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joined Jun 25, 2023

Yeah, baby give me the good stuff; trickle that slowburn into my yuri content straved mouth.

joined Sep 19, 2017

Honestly, I don’t understand what Hirose is saying. Why did she feel relieved that Takamine stopped from playing volleyball? Is it because she doesn’t want Takamine to feel the hate from others coz she experienced it before? Or coz she felt that their senpai is right?

joined Nov 18, 2019

I'm starting to hate Hirose, a lot, she thinks she is supposed to be better because she liked volleyball fist but then when someone is better without much effort she resent that person, she didn't like the sport, she like the sense of superiority it gives to her and the audacity to like Takamine, what the hell is wrong with her? the self-importance is huge.

joined Mar 31, 2023

I'm starting to hate Hirose, a lot, she thinks she is supposed to be better because she liked volleyball fist but then when someone is better without much effort she resent that person, she didn't like the sport, she like the sense of superiority it gives to her and the audacity to like Takamine, what the hell is wrong with her? the self-importance is huge.

Your points are spot on. They both have issues. To me, that’s what makes it a great read. The characters are relatable which, IMO, will make this series so good.

joined Dec 17, 2021

Honestly, I don’t understand what Hirose is saying. Why did she feel relieved that Takamine stopped from playing volleyball? Is it because she doesn’t want Takamine to feel the hate from others coz she experienced it before? Or coz she felt that their senpai is right?

Well, Hirose understands what is like to resent a person for being better than you at a sport despite you "caring more" about it, since she had a similar experience with a friend in middle school. Which is why, when Takamine stopped playing volleyball due to her injury, Hirose felt relieved because it meant she wouldn't have to be in a position where she'd feel frustrated or jealous of Takamine for being better at volleyball than her.

joined Oct 24, 2018

this manga provides such good complexity of contrasting emotions in teenager characters, even when it doesn't even need to. As expected of Fukaumi Kon, you can never go wrong with their drama writing skill.

joined Aug 25, 2018

Man, I picked up this one over last weekend... It's so fluffy!! ^^

joined Oct 15, 2021

This is literally perfect 10/10 goated in every metric yuri mount everest I'd buy all the rights just to put it on my headstone

joined Jun 12, 2023

This new chapter was a pretty good one! Fukaumi Kon knows how to handle complicated feelings.

joined Jan 22, 2022

wow. That was great finally resolved eh

joined Oct 20, 2017

I'm starting to hate Hirose, a lot, she thinks she is supposed to be better because she liked volleyball fist but then when someone is better without much effort she resent that person, she didn't like the sport, she like the sense of superiority it gives to her and the audacity to like Takamine, what the hell is wrong with her? the self-importance is huge.

It's like some people can't read anything without having to pick a girl to hate... I mean, Hirose, of all characters? lol

joined Sep 10, 2022

I'm starting to hate Hirose, a lot, she thinks she is supposed to be better because she liked volleyball fist but then when someone is better without much effort she resent that person, she didn't like the sport, she like the sense of superiority it gives to her and the audacity to like Takamine, what the hell is wrong with her? the self-importance is huge.

It's like some people can't read anything without having to pick a girl to hate... I mean, Hirose, of all characters? lol

Everybody is so sweet in this too. The rest of us are doomed, I guess.

last edited at Jan 6, 2024 7:05AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Talk about mastery of the low-key—when Takamine was thinking about how she feels at the thought of not seeing Sakura on the train, I knew she was going to say “sad,” but the next page wouldn’t load right away, and I’m like, “C’mon you motherfucker—Takamine’s gonna articulate how she feels to Sakura! Let’s fucking go!” [Me mashing the reload button.]

She felt a little sad, she guessed.

joined May 28, 2021

Good on Sakura for picking up on Takamine's non verbal and taking the initiative on keeping in touch during the break (and planning a date at some point, hopefully :O ). Takamine definitely isn't the expressive type, so she'll probably have to do that a lot :P

last edited at Jan 6, 2024 11:25AM

joined Feb 18, 2013

That blush when she realised she likes spending time with Sakura (for purely Platonic reasons, surely) and wants to keep doing it was amazing.

joined May 10, 2021

My fucking words that was cute!

joined Nov 4, 2023

the cuties….

joined Jan 30, 2017

So cwuuuuuute!

joined Jul 10, 2016

...I wasn't the only one who, for a second, thought that said "Future Gods Survey", right?

joined Dec 28, 2016

The british English was really thick on this chapter. I wish they'd use normal standard English.

joined Jul 31, 2019

The british English was really thick on this chapter. I wish they'd use normal standard English.

... you made me reread the chapter and I honestly couldn't notice anything but I'm neither British nor American :P Which parts sound British?

last edited at Jan 8, 2024 5:34AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

The british English was really thick on this chapter. I wish they'd use normal standard English.

... you made me reread the chapter and I honestly couldn't notice anything but I'm neither British nor American :P Which parts sound British?

Yeah, I’m not sure that a single “maths” counts as “thick British English.”

joined Jul 14, 2021

The british English was really thick on this chapter. I wish they'd use normal standard English.

... you made me reread the chapter and I honestly couldn't notice anything but I'm neither British nor American :P Which parts sound British?

Yeah, I’m not sure that a single “maths” counts as “thick British English.”

The coach would get fired for being drunk at work if this were BrE.

joined Jun 1, 2020

Cute! Kyuuuut! The blush, lord almighty. Bathe me in this saccharine goodness, please and thank you. Also loved Sakura picking up that stray ball and making a huge play. This weirdly gung-ho energy she sometimes has is adorable.

And yet, I think the thing I love most about this chapter is Takamine musing about living in the presence. Especially with how ubiquitous the notion of "growing up" or "becoming an adult" is in Japanese media (at least that I've been exposed to), it's such a breath of fresh air. Even more so coming from a character in the process of discovering herself, what she wants to be, to do, to like, as well as being uncertain about all those things that can and will change - "... and everything that comes after that too...", to really start living in the present. I feel this is brilliantly written, really.

joined Jun 12, 2023

This chapter was really cute, especially when Takamine realized that she likes spending time with Sakura!

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