Forum › Alcohol and Ogre-girls discussion

joined May 25, 2023

gotta be honest, I hate those abusive family members. I think imma read the ending once its finished and skim through the chapters. Too much Drama for me personally.
Apart from hinata, every ogre so far has shown amount of "do what I want to some degree, or suffer abuse", then get away scot free, with no hard feelings whatsoever.

joined Jul 19, 2018

gotta be honest, I hate those abusive family members. I think imma read the ending once its finished and skim through the chapters. Too much Drama for me personally.
Apart from hinata, every ogre so far has shown amount of "do what I want to some degree, or suffer abuse", then get away scot free, with no hard feelings whatsoever.

I mean they are literal ogres in the demonic oni sense of the word. So far the head of the family is the only one to have done something unforgivably messed up, and the MC definitely is harboring hard feelings toward him. The little idol girl was just pushy. She really didn't do anything terrible.

last edited at Nov 12, 2023 10:07PM

joined Aug 28, 2018

That last frame of Shuten Douji Hinata in that throne is making me feel some kind of way

joined Aug 19, 2015

Oh no he is hot

If evil, why hot huhu

Kidding aside, I thought it was already mentioned or hinted in earlier chaps that Hinata would be the head. Maybe I'm remembering that wrong or my memory got mixed with meta manga logic

joined Aug 1, 2011

Oh no he is hot

If evil, why hot huhu

Kidding aside, I thought it was already mentioned or hinted in earlier chaps that Hinata would be the head. Maybe I'm remembering that wrong or my memory got mixed with meta manga logic

Yeah. This doesn't feel like a new revelation.

Also, the whole "caged and forced to do stuff by humanity" line seems a bit off? I mean, they seem pretty rich and money is going to carry a lot more power in the modern world than any amount of physical strength. Like, even at the most basic level, is there a reason they can't just hire a bartender or personal assistant to serve them whatever alcohol they want? As far as I can tell, the main issue is that it causes them to sprout horns, but if it's in front of someone who's on their payroll, it shouldn't be that much of an issue.

joined Jun 17, 2021

Oh no he is hot

If evil, why hot huhu

Kidding aside, I thought it was already mentioned or hinted in earlier chaps that Hinata would be the head. Maybe I'm remembering that wrong or my memory got mixed with meta manga logic

Yeah. This doesn't feel like a new revelation.

Also, the whole "caged and forced to do stuff by humanity" line seems a bit off? I mean, they seem pretty rich and money is going to carry a lot more power in the modern world than any amount of physical strength. Like, even at the most basic level, is there a reason they can't just hire a bartender or personal assistant to serve them whatever alcohol they want? As far as I can tell, the main issue is that it causes them to sprout horns, but if it's in front of someone who's on their payroll, it shouldn't be that much of an issue.

Hmm. I've had to keep up a suspension of disbelief as the question sometimes rears itself in my head, why can't they just pay someone to serve them alcohol? Why did Hinata need to just hope someone would buy it for her earlier? Maybe there's a restriction that they can't coerce a human into doing it, they have to do it willingly? But there's been some other forms of coercion here, why not pay someone to be willing?

And the problem of sprouting horns even if they did hire a personal attendant to serve them alcohol. That's easy. They don't need to drink it with the bartender in the room, they can just wait until they leave.

Love this story, just have to willingly cover the worldbuilding holes in my brain ;)

joined Jan 30, 2017

Hmm. I've had to keep up a suspension of disbelief as the question sometimes rears itself in my head, why can't they just pay someone to serve them alcohol? Why did Hinata need to just hope someone would buy it for her earlier? Maybe there's a restriction that they can't coerce a human into doing it, they have to do it willingly? But there's been some other forms of coercion here, why not pay someone to be willing?

iirc the alcohol needs to be offered.

joined Aug 12, 2021

Hmm. I've had to keep up a suspension of disbelief as the question sometimes rears itself in my head, why can't they just pay someone to serve them alcohol? Why did Hinata need to just hope someone would buy it for her earlier? Maybe there's a restriction that they can't coerce a human into doing it, they have to do it willingly? But there's been some other forms of coercion here, why not pay someone to be willing?

iirc the alcohol needs to be offered.

