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joined Nov 2, 2023

My jaw dropped when she said normal love
My soul screeched
My timbers were shivered
Girl… i can feel her pain so much, it’s so fucking relatable

joined Nov 2, 2023

My jaw dropped when she said normal love
My soul screeched
My timbers were shivered
Girl… i can feel her pain so much, it’s so fucking relatable

joined Nov 2, 2023

This is so good
Feels like the type of romance you’d see irl
OL yuri is so good
Most ppl don’t understand that the majority of people who smoke started or only do so for social reasons

joined Nov 2, 2023

The title “Catalyst” feels so ominous… I’m scared

joined Nov 2, 2023

I don’t wanna be annoying but on the chapter 2.1 the witch needs to say « mon amie » and not « mon ami » because she’s talking to a girl
sorry for being french canadian

joined Nov 2, 2023

This is sooo weird but interesting?
Idk I wanna see where this goes but it seems like it's dead

joined Nov 2, 2023

They’re not really chubby
Idk the chubby tag doesn’t fit here imo

joined Nov 2, 2023

New chapter
and of course, it’s a banger too
This is some the best the Smell tag has on this website

joined Nov 2, 2023

You guys have never felt the warm embrace of a girl who just smoked and it shows.
I’m so gay for girls who smoke.

joined Nov 2, 2023

You guys have never felt the warm embrace of a girl who just smoked and it shows.
I’m so gay for girls who smoke.

joined Nov 2, 2023

Random thing I noticed but like

Is it just me or are Okiku’s nipples half-inverted? Just noticed it in the gift chapter and went back to others like the bath extra and just noticed that it appears her right nipple is inverted and the left is not.

I wonder if there’s any symbolism in that?

Idfk, one of my exes had the same thing going on with her titties.
It kind of reminds me of the ying yang????
Anyway this is such a goofy observation, I don’t wanna write this detail off as insignificant and potentially discredit the author’s attention to detail and intent but you gotta admit that this is so fucking funny.

last edited at Nov 21, 2023 12:35PM

joined Nov 2, 2023

Nipple on page 37

this is like when people put the jumpscares timestamps on fnaf videos

joined Nov 2, 2023

hatsune miku, creator of minecraft is the proofreader?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!

joined Nov 2, 2023

That last frame of Shuten Douji Hinata in that throne is making me feel some kind of way

real af
She looks so cool and powerful........

joined Nov 2, 2023

I don’t like this one
I was looking for a good manga that had the tag smell and this one sucks.
I don’t like the main duo’s dynamic.

joined Nov 2, 2023

I’m a bit embarrassed to ask this but can anyone explain the morishima fold joke?
I’ve never been to a strip club.
There are only two of them near me and they 60 kms away
Also a bunch of scary bikers go there so I fear going there.

joined Nov 2, 2023

Those gloves... what she does for love...

oh my fucking god lmao
i wanna get gloves like this tho they look cool

joined Nov 2, 2023

It's so funny how the girl always finds a way to say "She's so cool!!!!" in almost every page like YEa girl we got it on the 7th time you said it, she is cool! lmaoo

It's the gay panic talking.

so real
I’m like that, whenever I’m with my gf I just keep repeating that I love her so many times, I don’t even do it on purpose it just happens like that. I guess it’s on instinct or something, like the only thing I can think of is how much I love her.

joined Nov 2, 2023

Breaking Bad if it was good.

“jessie we need to make more cyproterone”

joined Nov 2, 2023

I love being trans
We need more media showcasing trans people being happy.
As shown by the comments in this discussion, too many people think it’s all just suffering.
Sure there’s the shitty parts but there’s also the part where I finally recognize the person in the mirror, where I can finally love myself, find myself attractive, dress how I want, love who I want, to just feel right im my body.
I have never been happier, transition allowed me to truly live and love, I type this while crying a little rn(estrogen makes me more emotional, another upside) because I now have a beautiful gf (she is also trans) and I’m the happiest tgirl in the world.
Trans joy is real.

last edited at Nov 11, 2023 9:13PM

joined Nov 2, 2023

This title is so goofy
Can’t wait to see what this manga will be like

joined Nov 2, 2023

I love this so much!!!
Definitely in my top 10 now!!!