Forum › Bloom Into You discussion

joined Jan 25, 2017

Just had a nightmare that came with this thought...

what if is the final scene in the anime..

I'd be shocked. I expect the anime to either go all the way through to the likely end of the manga next volume or to end like right before or right after the play, or maybe do a semi-original ending. Aren't really any obvious cutoff points besides those, and I don't get the impression that Nakatani would like to have the anime end on a sour note.

joined Jan 25, 2017

Just had a nightmare that came with this thought...

what if is the final scene in the anime..

I'd be shocked. I expect the anime to either go all the way through to the likely end of the manga next volume or to end like right before or right after the play, or maybe do a semi-original ending. Aren't really any obvious cutoff points besides those, and I don't get the impression that Nakatani would like to have the anime end on a sour note.

joined Jul 3, 2015

very symbolic chapter

joined Jun 27, 2017

And I'm still waiting for the fifth volume to be released. It should have been here weeks ago. What's the hold-up, Seven Seas?

joined Jul 29, 2017

And I'm still waiting for the fifth volume to be released. It should have been here weeks ago. What's the hold-up, Seven Seas?

Amazon has the (revised) US release date as Aug. 14.

But yeah—please take our money soonest, dear publisher.

Best Mangaka Rohan
joined Dec 13, 2016

Okay what......

Best Mangaka Rohan
joined Dec 13, 2016

So... two idiots.

Ooo can we have a scene were Saeki bangs both of them together.


joined Jun 28, 2016

And I'm still waiting for the fifth volume to be released. It should have been here weeks ago. What's the hold-up, Seven Seas?

Amazon has the (revised) US release date as Aug. 14.

But yeah—please take our money soonest, dear publisher.

Had my order in since June 24th... That explains why we are still waiting.

joined Sep 13, 2015

What if the end game was for Nanami to end up with sayaka, she blooms into sayaka's love

joined Apr 6, 2017

Somebody please confirm this because my Japanese skill is not great. On page 14, the "this can't go on" in Japanese is "dame nanda ne" which is more accurately "I can't do it huh?" in that context and then the "I have to say it" is "iccha dame nanda" which is actually "I really can't say it." These have very different meanings. If how I'm understanding the lines is correct, Yuu was actually considering of backing down again in order to follow along with Touko's status quo and then waiting for Touko to change enough by herself to reciprocate her feelings someday, but in the end, she could not hold back her feelings any longer so she went and took that leap of faith right there and then.

Yes. She says "I can't say it" and then thinks it's fine because that way she will be able to be by Touko's side the same way as always. The translation is basically on point besides these huge fuck-ups.

That is weird considering how accurate they normally are and that they even went back and redid chapters from other translator to fix errors. I wonder if 42 checks dynasty forums and if so would correct it or if someone on the 4chan if I understand is their main forums they use would mention it they would put out a revised version.

This dialog would make the scene even more powerful as Yuu makes the sudden leap of faith to Touko despite all her fears and kissed her and confessed before she could back down from doing it. Then only to think she was a idiot for having not backed down like she thought acting on her emotions instead of sticking to her more normal logical thinking type of character she is.

joined Jul 11, 2015

nani dafukkkk pls nakatani

joined Apr 12, 2018

It's really rare that drama makes me glad because it happened. After all the very well written and depicted tension under the surface, it felt necessary for Yuu and Touko to move forward, i.e. to realize, acknowledge, and have a chance at resolving the bind they got into. Otherwise what kind of future would their relationship have? (Yuu being the kind yet apathetic roommate/assistant/manager of Touko who also sleeps with her?)

It would be interesting if nothing else if it went down that route, but yeah, I'm glad this has finally happened, shifting the status quo in a major way and opening the door to reconciliation after a likely very bumpy road.

(They may go on a trip of their own, in the future, though.)

Hopefully a honeymoon. ;)

joined Nov 5, 2017

I hope it won't take a whole volume for them to be officially together... I can't wait so long :(

joined Dec 11, 2017

Somebody please confirm this because my Japanese skill is not great. On page 14, the "this can't go on" in Japanese is "dame nanda ne" which is more accurately "I can't do it huh?" in that context and then the "I have to say it" is "iccha dame nanda" which is actually "I really can't say it." These have very different meanings. If how I'm understanding the lines is correct, Yuu was actually considering of backing down again in order to follow along with Touko's status quo and then waiting for Touko to change enough by herself to reciprocate her feelings someday, but in the end, she could not hold back her feelings any longer so she went and took that leap of faith right there and then.