I'd also argue that like simply the dependence on humans to get their alcohol is already like a real disgrace in their minds. And that before all this they stood on top of the world, they could take whatever they wanted with no recourse but now they have to depend on humans for food and that alone makes it impossible to continue living the way these ogres absolutely still want to given how they've literally named the positions of power within the family after Shuten-Doji.

joined May 26, 2020

That last frame of Shuten Douji Hinata in that throne is making me feel some kind of way

I don't know what you're talking about.

*saves several copies"

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

I'm imagining a thing where this new guy drinks and says "Ack! Everyone was saying your drinks taste good! This tastes like asshole!" "Well, I tailor the drinks to each individual . . ."

joined Jul 10, 2016


joined Jun 21, 2021

I'm imagining a thing where this new guy drinks and says "Ack! Everyone was saying your drinks taste good! This tastes like asshole!" "Well, I tailor the drinks to each individual . . ."

Personally i'm so here for chaotic-neutral Naori

joined Nov 2, 2023

That last frame of Shuten Douji Hinata in that throne is making me feel some kind of way

real af
She looks so cool and powerful........

joined Jan 31, 2018

Not a fan of all the stuff surrounding Hinata's family but the main relationship is very nice so I'll stick with this

joined Sep 10, 2022

Another fantastic chapter. Their relationship is great and filled with fight. I love the developing plot and lore around shuten-doji. It adds so much to the narrative and gives their relationship a natural impetus for advancement (making it easier to avoid typical tropes). Plus the other characters are very interesting and the pacing is smooth. Currently a favorite. Looking forward to the developing adventure.

last edited at Nov 26, 2023 3:47PM

joined Aug 16, 2014

I went to the park at night with some friends once, though it wasn't as pleasant as this chapter made it seem as it was absolutely tipping it down with rain

joined Apr 27, 2018

inkolore posted:

Not a fan of all the stuff surrounding Hinata's family but the main relationship is very nice so I'll stick with this

Actually, I find it to be quite interesting.

I think the conflict of Hinata wanting to live a normal life but having to go against her family and ogre past in order to achieve that goal, quite fascinating and I'm quite curious to see how where this is going to go...

joined Apr 6, 2019

Personally i'm so here for chaotic-neutral Naori

Chaotic neutral is best alignment.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Personally i'm so here for chaotic-neutral Naori

Chaotic neutral is best alignment.

Chaotic neutral is chuuni alignment.

joined Jun 17, 2021

When they decided to go for a walk rather than ... other things when they couldn't sleep, I was like, aww.
But then they had such a beautiful moment in the park. This is the talk that I wanted. Some forward momentum. Onwards!

joined Jan 30, 2017

That was 120% definitely a confession!

joined Sep 10, 2022

That was 120% definitely a confession!

Definitely. But out of the two, she's the one who has always been aware of (and somewhat upfront with) her growing feelings, while our bartender feels too inadequate to even consider it a possibility that she could measure up to her.

last edited at Nov 27, 2023 2:52PM

joined Aug 18, 2015

That was 120% definitely a confession!

Don't be silly! It's not a real confession unless they turn towards the audience and say "We are now girlfriends." Their feelings are just S U B T E X T, and as we all know subtext is absolutely meaningless and reading between the lines is illegal!

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

That was 120% definitely a confession!

Don't be silly! It's not a real confession unless they turn towards the audience and say "We are now girlfriends." Their feelings are just S U B T E X T, and as we all know subtext is absolutely meaningless and reading between the lines is illegal!

Looks at avatar . . . um, I take it you're a Tara & Beverly fan?

joined Sep 10, 2022

More awesome characters to add, worlds to build and wholesome moments between Hinata and Naori. Really cosy chapter. In a way Hinata should be glad she's sick since she can play-off her obvious blushes for a little while longer. Also can't forget her saying she plans for their cohabitation to last for a very long time. Out of the two, she's long understood her feelings and is just waiting for Naori to maintain some self confidence and settle in (and for all the oni shenanigans to be dealt with).

last edited at Dec 1, 2023 7:56PM

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