Forum › Yuri Danshi discussion

joined Oct 9, 2017

I mean... I guess it's not a useless discussion and I'm not in a position to comment much as it seems a guys' problem overall.

As a lesbian I think the MC attitude towards yuri is more commendable than the other one. But both of them are creepy anyway.

Always curious of what guys feel about yuri tho. Especially about the yuris that are clearly targetted to women. If it was just about fetishizing homosexuality (...irk...) there wouldn't be so much activity on a lot of mangas I read.

What is the population ratio of this site by the way, gender-wise ?

joined Sep 19, 2015

I mean... I guess it's not a useless discussion and I'm not in a position to comment much as it seems a guys' problem overall.

As a lesbian I think the MC attitude towards yuri is more commendable than the other one. But both of them are creepy anyway.

Always curious of what guys feel about yuri tho. Especially about the yuris that are clearly targetted to women. If it was just about fetishizing homosexuality (...irk...) there wouldn't be so much activity on a lot of mangas I read.

What is the population ratio of this site by the way, gender-wise ?

It's not like there's a blanket description for why a category of people does something (I know you probably didn't mean to imply anything like that, just reminding) but Ch 4 does a pretty good job showing a couple of the reasons that can pull people in. But complicating things even further, these two guys had that talk in Ch 4, yet only realized in Ch 6 that the word "yuri" they discussed meant something completely different to each of them...

As for my input, I think in general, yuri tends to contain girls, so people who are a fan of girls will probably tend to be interested in it more often than people who aren't. Sort of like how yaoi tends to contain guys, so people who are a fan of guys... yadda yadda. And for what it's worth, both tend to contain humans, and be written by humans, so anyone interested in humans can probably appreciate works in each.

joined Jun 7, 2014

So what's the issue that yuri danshi has that people aren't fond of it?

joined Nov 7, 2022

So what's the issue that yuri danshi has that people aren't fond of it?

Essentially, quite a few people expected it to be yuri, only to turn out to be het pandering for guys looking at yuri... kinda.

It was also cancelled after the sixth volume.

You can see more of the discussion in the 2017 section of the comments, i.e., here.

joined Jan 16, 2022

this is garbage

joined Nov 12, 2020

this is garbage

This man/woman/both/neither/attack choppers' first message was to call the very being of the average Dynasty user as nothing more then filth.

Off with his head!

Also,a good day when Dynasty Scans is working correctly :

joined Oct 20, 2017

I mean... I guess it's not a useless discussion and I'm not in a position to comment much as it seems a guys' problem overall.

As a lesbian I think the MC attitude towards yuri is more commendable than the other one. But both of them are creepy anyway.

Always curious of what guys feel about yuri tho. Especially about the yuris that are clearly targetted to women. If it was just about fetishizing homosexuality (...irk...) there wouldn't be so much activity on a lot of mangas I read.

What is the population ratio of this site by the way, gender-wise ?

There was a survey of online Yuri communities that included some responses from Dynasty in 2017.

It's worth reading in full, but one of the main takeaways is that online Yuri communities are highly diverse by gender and sexuality, and decidedly not male-dominated across the board. It's also interesting that it's harder to categorize the types of Yuri that are "for men" and "for women" than we would assume; i.e. readers across gender cite similar reasons for why they enjoy Yuri, and the list of top 10 favorite titles look very similar.

For more context on the demographics, I recommend the analyses from Yuri Mother and Zeria.