Yes. She says "I can't say it" and then thinks it's fine because that way she will be able to be by Touko's side the same way as always. The translation is basically on point besides these huge fuck-ups.

That is weird considering how accurate they normally are and that they even went back and redid chapters from other translator to fix errors. I wonder if 42 checks dynasty forums and if so would correct it or if someone on the 4chan if I understand is their main forums they use would mention it they would put out a revised version.

This dialog would make the scene even more powerful as Yuu makes the sudden leap of faith to Touko despite all her fears and kissed her and confessed before she could back down from doing it. Then only to think she was a idiot for having not backed down like she thought acting on her emotions instead of sticking to her more normal logical thinking type of character she is.

I'm not the translator, so I'm speculating as to their intentions, but as I see it, It isn't a mistranslation or an error, it's a choice on how to frame the flow of Yuu's thoughts. In Japanese, the natural priority when a request is made is to address the specifics of the request. Touko asked her to stay by her side just as she has been, unchanging. The original japanese version of Yuu's thoughts there are basically "I can't..." followed by "I can't say that" (referring to the thing Touko has specifically asked her to say) The reason she thinks that is because she has already resolved to confess, but if you do a strict translation here, it sounds like she's having doubts about confessing, which is probably why the translator decided not to go word for word, because it introduces an ambiguity that isn't in the original japanese.

She goes on with "It's alright, I'll still be by her side", basically trying to psych herself up.

This tendency to directly address questions and requests in the language is ultimately what causes the misunderstanding, as well. As Gudetamago commented:

I’m just a little disappointed because I expected a little more understanding from Yuu.

It's her first time confessing, girl thought she jumped the gun there. Remember that Yuu has been expecting rejection more so than acceptance from Touko so Touko saying "I'm sorry" comes off as an answer to her. Classic misunderstanding.

It's not even that she was expecting rejection, although she was certainly afraid of it.

It's that "I'm sorry" IS the traditional rejection for an unwanted confession. When you want to turn someone down? That's what you say. It's an idiosyncracy of the Japanese language paired with their infuriating politeness. ;p

They don't have a "No, thank you", they just have "I'm sorry that I can't accept." Thing is if you're sorry for something -other- than turning the person down, you get a miscommunication.

The one that made the mistake here was Touko, because she said the words for rejection when she was trying to apologize for something else entirely. Yuu's reaction is pretty understandable, because she has no reason to think that Touko wasn't directly addressing her confession.

Touko could have cleared that up quick if she could have just stopped her, but she got paralyzed by her own fears of expectations.

last edited at Jul 31, 2018 3:00PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Touko could have cleared that up quick if she could have just stopped her, but she got paralyzed by her own fears of expectations.

This has nothing to do with the translation, but I’d qualify that just a bit—at first the big problem is that she isn’t paralyzed.

Touko understands the emotional and ethical implications of what Yuu is saying instantly, so (as you imply) she’s immediately apologizing for what she now sees she has put Yuu through. Then Yuu (those shots of her feet in trainers having foreshadowed her flight) is off in a flash and all but gone before Touko realizes exactly how Yuu is taking her “I’m sorry.” Then she’s paralyzed (in her clunky shoes) when trying to imagine a possible way forward.

In nine such scenes out of ten (10/10 in Korean dramas), Yuu’s confession would have first been met by a baffled “What did you say? You love me?” followed by the slowly dawning realization of what the confession means. This is, of course, much truer to the characters we know.

Since we see the same events twice, we experience it first as Yuu does (haven’t we all been expecting to see that distant, downcast image of Touko on page 20 since the very first inkling of a confession?) and only later do we understand what she actually meant.

People often say about passages like this, “Oh no, drama!” But “drama” as a negative term is really shorthand for “cheap drama,” where an author pumps up the intensity of the story artificially by introducing new plot complications or implausible misunderstandings.

I don’t know when I’ve seen a story earn its big dramatic scene more thoroughly, or execute it more effectively.

joined Jan 25, 2017

Yeah, the more I chew on it the more I kind of admire this chapter for introducing a good old Third Act Romantic Misunderstanding without an iota of contrivance or breaking character in the slightest. Touko and Yuu are both acting EXACTLY as the manga has always been telling us to expect that they would, acting in line with what we've always been able to see about their motivations. But for just a moment their hangups and fears intersect in just the wrong way, and Oh No.

It's all the more devastating for how natural it is, even though I fully expect things to work out for the best by like the end of the next (last?) volume.

