Forum › How to Break a Triangle discussion

joined Oct 24, 2023

You keep saying this, but can you please spell out exactly what Koto said that was so horrible?

I think I did explain it to you in detail lol.

If it was the business about being sure Aya loved the present-day Koto, you seem to be putting an extremely nasty reading on those statements that are potentially plausible, but at this point by no means the only way to understand what Koto meant.

You did skip reading my post, didn't you.

Koto acted like she was saying goodbye and breaking up with Aya.

"Me and Erika-chan, we are going back in college soon."
"In this way, l've been able to see your face before that."
Even a14 yo kid knows Koto is saying goodbye.
We All know Koto doesn't really mean it because of the last few page in this fucking chapter.
WTF Maybe you can tell me her intention for deliberately saying those words to a kid who has no one left except her and Erika.

joined Oct 24, 2023

WTF? OK, you’re rude enough that I can see you’re not worth talking to.

This is not towards you but express the feelings which I am so angry towards Koto.
But I do agree it's a waste of time for both of us to continue any discussion.

Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start
joined Nov 3, 2023

You know, the more I read what the commenters have to say about Koto, the more I understand why Erika fans want her to find somebody else. Shit, girl has issues, deeper than I thought.

joined Dec 23, 2018

Now, after seeing how much it escalated, I am sorry starting all of this about Кoto on page 5 (comment from Оctober 2023)
And this one on page 6

when I said: "Кoto is getting creepier with every next chapter"

Why I'm sorry if I was right?
Because I don't think Кoto deserves so much hatred (at least not for now, we'll see after)

At this point, I think every MC has some dark hidden side (Aуa, Кoto, and Eriкa equallу)
And for me is too early to side with anyone.
I don't want my hеаrt broken, just in case.

last edited at Jul 24, 2024 1:33PM

joined Oct 24, 2023

I'm actually pretty fond of Koto.
It's not like I hate her so being picky about her. Just can't turn back on what I have seen. I still like her more than Erika even though I see her as a control freak.

While Aya is like the girl out of my dream, my first love is Koto type of girl.
However, I am not even half clever or mature as Aya back then when I was a teenager.
We literally tortured each other.
That relationship is totally a disaster and not ends very well for both of us.

joined Dec 23, 2018

I'm actually pretty fond of Koto.
It's not like I hate her so being picky about her. Just can't turn back on what I have seen. I still like her more than Erika even though I see her as a control freak.

While Aуa is like the girl out of my dream, my first love is Koto type of girl.
However, I am not even half clever or mature as Aуa back then when I was a teenager.
We literally tortured each other.
That relationship is totally a disaster and not ends very well for both of us.

I оbserve almost same as уou. I see same things about Кoto and I still hail her more than Eriкa. But I hail past Кoto better than Кoto now (as personality).

I hail Eriкa now better, than Eriкa in school.

And Aуa, she has some elegance. I'm truly rooting for her to find her space after all what pushed her 7 years forward.
Anyway, I'm still reserved (about ships and all)
I'm prepared for unexpected twists.

About your relationship experience, don't worry. It happens to many, sooner or later. I also had some bаd eхperienсes. It's learning.

And, I have to tell that I did not point on you for talking about Кoto.
I meant generally (more like Eriкa's fans became too passionate, ha ha)

last edited at Jul 24, 2024 1:19PM

joined Oct 24, 2023

I'm similar as you. I see same things about Koto and I like her more than Erika. But I like past Koto better than Koto now (as personality).

About your relationship experience, don't worry. It happens to many, sooner or later. I also had some bad experiences. It's learning.

Past Koto is…ok.
If Aya never got spirited away, their relationship would be envied by all.
However, present Koto is a real problem. I just know what Aya is going to suffer in this relationship even without all age gap issues.
It's like l see a ship destined to sink but can't do anything about it.

last edited at Mar 15, 2024 9:13AM

joined Mar 2, 2024

It's like l see a ship destined to sink but can't do anything about it.

It's too early to say Koto and Aya gonna sink imo, we're only at chapter 9 for now. Anything can happen in the future. There might be character development, more drama and twists, and whatever Kabocha wants to do in this manga. I'm looking forward to see how the story gonna go. So far every chapter feels fresh to me that I never get bored in rereading them all over again.

joined Mar 9, 2024

I find the idea of being "spirited away" harrowing. I don't even want to imagine myself nor my loved ones disappearing like that. It's why I can sympathize with Koto and her breakdown. That's a PTSD-inducing event.
This story is something. Excited to read more.

last edited at Mar 19, 2024 7:23AM

joined May 8, 2017

A love quadrangle...? Sigh.

joined Oct 16, 2013

So good to see Aya moving forward with a clearer path. I'm also so happy she found someone to relate to with the whole middle school dropout issue.

Koto needs to learn to move forward too instead of stifling Aya's growth out of her own selfish fears.

joined Sep 13, 2022

ugh if the guy is played up as an actual love interest ill be sad.

also i really hate the whole “ooh a boy and a girl are interacting they must date now” thing. let people be friends ffs

joined Jul 6, 2020

Koto seems to be getting more and more posessive and restrictive towards Aya. I worry about how far she'd take things to keep Aya dependent on her. Agreed with @Chikaon that meeting someone who's roughly her age in a similar situation is a good thing, but it does seem to be provoking Koto a lot so we'll see how all this pans out.

