Forum › An Easy Introduction to Love Triangles (To Pass the Exam!) discussion

joined Jun 12, 2017

They said it would be easy.

It's fun reading new Canno stuff.

last edited at Feb 29, 2020 3:44PM

joined Oct 21, 2017

Rin has had it rough, but am sure that Mayuki & Akira will fix that.

joined Sep 6, 2018

I’ll read anything created by Canno!

That said... I’m afraid about how this series will turn out. I believe it will be dropped as interest will wan due to the sensitive topic of hypergamy polyamory.

Gotta make it plausible somehow. High School drama ain’t gonna cut it, it should be “Adult Life” and make compelling reasons for them to stick together.

Good luck, Canno!

joined May 7, 2017

Hands down the best ongoing yuri right now, it will fill the void BIY left in me

last edited at Mar 1, 2020 1:18AM

joined Apr 17, 2015


joined Oct 21, 2017

I’ll read anything created by Canno!

That said... I’m afraid about how this series will turn out. I believe it will be dropped as interest will wan due to the sensitive topic of hypergamy polyamory.

I'm sure it would be fine, remember Canno made a polyamory couple in A Kiss And A White Lily. And look how that turned out, so there should be nothing to worry about.

joined Jun 25, 2019


Bloom Into You. That said, that's a huge statement to said it's the best ongoing Yuri. It's a nice one yes but the best i don't think so.

joined Oct 22, 2018


Bloom Into You. That said, that's a huge statement to said it's the best ongoing Yuri. It's a nice one yes but the best i don't think so.

For me it's a close contest between Hana ni Arashi (on hold for a few months, but I started re-reading it in the meantime, and intend to re-read the thread once I finish the manga) and Crescent Moon and Doughnuts

How the eff could I forget Still Sick?!

last edited at Feb 29, 2020 5:24PM

joined Jan 27, 2016

That Chiyono girl is a piece of sht, i mean really? just because she didnt respond to your feelings you hit her and hate her? so childish

ikr, almost she is a teenager or something. Crazy huh, that teenagers act stupidily

I really wouldn't wave off slapping someone in the face for turning you down as just kids being kids. It's a pretty wildly insane thing to do even for a teenager.

If she just kept rejecting her I would agree, but Rin did not reject Chiyono normally. Since we can see Rins thoughts it's easy to relate to her, but she did start to talk like she would accept the confession and even moved in for a kiss before stopping at the last moment and rejecting her instead. Not a nice move and a slap for this kind of behavior feels relatable/normal, even if it's not okay.

Violence against someone you claim to love is not relatable to me.

GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011


Bloom Into You. That said, that's a huge statement to said it's the best ongoing Yuri. It's a nice one yes but the best i don't think so.

For me it's a close contest between Hana ni Arashi (on hold for a few months, but I started re-reading it in the meantime, and intend to re-read the thread once I finish the manga) and Crescent Moon and Doughnuts

How the eff could I forget Still Sick?!

Nettaigyo best ongoing SUBTEXT.

joined Jun 25, 2019

That Chiyono girl is a piece of sht, i mean really? just because she didnt respond to your feelings you hit her and hate her? so childish

ikr, almost she is a teenager or something. Crazy huh, that teenagers act stupidily

I really wouldn't wave off slapping someone in the face for turning you down as just kids being kids. It's a pretty wildly insane thing to do even for a teenager.

If she just kept rejecting her I would agree, but Rin did not reject Chiyono normally. Since we can see Rins thoughts it's easy to relate to her, but she did start to talk like she would accept the confession and even moved in for a kiss before stopping at the last moment and rejecting her instead. Not a nice move and a slap for this kind of behavior feels relatable/normal, even if it's not okay.

Violence against someone you claim to love is not relatable to me.

Someone is not into BDSM I see. Joke aside, it's just a little slap because she is mad. It's not she beat her up.

joined Oct 22, 2018


Bloom Into You. That said, that's a huge statement to said it's the best ongoing Yuri. It's a nice one yes but the best i don't think so.

For me it's a close contest between Hana ni Arashi (on hold for a few months, but I started re-reading it in the meantime, and intend to re-read the thread once I finish the manga) and Crescent Moon and Doughnuts

How the eff could I forget Still Sick?!

