Forum › Stretch discussion

joined Jan 8, 2014

I, I just cannot read this manga started with high hopes, and the Yuri was just in front...but Shou just keeps trolling the readers, laughing at our suffering. The latest chapter is such a blatant mockery at all the Yuri fans, with "lovebirds", and all the flirting, so close yet so far!
I'm not a masochist, it's time to stop reading it! Goodbye, Stretch!



Did I do the over-dramatic farewell right?

Kidding of course, the chapter was so good!

Did it so well ^_^ hehehehe

joined Dec 16, 2013

It's dead Jim.

joined Apr 15, 2011

seems Keiko is going to have a bussiness trip to Kansai
I hope to see them like this:

not so sure it's for business, but it definitely sounds like a trip of some sort. As to Nezchan and Thiaguinho-sama's suggestion above about her going home to deal with her mother, it makes sense, especially since the last time Keiko's mother is mentioned was back in ch 22. Before that it was in ch 11.

actually, has it been mentioned what Keiko does? from what i've read she's some kind of OL. did i miss something?

edit: ok, forgive this long bit of blather, but i wonder if ch 42 really left an impression on Keiko and Ran. i say this because of the 6 following points:

suggests that Keiko is leaving --- moving out?
1. - panel 4
2. - panel 3
3. - panel 3

Keiko moving out makes no sense since she's the apartment's original occupant. Ran is a student and it's very unlikely that she can afford the apartment by herself. Plus i would think that if Keiko were moving out, it would be mentioned that either a new roommate/flatmate were moving in or Saki-senpai were moving in.

suggests that Keiko is leaving temporarily --- a business or family related trip?

since Saki and Ran muse if Keiko will return with a Kansai dialect, it sounds like the trip is short term. plus it's only a 2.5 hour trip.

suggests that points 1-3 are all a part of the farewell game
5. - panel 1
6. - panel 1

while Saki asks if they are still playing the game, the expression on Ran's face suggests something different. also, Ran's reply and Keiko's mocking laugh to Saki sounds more like an after thought. All of these points make me wonder if the idea of seperation is starting to weigh on those two; or if as Keiko is leaving, it slips out that Ran (or Keiko) is in love with the other?

last edited at Sep 10, 2015 2:14AM

joined Sep 23, 2013

Error 404 yuri hasn't been found yet.

joined Dec 16, 2013

So Keiko get back together with her EX?

joined Mar 25, 2013

So Keiko get back together with her EX?

That would be a twist now wouldn't it?

@ciego the one point you've made that Keiko is the original occupant makes sense, although it's very common for a person to still pay for the apartment after they've left. Kind of like a grace period for the person who stayed to find someone new to share it with.

It very well could be temporary but I don't think so. The previous chapter they packed quite a lot. Also I'd like to think if she was going to go to her mother's she'd go with Ran, cause if you remember Keiko didn't want to go alone, and when Ran offered she agreed to do so. Could be they decided not to of course, but considering the relationship between Keiko and her mom, I doubt it would be her going home. It's a possibility that they talked it out, but I seriously doubt Shou wouldn't show it.

joined Dec 16, 2013

this page suggest Keiko did get back with the ex..

joined Feb 11, 2014

Though her ex seems to be living in the same town and its implied in that chapter that she's going to kansai. So unless the ex goes there as well for some reason...

Well, we don't have much information about what's actually going on, the story just goes from "all is well" to "moving out time !" in a heartbeat. -.-

joined Dec 16, 2013

Though her ex seems to be living in the same town and its implied in that chapter that she's going to kansai. So unless the ex goes there as well for some reason...

Well, we don't have much information about what's actually going on, the story just goes from "all is well" to "moving out time !" in a heartbeat. -.-

introduce him to the mother?
to show the mother she's changed?

joined Feb 3, 2015

I just can't follow what is happening, am I that much dumb?

joined Aug 19, 2012

stretch ending soon?

joined Mar 28, 2015

The idea is maybe "absence makes the heart grow fonder".

So maybe Keiko is away in Kansai for a while and will miss Ran a lot ?

No drama or angst so it's probably not a definitive separation.

joined Apr 5, 2013

No drama or angst so it's probably not a definitive separation.

That's exactly what Shou wants you to believe!!! (Insert Shou's evil laugh)

joined Jun 12, 2015

What I take from this is that she will probably really come back with a kansai accent

joined Mar 25, 2013

this page suggest Keiko did get back with the ex..

If anything would suggest it, it would be the next page, not that one. But I seriously doubt it, again, Shou would've most certainly showed if they were together again. That's the whole plot of the manga besides the stretching, I seriously doubt he wouldn't show it before they decided she'd move somewhere, and as someone else pointed out, he's in the same town as them and she's moving to another county/region.

introduce him to the mother?
to show the mother she's changed?

Why introduce him? She must already know him. After all they seemed to be on good-ish terms before the abruptness of Keiko's condition.

last edited at Sep 10, 2015 7:07AM

joined Jan 19, 2015

wasn't all of this just a game to, i don't know, maybe ease themselves to the idea keiko's going away for awhile? its actually genius and therapeutic if you have problem with goodbyes, doing it bit by bit. I didn't get the vibes she's back with her ex at all.

also this could be very good, some time apart. at this point their dynamics are way too domestic in a way that is so hard to step out of the platonic. if this is the direction the author really wants to take the story, it's a good one.

and oh my god they're such dorks i can't

last edited at Sep 10, 2015 7:53AM

joined Nov 9, 2014

Page 7 chapter 42... what was Keiko trying to tell Ran?

I read the last few chapters again, I think she may be leaving for good. Ran says something like "you will find happiness.. if you actually try that is". That has me thinking it's moving for good. :/ I guess we will see in the next chapter. I love watching these two dorks interact even of it isn't yuri.

joined Mar 28, 2014

Shou loves to have last-volume chapters as flashbacks. The characters' past has been well covered, so there's practically nothing else to flashback to anymore. Therefore Shou "fixed" it in this chapter. We'll find out everything in the next chapter. Love the development!

last edited at Sep 10, 2015 10:43AM

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014


also, Ran's reply and Keiko's mocking laugh to Saki sounds more like an after thought.

I think Ran's reply is more of avoiding answering the question.

joined Apr 20, 2013

"I'm sick of watching you lovebirds flirt with each other"

Me too! Do the thing already, girls!

joined May 20, 2013

Is everyone here playing the farewell game, or did the confused people just skip that part entirely?

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

You know, you could almost read the new chapter as the two of them already being a couple. Keiko saying "she's mine" and so forth. There's obviously stuff Shou skipped telling the reader about (it's almost like there are missing chapters) so who knows? Maybe it's that.

joined Dec 24, 2013

You know... reading these forum responses are giving me a good sense of the feelings I got reading the NaruSaku forums a few chapters before the end of the manga (The final pairings of that manga are sh#t)... Now I'm not sure whether I wanted Keiko and Ran to become a couple or not, mostly because I wasn't sure of their relationship despite the many posts on this forum that prided their romantic interest in each other, but I must say I do get a slight enjoyment out of seeing the comments go from certainty to nervous doubt for some reason. I wonder why...?

joined Mar 28, 2014

yuri twist: manga ends with Saki x Saeki as a couple

joined May 24, 2014

yuri twist: manga ends with Saki x Saeki as a couple

Still better than her going back to her ex xD
... Man, I am royally confused by this manga.

last edited at Sep 10, 2015 7:32PM

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