Curious to see what role Erika will have to play here.

joined Apr 16, 2022

The anti-Koto people on this forum must have enjoyed this chapter lol.

To be clear, I don't hate Koto. I think her behavior is extremely understandable as someone clearly suffering from PTSD after the girl she loved suddenly disappeared (and presumably died), and that girl suddenly showing up again as a 14-year-old is literally unprecedented and would drive anyone a bit crazy. But that doesn't change the fact that she's not doing well right now and her extreme overprotectiveness and abandonment anxiety are the exact opposite of what Aya needs.

On the other hand, I really liked Aya in this chapter. Her situation is so shitty but she's trying to make the best of it and move forward. I don't know how many people in her circumstances could have done the same.

(Okay I'll admit it I'm kind of shipping Aya and Erika lol.)

joined May 28, 2020

"I asked you for help studying because I wanted to be next to you."
"Wow that's crazy, I'm asking this boy for help. Cya later xoxo."

last edited at Apr 6, 2024 11:23PM

joined Mar 2, 2024

Many people in this forum clearly doesn't understand Koto's suffering from that PTSD and we will see them come at her soon after reading the last chapter.

I'm not too sure if the boy's role is gonna be some kind of love rival or not but I should say Aya befriending him is a good thing. He could help her with the situation Aya must deal in order to fill in the seven years gap that Koto is unable to do because of her own anxieties.

joined Oct 14, 2014

lmao, even
Predicting some people here will be mad, so I will not be reading any posts

joined Mar 24, 2015

Is it implied the boy also got lost in a vacuum somewhere for x number of years? Probably not, but that was the first thing I thought of rather than him being a potential love interest.

joined May 10, 2021

Highly doubt the dude's gonna end up as a love rival, but I can see Koto losing her shit very soon if this continue.
Thanks for the chapter!

joined Oct 22, 2020

I 100% think this boy's backstory is going to involve bullying & his own same-sex crush. Unrealistic expectation? Maybe, but we already have the coincidence of him not finishing middle school, so why not?

joined Mar 28, 2015

ronkytonk posted:

Is it implied the boy also got lost in a vacuum somewhere for x number of years? Probably not, but that was the first thing I thought of rather than him being a potential love interest.

It's just implied the boy dropped out of middle school, presumably because of delinquency/family issues.

Also, neither of them seem to be interested in the other romantically. He just related because he thought she had similar circumstances.

People seeing romance here are just as bad as the sister : creepy.

joined Jan 30, 2017

Oh no, Koto is about to do something really stupid, isn't she?

joined Oct 24, 2023

The final page Koto looks like Aya already cheated on her, WTF. That's so out of the line I can't even convince myself things would get better once they have talk.

Koto obviously doesn't want anyone besides Erika to approach her little precious girlfriend.
She already tried to persuade Aya to quit the job while knowing Aya was not getting along with the boy at her work place. I can't predict what Koto would do now Aya has made friend with him.

And Koto clearly prefers Aya to stay at that little apartment she rent and just do nothing but wait for her to come back from college or work.
But there's no way in the world Aya would fucking do that, no matter how much she loves Koto.
It's hard to imagine she would let herself rely on someone ( even is her lover or soulmate ) at that level while she already had experience of being abandoned by her own mom.

She is mature and clever as hell while being a 14 yo girl. Normal middle schooler definitely wouldn't act like that, which makes me wonder what Aya had been through to have that kind of maturity.
However, she can be so oblivious sometimes lol.

last edited at Apr 7, 2024 4:47AM

joined Apr 4, 2024

Reading this manga, I kind of relate a lot to what Erika feels tbh. Instead of the whole “love triangle” or “missing person” shenanigan, my “Koto” was someone who was in love with a boy back in middle school, and I was jealous but couldn’t bring myself to tell her since yknow, we were both girls, so I’m sure she would’ve been grossed out by it. I wish I could have told her sooner about this, but it’s too late now and she’s happy with that boy and I’m honestly glad for her. Even though the pain of my worries for confessing was still there, I wish I would’ve done that instead so I didn’t have to carry on a weight in my chest whenever she tells me about him. That’s just on my part though, we don't really talk anymore now. Either than that, I’m hoping the best for what goes on in this manga, and for Erika.

joined Nov 7, 2022

Koto's breaking down a little... Though it appears that she herself is aware that she's still stuck at the time Aya disappeared.

I truly hope she'll get better and start moving forward and gets her happy ending too, one way or another. Though not as much as Erika. She moved forward despite her feelings stagnating, which is why I love her and wish for her the best (which, at least at the moment, isn't Koto).

On the other hand, manga like this, with some exceptions, typically don't bother with a resolution for side characters, especially when that resolution would involve someone outside the main cast. I'm afraid Erika would end up single because the pages never showed her interacting with anything except Aya and Koto. And that'd suck. Praying for a Sayaka x Haru equivalent ending for Erika.

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