Nettaigyo best ongoing SUBTEXT.

Too hilarious an addition for me not to also re-post:

GrizzlyAutist isn't the hero we thought we needed or deserved, yet is very much both

last edited at Feb 29, 2020 6:03PM

joined Apr 20, 2013

Based on the first 2 chapters, maybe we can assume that the third chapter will be from Akira's POV, how she fell in love with Rin and such.

But to be honest, I REAAAALLY Want to see things from Rin's pov from now on, I really like her

last edited at Feb 29, 2020 8:47PM

joined Dec 3, 2016

This chapter doesn't feel very comedic to me. Are we sure drama isn't a better tag?

joined Aug 4, 2018

First study session: "I want to practice kissing! Please kiss me!"

Second study session: "I want to practice different ways of kissing! Please give me a deep French kiss!"

Third study session: "I want to practice 69ing! Please do it with me!"

(The way things are going, this is my prediction. Oh, and of course Rin will accept, as she is incapable of saying no to cute & adorable Mayuki-chan.)

joined Apr 17, 2015

This chapter doesn't feel very comedic to me. Are we sure drama isn't a better tag?

Would be a good idea to add it, yeah. I mean, it's Canno so a mix of comedy and drama is par for the course.

^ Fourth session: Hand holding!

joined Jan 24, 2018

Only two chapters in and I can't help but think.... How good this is! Moves at a faster pace than Cannos last series and is plenty more Yuri on top of that. I just want them to all hold hands and be happy.....

joined May 7, 2017

BYM was obviously a typo, and stand by what I said, it's my opinion after all, it may sound like a hot take, but y'all remember me a few chapters from now, I'm just capable to see what's ahead, this chapter was a build-up as to why things will unfold the way author envisages, really looking forward how Canno-sensei will build Mayuki and Akira's relationship since latter clearly likes Rin

joined May 7, 2017

Nettaigyo best ongoing SUBTEXT.

Makoto-sensei blew it, had the makings to be the best yuri of all, but that little conflict between the main characters was terrible and dragged on for far too long, not to mention it was poorly developed and totally uncalled, especially if your story is meant to tell a "girlship" story

joined Mar 3, 2019

That's good fluff aye.

joined Mar 10, 2018

This chapter doesn't feel very comedic to me. Are we sure drama isn't a better tag?

Maybe starting from chapter 4? I agree with Serenata that chapter 3 will probably be from Akira's POV. Then once we know why each girl likes who they like, they'll all start dating. Watching any of these three girls trying to figure out what to do in a relationship is probably going to be funny enough. Watching all three girls try and figure out what to do when they have two girlfriends would be hilarious.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Then once we know why each girl likes who they like, they'll all start dating.

Yeah no. That being gay is something that people can understand in Canno's works is one thing but you clearly see that people don't seem to understand Polyamory. If the 3 girls are ok with it from the get-go,I might consider dropping it because it will bullshit. There is no way it will all funny and shit with the relationn the one from White Lily wasn't and I really hope this one wouldn't be too. I don't want that to be the same bullshit as Luminous Blue ending "Nene love me and Kou and I love Nene so we should go out together" and boom that's it

joined Apr 19, 2018

That fear in Rin's eyes was truly marvelous

joined Aug 16, 2018

First study session: "I want to practice kissing! Please kiss me!"

Second study session: "I want to practice different ways of kissing! Please give me a deep French kiss!"

Third study session: "I want to practice 69ing! Please do it with me!"

(The way things are going, this is my prediction. Oh, and of course Rin will accept, as she is incapable of saying no to cute & adorable Mayuki-chan.)

^ Fourth session: Hand holding!

Rin: "Gasp! You're going too far! This is where I draw the line!"

joined Aug 7, 2017

pg 23, "do you k now" -> "know"

Thank you. I'll fix that tonight !

Still not fixed.

I mean, that whole "look only at me or never talk to me again" speech did sound slightly yandere-ish…

... If that's how low your bar is for yandere behavior, then the vast majority of what most people would consider "normal jealousy" would qualify by that logic. The absurdity of that notion is easily the biggest reason why such a standard is objectively wrong.

Violence against someone you claim to love is not relatable to me.

Clearly you have not been in a situation where you became blind with overwhelming anger.

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