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joined Apr 4, 2024

Reading this manga, I kind of relate a lot to what Erika feels tbh. Instead of the whole “love triangle” or “missing person” shenanigan, my “Koto” was someone who was in love with a boy back in middle school, and I was jealous but couldn’t bring myself to tell her since yknow, we were both girls, so I’m sure she would’ve been grossed out by it. I wish I could have told her sooner about this, but it’s too late now and she’s happy with that boy and I’m honestly glad for her. Even though the pain of my worries for confessing was still there, I wish I would’ve done that instead so I didn’t have to carry on a weight in my chest whenever she tells me about him. That’s just on my part though, we don't really talk anymore now. Either than that, I’m hoping the best for what goes on in this manga, and for Erika.