Also the art is SO fucking good. That POV show of Yuu as she takes her hands away from her face is just gut-wrenching. Watching Yuu finally show some of the stress she's handled so admirably for so long is really something. There's something I just can't quite describe about the way Nakatani does her characters' faces that I so love to look at.

last edited at Jul 31, 2018 4:34PM

joined May 26, 2015

NAKATANI is a goddess, and I think it's one of the most beautiful dramatic confession of feelings of all time. Wtf Thank you so much s4 !!!!
Uuuugggh when this manga will come to France I want to own it so much.

joined Apr 17, 2015

^ The anime should help with that. Hopefully. We can't have Citrus and Murciélago and not this, come on. >.<

joined May 26, 2015

^ The anime should help with that. Hopefully. We can't have Citrus and Murciélago and not this, come on. >.<

I trust your words and truly hope it'll be as you say... yuri is so sparse here.

Also the art is SO fucking good. That POV show of Yuu as she takes her hands away from her face is just gut-wrenching. Watching Yuu finally show some of the stress she's handled so admirably for so long is really something. There's something I just can't quite describe about the way Nakatani does her characters' faces that I so love to look at.

Omg yeah, thanks for putting words I don't have about the art, uuuuggghh. Nakatani's way to draw emotion is so subttle, I'm really glad whenever someone mention it.

joined Feb 11, 2018

In my opinion Touko's lack of self-awareness is ridiculous here. That's what ruined this scene for me.

How can she just now suddenly realize that she's been doing bad things to Yuu like it never even crossed her mind? And how it is relevant at all to whether that person loves her or not? So sexually ab(using) strangers or people that don't care about you is totally ok? Touko not only comes off as stupid, but immoral as well. I just... I just see author's pen here. I can't suspend my disbelief about her any longer. I was pretty hard before in few a occasions, but this was the bridge too far for me.

Nakatani is great at composing art and composite storytelling. Competent at actually drawing art. Hit and miss with the characters.

joined Mar 13, 2014

What if the end game was for Nanami to end up with sayaka, she blooms into sayaka's love

Laughed harder at this than I should have.

joined Jul 19, 2018

In my opinion Touko's lack of self-awareness is ridiculous here. That's what ruined this scene for me.

How can she just now suddenly realize that she's been doing bad things to Yuu like it never even crossed her mind? And how it is relevant at all to whether that person loves her or not? So sexually ab(using) strangers or people that don't care about you is totally ok? Touko not only comes off as stupid, but immoral as well. I just... I just see author's pen here. I can't suspend my disbelief about her any longer. I was pretty hard before in few a occasions, but this was the bridge too far for me.

Nakatani is great at composing art and composite storytelling. Competent at actually drawing art. Hit and miss with the characters.

If Yuu doesn't care then there is no harm being done. What makes a sexual act abuse is simply whether or not the other person wanted it done to them. The moment Touko realized that Yuu does love her back and does care about their relationship is the moment Touko becomes aware of the fact that what she is doing has likely been harming Yuu's feelings and Yuu has simply been hiding it out of fear.

There is nothing inherently wrong or immoral about using somebody if you are up front about it and the other person is completely cool with it.

joined Jul 29, 2017

In my opinion Touko's lack of self-awareness is ridiculous here. That's what ruined this scene for me.

How can she just now suddenly realize that she's been doing bad things to Yuu like it never even crossed her mind? And how it is relevant at all to whether that person loves her or not? So sexually ab(using) strangers or people that don't care about you is totally ok?

This basically ignores the actual story itself. Yuu has repeatedly and explicitly told Touko that she didn’t mind or even liked kissing her (the physical intimacy has never gone beyond that).

The things she’s been doing are only “bad” if Yuu has been hiding her real feelings—which Touko has just learned she has.

This seems to expect the same level of so-called “self-awareness” from Touko as if she had been reading Bloom Into You all along instead of living in it.

joined Jun 27, 2018

I hope it won't take a whole volume for them to be officially together... I can't wait so long :(

Oh I so hope it does. I love these unrequited-but-actually-requited love stories. We've been waiting for this moment for years, I want to see Yuu and Touko suffer some more.

Also, I too want to see Rei consoling Yuu, and I agree Sayaka should have an important part when she and Touko are travelling together.

Big question though: why isn't Yuu crying?

last edited at Aug 1, 2018 8:39AM

joined Mar 28, 2014

Omg teh drama11
Kinda expected development for a strong romantic drama show. I guess we're getting a happy ending for Christmas in both anime and manga simultaneously

last edited at Aug 1, 2018 9:34AM

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