Forum › Stretch discussion

joined Apr 20, 2013

"We won't be able to cook together like this anymore"

My mood right now =

They say "playing" but we know WE ALL KNOW they meant each word.

joined May 11, 2012

Serenata, where is that pic from?

joined Apr 18, 2013

It may be a temporary trip, and its not that far away that she is going according to page 5:

Given what we know about her character anyone want to speculate as to what she is going on the trip for?

last edited at Sep 9, 2015 8:01PM

joined Apr 20, 2013

Serenata, where is that pic from?
Mine is just a variation, it became too popular

last edited at Sep 9, 2015 8:02PM

joined May 11, 2012

I'm sure Shou is enjoying himself immensely by teasing his readers like this, it kinda feels like we're in a H-doujin lol

Shou-sensei, p-please stop teasing us already, we can't take much more!!
Ohoho, what's this? You want it that badly? You're this desperate for some yuri, huh? What am I gonna do with you...

joined Mar 25, 2013

It may be a temporary trip, and its not that far away that she is going according to page 5:

Given what we know about her character anyone want to speculate as to what she is going on the trip for?

Not far, but as shown in the last panel it's shown that she's visiting for a short time.

Now that I re-read it, it's not stated that she's moving, then again if she wasn't they wouldn't make such a big deal of it. Plus the several reminders of not being able to stretch/cook together, and the last page 'last stretching session'

joined Dec 14, 2014

Ohoho, what's this? You want it that badly? You're this desperate for some yuri, huh? What am I gonna do with you...

This is when we would then be given yuri, just not the type of yuri we were asking for.

Yes, sounds pretty much like Shou.

joined Mar 23, 2014

I don't understand what's going on anymore...

joined Feb 4, 2015


Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

All that comes to mind is....Keiko smokes?

joined May 15, 2014

I'm sure Shou is enjoying himself immensely by teasing his readers like this, it kinda feels like we're in a H-doujin lol

Shou-sensei, p-please stop teasing us already, we can't take much more!!
Ohoho, what's this? You want it that badly? You're this desperate for some yuri, huh? What am I gonna do with you...

shows prism with a blank yet terrifying stare.

joined Mar 25, 2013

All that comes to mind is....Keiko smokes?

You forgot? I would've thought that Ran trying out her smokes would've stuck in your head, since I think you pointed out her desire to understand why would Keiko smoke. Could be wrong of course.

joined May 11, 2012
Mine is just a variation, it became too popular

Thanks Serenata.

Do we have any idea where Keiko mother lives? Maybe this trip is to visit her and stay some weeks with her family or something like that, Ran stayed away for some time and it showed how Keiko life is not the same without her, now it's time to show how Ran life is not the same without Keiko, I doubt it's going to end any time soon, I bet Shou is going to continue stretching the story for a long time.

joined Apr 5, 2013

Excuse me, good people, I just will bang my head against the desk for a while.

Dammit Shou, give us info!! What's really happening here!?

Scratch that... Dammit Shou, give us yuri!!!

Yeah, that's much better.

joined Nov 9, 2014
Mine is just a variation, it became too popular

Thanks Serenata.

Do we have any idea where Keiko mother lives? Maybe this trip is to visit her and stay some weeks with her family or something like that, Ran stayed away for some time and it showed how Keiko life is not the same without her, now it's time to show how Ran life is not the same without Keiko, I doubt it's going to end any time soon, I bet Shou is going to continue stretching the story for a long time.

Stretching the story...I like what ya did there.

I really hope it's just a short trip and they are being over dramatic for the amount of time Keiko will be gone. ::prays::

joined Mar 6, 2014

It was fun... After all this is the last chapter we can read together like this...


joined Apr 18, 2013

I bet Shou is going to continue stretching the story for a long time.

All along there could have been double meaning in the title with him intentionally planning to stretch out the story. The title could have a triple or quadruple meaning for that matter if he intentionally and initially planned to stretch out the plot, and the moment the true yuri would take place. Given the title those theories might not be too big of a stretch.

I really hope it's just a short trip and they are being over dramatic for the amount of time Keiko will be gone. ::prays::

Given how many boxes were packed in the previous chapter (and the empty bookshelves) it does give the impression of something longer than two weeks, and something possibly permanent.. :(

Boxes and bookshelf from previous chapter:

last edited at Sep 9, 2015 10:36PM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

The idea that this is a long visit to deal with the mother issue has potential, given it's been an outstanding issue for quite a while now.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Gotta say though, this chapter is the first one that really doesn't work for me. It's disjointed, like part of the narrative got skipped or something.!.600.1492198
joined Sep 4, 2014

Shou. What a troll.

joined Jan 30, 2013

Shou. What a troll.

+1 seriously... -.-

joined May 28, 2013

I don't understand what's going on anymore...

joined Jan 6, 2014

seems Keiko is going to have a bussiness trip to Kansai
I hope to see them like this:

joined Feb 18, 2015

So, the packing boxes last time, the gift that lasts a long time, they were indications that Keiko was leaving. I assume it is work related. I hope they end up together again. Maybe a time skip to after Ran is done with school and happens to get a job at a hospital near where Keiko lives? I wouldn't put it past Ran to chase after what she wants after getting a taste of it.

joined Nov 23, 2014

I guess Keiko decided not to take Ran with her to visit her mother.

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