fujiwara. Plus in the end, he didn't hurt Yuma by doing it with her on the latter's impulse. I don't know bout you, but I would totally go for her, but no. He didn't. He's nice like that. I wouldn't even mind if Yuma gets an ending with him.

Wrong, wrong, right, wrong. He has is brain completely focused on sex. The fact he created a "fight" over the fact Yuma "didn't seem like she would like it" is more than enough testament to that. She didn't even resist! He just wasn't confident she would like it (which is good clairvoyance, I suppose).

Being better than Fujiwara is about as much of a compliment as saying "Hey, you're not a complete fucknugget!". I don't think he's bad, don't misread me. But he does not know how to be a proper boyfriend if the line between love and lust is so blurred right now.

joined Mar 28, 2015

This whole thread is proof that this story is interesting. It seems that "cheating" stirs all kind of emotions. Deciding who's right or who's wrong.

In the end, I think no one of the characters is "better". They all deal with their own issues in twisted ways.

joined Feb 5, 2015

Yuma is gay for Hotaru, she's just in the state of denial (or maybe just dense as fuck). Takeda seems like a nice dude, but the fact that he focuses his mind,body, and soul into getting in Yuma's pants just lost my sympathy for him. Hotaru looks tough and mighty on the outside,but I think she's still the same Hotaru that Yuma used to protect when they were kids, just with better armor.Fujiwara is your everyday douche. Five chapters in and I still can't seem to like any of the characters.Anyway, I'm curious about Hotaru's eye. What happened to it? Did Fujiwara hit her or is it something else? And how will Yuma react to "You're my cheating partner"? >.<

joined Jul 30, 2015

I like this manga..And I like Yuma and Hotaru. I think Hotaru is just broken inside, thats why she act like this. Is not her real her ._. Dont unterstand the people who hate her so mutch..
What happend next >.<

Never expected I like this manga.

And I'm rooting for Hotaru, damn, I like her character.

joined May 3, 2014

That's too simple. Very well could be an option, but as far as I'm concerned if Hotaru eventually does get Yuma in a clear way, she'll chill with the control. I don't think she herself is an emotional manipulator, or for that matter is particularly trying. She just is doing what she wants in desperation.


Abusive is a bit of a leap.

Right now? Yes, but i can see it happening later. The one time Yumas puts up resistance and slaps Hotaru, she turns it around immediately and puts all the blame on Yuma, because there is just no way she could ever "abuse" her, if she didn't wanted it to happen. Sounded like a classic abuser tactic.
If they get together and everything is fine? Both will be happy. But if an argument/jealousy comes up I'm pretty sure Hotaru would use her skills to controll Yuma in some way, depending on how insecure she is about the relationsship and Yumas feelings. If Hotarus believes she only got Yuma into a relationship through her tricks and manipulation, can she ever be sure that Yuma loves her and will stay with her if she stops manipulating her? But that is all a big What if? about how it could develop from her "little" manipulation. It could also end with sunshine and rainbows.
So right now i would say that she isn't abusive yet, but she's going into a dangerous direction.

... The injured eye was all part of her plan?

Her Relationship with Fujiwara allows her to collect all sorts of ammunition she can use against Yuma later. Will be interessting to see if she will guilt trip Yuma over this stuff or if she will simply fish for some emotional reaction. In this sense he is playing into her hand. Just like the cheating. He is cheating with some girl so it's ok if Hotaru cheats with Yuma and Hotaru doesn't have to pretend that this stuff is something harmless (relationship wise).
She had other boyfriends before and so far it seems her only reasons for having boyfriends (besides maybe forgetting about/getting over yuma) are to use them to get a reaction from Yuma + an easy excuse for double dates. Because it would be kinda odd if she always played the third wheel at those dates. Otherwise she could have easily ditched him and get a new one. But she keeps him. She knows what she's doing (to some degree at least).

Frankly, I do not believe that Hotaru's manipulation would work on anyone except Yuma, and that is because Yuma lets herself be manipulated as a convenient excuse.

Yeah, probably not. That's why i called her an emotional manipulator. She can't go around manipulating strangers to her liking. She needs some positve emotional connection to do this stuff. And Yuma has some feelings for her but there is also friendship. She is using the existing connection (friendship) and is pushing the bounds to see how far she can go while still saying (or more like implying) that all of this is somehow still a part of their friendship and nothing too serious. Confusing the (naive?) target always helps.

Just like what Hotaru said a chapter before, she barely has any strenght to force Yuma, but only succeeds because Yuma puts zero resistance.

Like i said above: that sounds like an classic abuser excuse. Because only the physical strong can ever abuse someone and those who don't put up any physical resistance want it, only that this isn't true. And again, I don't want to say she already is an full grown abuser, just that she's very manipulativ and treading close to the line and could cross into abuser territory later on.

Sure, I might be giving to much credit to Hotaru for planing all this stuff instead of going by instinct or something, but it's more interessting to read this way.

Good God ......really??? what is this? an mystery manga + yuri or something??? you guys need to chill out with this thing "Manipulativ Master Hotaru" you just made HER into the MOST MANIPULATIVE PERSON ON who will EVER do that? and you can clearly see that Hotaru isn't manipulativ...she is just cheating and teasing Yuma and Yuma has nothing against it , like you are giving to much credits to Hotaru for PLANING THE HOLE THING and forgetting how confuse and stupid is Yuma . it's like you guys are saying that Horror and Comedy are one and the same thing........O.o "facepalm"

last edited at Aug 10, 2015 6:14AM

joined Dec 27, 2014

I love how Hotaru watches Yuma-chan's reactions so carefully, god she really loves her... I just hope Yuma-chan realizes she's in love with Hotaru soon and confesses to her, cause somehow Hotaru is unable to detect that Yuma-chan truly loves her...

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