joined Aug 17, 2021

As a Trans woman attracted to women (do I dare tread upon the name of yuri to bestow it upon myself? Even questioning cis lesbians feel they cannot approach the infinite beauty that is yuri, and even as they grow into confidence in themselves, as Achilles can never reach the tortoise they must know that the grandeur is of fantasy is unattainable. no I cannot claim it, though my relationships are unique and beautiful in their own right I feel deeply that I am a different creature than the yuri that may exist but only on the page) I feel this work is honestly deeply resonant in my very soul. Not only is each episode a full treatise on the ins and outs of the point that is explored but it is applicable elsewhere. To appreciating another culture, heck as weebs all of us must understand what it is like to be yuri danshi, to study, to read so many works about Japanese high school though we can never experience it for ourselves, maybe some few of us may vacation, fewer may even live there and integrate but we can never be truly subsumed. The work is also Applicable to all fantasy itself as I mentioned earlier. To privelage, the idea that our appreciation, our allyship itself does not leave room for that which it supports. As a white person living in America I have this unwanted privelage, I fear that my presence in spaces to lift up those oppressed by race is unwanted and yet, and yet, what is there to do? How best to support from the sidelines? Goddess of yuri, what am I to do?! Upon beginning this work I suspected, nay hoped, our protagonist was one like myself, and needed to come to his own feminine identity so he can realize the yuri that he so dreams of. But I was wrong and so glad to be. Though the take on crossdressing can be read as transphobia I choose to read it as how our yuri danshi did: how dare I judge others on these standards they did not agree to. I am also so happy it is structured not like shoujo but like shonen, to further drive home that these are men. I truly cannot wait to see what the authors conclusion may be, for i am desperate to be relieved of the curse, the purposelessness, of allyship, exoticism, impossible fantasy, the curse of the yuri danshi.
joined Jan 7, 2018

This guy failed the moment he started shipping irl ppl. I'm one who is obsessed with yuri but I never bat an eye when I hear that my female friends got in a same-sex relationship, I just don't care. However, I am so passionante about yuri manga and fictional same-sex couples in general. Yuri is more like a favorite literature genre to me.

joined Oct 9, 2017

I mean... I guess it's not a useless discussion and I'm not in a position to comment much as it seems a guys' problem overall.

As a lesbian I think the MC attitude towards yuri is more commendable than the other one. But both of them are creepy anyway.

Always curious of what guys feel about yuri tho. Especially about the yuris that are clearly targetted to women. If it was just about fetishizing homosexuality (...irk...) there wouldn't be so much activity on a lot of mangas I read.

What is the population ratio of this site by the way, gender-wise ?

There was a survey of online Yuri communities that included some responses from Dynasty in 2017.

It's worth reading in full, but one of the main takeaways is that online Yuri communities are highly diverse by gender and sexuality, and decidedly not male-dominated across the board. It's also interesting that it's harder to categorize the types of Yuri that are "for men" and "for women" than we would assume; i.e. readers across gender cite similar reasons for why they enjoy Yuri, and the list of top 10 favorite titles look very similar.

For more context on the demographics, I recommend the analyses from Yuri Mother and Zeria.

Amazing ! Thanks a lot :) Very interesting.

Weeb Depression
joined Sep 12, 2021

I liked this manga so much that I decided to take it over from Sappho Scans (many thanks to them for providing their in-progress work).

Someone asked me why I found this "relatable": Hanadera reminds me of myself when I was about his age. That feeling totally alienated from the human experience while also having a strange obsession with lesbian media and being a total weirdo as a result is very relatable. I got better, though.

Thank you for continuing this series.

joined Jan 31, 2018

I mean... I guess it's not a useless discussion and I'm not in a position to comment much as it seems a guys' problem overall.

As a lesbian I think the MC attitude towards yuri is more commendable than the other one. But both of them are creepy anyway.

Always curious of what guys feel about yuri tho. Especially about the yuris that are clearly targetted to women. If it was just about fetishizing homosexuality (...irk...) there wouldn't be so much activity on a lot of mangas I read.

What is the population ratio of this site by the way, gender-wise ?

I haven't read this story but I can answer about the 'how do guys feel about yuri' from my POV. It's weird because I've only recently thought about this. For me there are 2 layers to it
1) The first layer is just the basic attraction to girls, like cute girls are nice and seeing two of them make out is even better (the typical reason for why straights guys are into lesbian porn)
2) The second layer however is just that yuri is very ... pure a lot of the times ? Contrast that with how our world sometimes feels : very utilitarian and cold, where people feel alienated from one another. Relationships when they happen have this extra baggage of status and performance to it - like guys wanting to impress one another with how much they get laid, or just being obsessed with sex. I'm definitely painting a biased view of the world and relationships, this is more coming from the younger & confused guy I was.
But looking back, yuri had this sense that human relationships can simply be worth it even if there are hardships along the way, including the obvious aspect of same sex relationships. Many of the stories are pretty damn unrealistic (and looking back, not very well written), and I don't know to what degree it was (and is) healthy for me to have read them, but I'm glad it revealed to me how much I value love, even though I am obviously not a lesbian. Maybe this could have also happened with non-yuri stuff, but idk I was just dragged into it for some reason, I don't really read mangas or animes in general so I don't care much about exploring non-yuri stuff.

joined Oct 14, 2020

He's literally me

joined Nov 6, 2021

He's literally me

yeah, he used to be me, too

joined Sep 11, 2020

"Yuri is fantasy"

Not if I have anything to say/do about it.

