Forum › Hino-san no Baka discussion

Amazing Despair
joined May 12, 2019

Hino has an interesting way of caring about Koguma. Also, did Koguma feel too embarrassed to shout or just didn't want Hino to stop ? Maybe Both ?

joined Jun 12, 2015

"Beware of bears" Hino should take this seriously or she will really get eaten at this point, especially once Koguma realize how much effect her "plain" body actually have on Hino. And nice stealth confirmation that Hino is indeed Aquarius.

About Hino home, I think it's just a cheap one room apartment. I don't think there is anything special about it. The author didn't have a specific appearance in mind when they drew it in the earlier chapter.

joined Jun 12, 2015

Or the people here should be reasonable and stop that silly arguments by themselves.
Especially when we have new chapter to discuss already ( Do people at Yuri Ichigo even sleep ? Seriously they are fast)

joined May 1, 2018

Yuri and het manga are equally good or bad, either on artistic or moral grounds. There are plenty of both healthy and toxic relationships in either of them, just like IRL. I believe saying yuri or het manga is the worst means either you have read the wrong titles or you want to see evil in it.

joined Aug 26, 2018

I'm convinced they translated all of these a month ago and are now releasing their entire supply of deadly ammunition.

So Hino makes leather things, which explains the train strap last time. But it also shows that she seriously makes everything herself. She also seems to live by herself. All of that smells of someone who learned to survive on her own.

Look... I may overlook molestation, groping, lecherous skirtflipping... BUT PUBLIC HANDHOLDING?
Not only are they fully aware of their shameful deed, they are even provocatively displaying it to the school! Hino even forced Koguma to tighten he grip... Sweaty palms getting intertwined, oh the depravity.

PS: I am not a fan of where that cliffhanger is going. Toilet play is a world that needs not be discovered in this manga. Ew.

joined Sep 21, 2015

Seriously???? watersports

So, her hobby is working with leather...welp.

SM play coming soon...

last edited at May 16, 2019 7:03AM

joined May 1, 2015

People should just stick to the topic at hand. This thread discusses Hino San no Baka, not some random Het mangas or VNs.
On another note, public handholding was extremely lewd. Hino and Koguma's classmates could not look away. I am guessing they like what they saw. There should be a spin off with all of them as well. Sort of like SonoHana.

last edited at May 16, 2019 6:46AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

The gayness is increasing... Soon, it will be too much for me to handle!

joined Feb 17, 2019

The more I read this, the more I can confirm one thing: Kinniku Tarou is obsessed with Yui Hirasawa's character design.

joined Jan 20, 2014
  1. I don't understand why the discussion if het or yuri are better when they are two genres of a lot more (unless you do like me and say it for trolling "only yuri matters!" And something like that), plus because men don't exist in this manga xD why bring that topyc in a serious talk? Just chill out and enjoy this yuri manga with no men.


The more I read this, the more I can confirm one thing: Kinniku Tarou is obsessed with Yui Hirasawa's character design


last edited at May 16, 2019 6:56AM

joined Nov 9, 2017

That newspaper showed a gay wedding! Nice. Wonder if those characters are from another work.

I looked it up, “Eilanya” apparently refers to Eila and Sanya from Strike Witches, which I’ve heard is a fairly gay show but I haven’t seen it to be sure.

Edit: There’s a decent amount of them on here

last edited at May 16, 2019 7:19AM

joined Mar 16, 2019

Holy fk, 7 chapters in about 30 hours (or less)...

Amazing Despair
joined May 12, 2019

This manga keeps getting better and better with every chapter

joined Jul 29, 2017

We’re being pummeled with chapters.

joined Jan 29, 2015

It'll be nice if this manga will get an anime adaptation. I'm hoping it will, someday.
But the manga is already perfect in itself.

joined Nov 24, 2017

People in the comments using the word "het" in a derogatory manner needs to stop. Bigotry is bigotry, and it's sickening to those of us who aren't indoctrinated into your gay superiority ideology.

joined May 15, 2014

On an unrelated note, can we talk about Hino's room for a moment? It looks like most of the walls are metal plates, except for one that's a cloth curtain. Does she live in some sort of evil-lab?

Not to mention the clock too which looks too uncommon for your normal room. Well, it's not like Nagisa herself is your normal girl but still...

This is making me seriously worried. I'm afraid this is foreshadowing a dark twist down the road somewhere, it's no accident the author put in effort to specifically detail this room the way it was.

Yeah, it almost looks like a minimal security prison of some sort, the way things are bolted in and on military time.

24 hour clock is just a japan thing.

joined Jul 29, 2017

So, her hobby is working with leather...welp.

The hentai practically draws itself, doesn’t it?

Sanya Juutilainen
joined Apr 8, 2019

That newspaper showed a gay wedding! Nice. Wonder if those characters are from another work.

I looked it up, “Eilanya” apparently refers to Eila and Sanya from Strike Witches, which I’ve heard is a fairly gay show but I haven’t seen it to be sure.

Edit: There’s a decent amount of them on here

It is that and it's fairly lovable. The nickname I use refers to Sanya "as if" married.
If I am not mistaken, Kinniku did a few fanarts of the pairing too.

last edited at May 16, 2019 8:40AM

joined Feb 9, 2019

Handholding! Aaaaa. They called each other amazing and cute. Oh god. This is so good! I am loving this! I need more!!!

joined Dec 1, 2017

I don't read het romances not because they're bad, but because I'm a super lonely person who didn't had a crush in too much time, and het romances are kind of yelling me: "Hahaha, he has a girlfriend, or at least someone to love, not like you dumbass." and make me depressed. Instead, I can enjoy gay stuff since I don't feel that way.

last edited at May 16, 2019 9:04AM

joined Oct 4, 2018

On an unrelated note, can we talk about Hino's room for a moment? It looks like most of the walls are metal plates, except for one that's a cloth curtain. Does she live in some sort of evil-lab?

Not to mention the clock too which looks too uncommon for your normal room. Well, it's not like Nagisa herself is your normal girl but still...

This is making me seriously worried. I'm afraid this is foreshadowing a dark twist down the road somewhere, it's no accident the author put in effort to specifically detail this room the way it was.

Yeah, it almost looks like a minimal security prison of some sort, the way things are bolted in and on military time.

24 hour clock is just a japan thing.

"Military time" aside, I'd bet more on the 24h clock thing as a common option for digital clocks in many parts of Asia.
In my country, majority of the places that use digital clocks just use the 24h option out of convenience. Watches (including digital ones) still stick with the 12h option since that's what we're used to. Dunno about other places though.

last edited at May 16, 2019 9:09AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Digital clocks are 24 hour standard almost everywhere. "AM" and "PM" are very American concepts. In Europe for example most countries will say it's 13:00 and not 1 pm.

joined May 20, 2013

Holy shit, this rapid acceleration of Yuri is surely harmful to the human body! Aaaaaaah


joined Feb 11, 2018

I'm wondering if Hino is one of the "government kids", since she's never seen with adults and she seems to live alone in an apartment complex. Japan is a curious place for orphans and kids whose own home is not safe for them. Many end up growing up institutionalized for their entire childhood and youth.

"A staggering 85 percent of the 40,000 children who can’t live with their parents in Japan are institutionalized, by far the highest ratio among rich countries and prompting repeated warnings from the United Nations. Even with the revised law, Japan’s goal isn’t lofty: family-based care for a third of those children by 2029. "

last edited at May 16, 2019 9:13AM

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