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First? discussion 22 Jul 05:24
joined Sep 23, 2022

This is really cute. Sorry Nico looks like Maki is just a very quick learner and you would end up as the bottom always, lol. Thank you for translating and uploading it here! Makes me happy still seeing Nico stuff especially on her birthday.

joined Sep 23, 2022

Het story are really something. Like personally I really don't understand what this is trying to convey at all.
The only thing I got from this story is that a adult teacher is cheating on their wife so they can't commit" with the student, that the girl with the pigtail likes going commando all the time (idk what she does on the time of the month) and something about a short hair girl that burns her drawing she doesn't like and when she does draws something she likes she'll hope to go "to a place where it's not needed to draw anymore" whatever that means. I don't even get what the flash back page for her young is for. Is it to show us that's she's always alone? idk im confuse.

joined Sep 23, 2022

I remember seeing this on twitter and also clicking to see if more shows up,lol. And not gonna lie I though the pages this artist drew where Sara meets up with Yea near the sacred sakura tree was also part of this story, lol. Either way Love the way this artist draws Sara with Yea and Ei~ <3
Always remember to kiss your birb and tell her she's cute~ (´ ε ` )♡

joined Sep 23, 2022

So cute~
love seeing a shy character like Kohane be a bit more assertive even if it’s small amount and she’s blushing afterwards, lol.

joined Sep 23, 2022

That sureis a weird theory, lol. She probably just got a bit bored of them. I feel like when Negom gets obsessed with a pair she goes all in on them for a while and doesn't care what others think. Like at the moment she's obsessed with the incest dragon pair Alear x Veyle in fire emblem engaged with Alear sometimes being a futa. So her stopping has nothing to do with her getting popular with genshin fans. Although she still loves her ganqin, lol.

last edited at Nov 22, 2023 5:55PM

joined Sep 23, 2022

LETS GO! More reverse 1999 art! Hopefully more get put on here cause it's nice being able to see more of them from different artist~

joined Sep 23, 2022

Holy, did that make my neck hurt.
The way they start talking about the teacher going to jail (good I didn't like him) and maybe even the girl only for it to be thrown out the window, just to go back to talking about a way to draw someone naked is ridiculously funny. Like they really don't care, huh. Maybe something happens later but like why even have that "plot" if it going to be dismiss like it's nothing. Also I find it funny how when they talk about nude drawings it never has a single male in it just female but I guess I get it, lol.

last edited at Oct 27, 2023 3:58AM

joined Sep 23, 2022

Bruh no way this bitch said they been doing this since four like that shits normal, lol. Then again im guessing this artist is a lolicon since volume 2 is just that. But man, I've been reading this for a while now and you can kinda feel the low effort hentai logic in every new chapter, LMAO. Not that its gonna stop me reading this, unless they start adding men into it then im out.

joined Sep 23, 2022

Gosh, It's so nice to see μ's doujins and it's a MakixNico one at that, very lovely.╰(´︶`)╯♡

joined Sep 23, 2022

Gonna be honest the lolicon side plot was the weakest to the point where you can remove it and you'll miss nothing of importance. Felt very shoo in ( if that makes sense) but this is Itou Hachi manga so I guess they had to add it in some how since it wouldn't be hachi without it, lol. But overall very wholesome series and with a nice ending. Thank you to everyone that worked on this all these years!

Mint Candy discussion 07 Oct 04:16
joined Sep 23, 2022

Love me some cute yuri omegaverse~ (´꒳`)♡

joined Sep 23, 2022

every time I see this artist work with these girls the dark skin girl's size and boobs get so huge with every new pic, lol.

joined Sep 23, 2022

Yes! More Miorine and Suletta!!
Also going by this artist other work on pixiv, they seem to like drawing Miorine as a futa in most of the nsfw ones so I’ll say that this might be one of them.

last edited at Sep 17, 2023 6:43AM

joined Sep 23, 2022

Female SENSEI!!!!!!!!!!

joined Sep 23, 2022

I always like how this artist draw Eula and Amber~ (´ ω `♡)

joined Sep 23, 2022

I want to know how this ends but man everything about this story just makes me mad.
It's one thing if this wasn't reported but I don't understand how this disgusting mf is able to get away with this shit even after Colin's ex friend snitch on them. Like did the teachers, cps or other adults just gave up on looking for her after the "father" freaked out? Just another way these "adults" and the system also failed these children.
Also Im guessing she gave birth or stillborn birth at home or something?? Cause a doctor would 100% report it since she's I would guess younger than 12 idk. Unless japan don't have those kinds of laws idk I never checked. Although her not having any health/body issues after is weird.
Also Mary has been missing schools for days and no one is concern? Then again she runs away in the first chapter to the forest till dark and they did nothing so yeah the adults don't give a shit about these kids unless they want something from them.

last edited at Sep 9, 2023 11:41PM

joined Sep 23, 2022

Female sensei, LETS FUCKING GOO!!!
I really like BA but gosh does this community have so many hateful fans. Can't even see student x student without someone tell me to kym just cause it's yuri. Which is why im so happy when they show up here~ (ಥ﹏ಥ)

joined Sep 23, 2022

Oh nice! I always wanted to read the An x Kohane doujin from this artist since I enjoy their art~
SMH An you're suppose to take her to bed first not do it on the floor. Like if anything is gonna hurt it's going to be her back, lol.

joined Sep 23, 2022

More Miorine x Suletta LETS FUCKING GOOO!!!
I'm really liking this artist work. Thank you guys for translating this!! (´꒳`)♡
I strongly recommend everyone who's enjoyed this also to try and support MOMO the artist. I don't know where you go to support them better but you can can at least purchase this here

last edited at Aug 25, 2023 6:38PM

joined Sep 23, 2022

This is so cute! I still love reading MakixNico stuff╰(´︶`)╯♡

joined Sep 23, 2022

Oh this is a very interesting start!
I'm very excited to read more~

joined Sep 23, 2022

More Miorine x Suletta LETS GO!! ⸜(ˊᗜˋ)⸝

joined Sep 23, 2022

Nah, Nanase needs to grow a backbone and dump her cause she deserves someone better than a cheater who blames everyone instead of talking things out.
The fact that people have a hate boner for Nanase and not Yuni blows my mind. Like I understand she wasn't giving her attention but that in no way justify cheating on her. Then again everyone in this story but Yuki (Nanase friend) are shitty. Like at this point Yuni and Fuuko deserver each other. Man, I can't wait to see just how this train wreck would end, lol.

last edited at Aug 22, 2023 10:45PM

joined Sep 23, 2022

Whatever it is I hope the app comes to global with sif 2 cause they have so many stories and awesome art that it sucks missing out. (ಥ﹏ಥ)

joined Sep 23, 2022

Man the anime isn't even out and im already seeing many weirdo's claiming this as their own just like they did with Maid dragon and are acting like this series isn't yuri and calling people "yuritard" if they call it that and then you have the other side calling it yuri-bait that's fetish-fuel and pedo-pandering for straight dude.
I'm out here just hoping they don't censored it like crazy when it airs. Why can't a girl enjoy S&M Magical Girls in peace.