I bring fantasy into reality with every smooched girl, apparently. I shall BREAK REALITY BY KISSING WOMEN, AND NO ONE CAN STOP ME!

joined Feb 6, 2013

Ah. It was what I expected. So it goes.

joined Nov 6, 2021

"Yuri is fantasy"

Not if I have anything to say/do about it.

I bring fantasy into reality with every smooched girl, apparently. I shall BREAK REALITY BY KISSING WOMEN, AND NO ONE CAN STOP ME!

I've seen a bunch of reaction to this line in particular. He's not saying that "Yuri is Fantasy" in general, he's saying that "Yuri is Fantasy" for yuri danshi. In order for him to live a "normal" (compulsory cishet), fulfilling life, he is REQUIRED to internalize that this is just a fantasy. And even though he's achieved that "normal", fulfilling life, he STILL has desire burning away at his soul. I think it's rather tragic.

last edited at Nov 20, 2023 5:53AM

joined Apr 10, 2023

This seemed like it could be a funny and interesting look at yuri fandom at first, I found the meta commentary on Yuri Hime magazine funny, but chapter 3 just kinda completely ruins the joke. He was always kinda creepy spying on people but Jesus Christ turning into a bathroom cop, chasing someone down in public, and tearing at their clothes? The rest of the series should be him reading yuri hime from a jail cell ffs. I could maybe understand a drama about a monster like this but this behavior is way too dangerous to be laughed at in a silly comedy. It reminds me of those 80s guy "comedies" like "revenge of the nerds" that treat sexual violation as a fun prank or game.

last edited at Nov 21, 2023 3:47AM

joined Nov 6, 2021

This seemed like it could be a funny and interesting look at yuri fandom at first, I found the meta commentary on Yuri Hime magazine funny, but chapter 3 just kinda completely ruins the joke. He was always kinda creepy spying on people but Jesus Christ turning into a bathroom cop, chasing someone down in public, and tearing at their clothes? The rest of the series should be him reading yuri hime from a jail cell ffs. I could maybe understand a drama about a monster like this but this behavior is way too dangerous to be laughed at in a silly comedy. It reminds me of those 80s guy "comedies" like "revenge of the nerds" that treat sexual violation as a fun prank or game.

Chapter 3 is pretty important in the story. It explains a lot about Keisuke. I don't think it was supposed to be funny at all, but rather tragic how he hated parts of himself so much that he has to take it out on other people.

last edited at Nov 28, 2023 1:23PM

joined Sep 18, 2022

This really is garbage

joined Mar 13, 2023

where can I read the raws of this

joined Nov 6, 2021

where can I read the raws of this

I bought them from Amazon.

joined Jan 18, 2016

we all have abit of hanadera kun in us
(maybe not shipping irl people, but his passion is something impressive)

joined Jun 6, 2013

So what's the issue that yuri danshi has that people aren't fond of it?

Essentially, quite a few people expected it to be yuri, only to turn out to be het pandering for guys looking at yuri... kinda.

It was also cancelled after the sixth volume.

You can see more of the discussion in the 2017 section of the comments, i.e., here.

I very much dislike that it turns out this way. There's already plenty of het hentai that does this and it makes me sick. Thanks for the heads up.

joined Mar 23, 2023

yknow this whole series would make a lot more sense and be a lot more satisfying if the mc came out as a trans woman by the end. craving girl talk, not understanding why you want to take some sort of part in the lesbian community, it all seems very trans to me. but idk maybe i'm talking out of my ass. also, i don't really enjoy the whole "yuri is sacred and holy" thing to begin with. it causes the opposite problem that yaoi does. yaoi makes gay men out to be these overly sexual predators, while yuri makes love between women out to be this pure and angelic force that involves nothing more sexual than a peck on the lips. i'm a bisexual person who is widely perceived by society as a whole to be a woman, and it just makes me feel kinda disgusted when yuri is pure and good all the time. it's why all the cute fluffy girls in high school stuff seems so weird and pandering to dudes for me. but i'm just rambling

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