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DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

I saw that coming right when Usa said her clothes weren't put in the way she remembered them put in

joined May 7, 2017

Next up Blackmail?

joined May 7, 2017

Better yet I SNIFF Blackmail next lol

joined Mar 22, 2014

I saw that coming right when Usa said her clothes weren't put in the way she remembered them put in

I sure as hell didn’t make that connection, LOL. Damn, now that you mention it though...

last edited at Feb 20, 2019 3:02AM

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Better yet I SNIFF Blackmail next lol

I don't think Hoshihara is the type to try that. Even if she notices, she'll either tease her for it or just act like she doesn't give a shit. What could she even hope to gain from blackmail?

joined Nov 8, 2017

I knew Usa-pyon's friend had a crush on her after the comment about her gym clothes. Didn't expect her to sniff her stuff, though. lol

last edited at Feb 20, 2019 3:25AM

joined Aug 30, 2018

I saw that coming right when Usa said her clothes weren't put in the way she remembered them put in

That would also mean she was not really doing her homework but sniffing Usa's clothes but she heard someone running so she return it in a hurry and rushed to the door

last edited at Feb 20, 2019 4:27AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

what has this story become

A miserable little pile of panties!

Better yet I SNIFF Blackmail next lol

I don't think Hoshihara is the type to try that. Even if she notices, she'll either tease her for it or just act like she doesn't give a shit. What could she even hope to gain from blackmail?

Given what we've seen of Hoshihara so far my bet's on face_of_utter_disgust.jpg, maybe musing something about how it figures Usa's friends are degenerates too and not really giving a shit beyond that.

joined Jun 20, 2014

ohmygawd...getting high sniffing panties~

I'm sure Hoshihara wouldnt give a shit xD

last edited at Feb 20, 2019 7:37AM

joined Aug 4, 2018

I knew Usa-pyon's friend had a crush on her after the comment about her gym clothes. Didn't expect her to sniff her stuff, though. lol

Yeah, the genre-savvy reader is totally caught by surprise, lol.

We're used to schoolgirls who have childlike naive crushes on their female friends, and think that holding hands is the apex of lewdness. It's not often that we get to see 'em make such a strong display of sexuality.

joined Jun 18, 2015

Well, that escalated quickly

joined Feb 23, 2016


schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Better yet I SNIFF Blackmail next lol

I don't think Hoshihara is the type to try that. Even if she notices, she'll either tease her for it or just act like she doesn't give a shit. What could she even hope to gain from blackmail?

Given what we've seen of Hoshihara so far my bet's on face_of_utter_disgust.jpg, maybe musing something about how it figures Usa's friends are degenerates too and not really giving a shit beyond that.

Oh yes, that. Or maybe she'll even be secretly jealous. "She touched my nipples earlier today! How dare you sniff her panties."

joined Dec 3, 2016

As soon as I saw the gym clothes out of place in the bag, I knew what her friend had been up to. Geeze, girls, just have a wild lesbian orgy already.

last edited at Feb 20, 2019 8:01PM

joined Sep 21, 2011

I saw that coming right when Usa said her clothes weren't put in the way she remembered them put in

I sure as hell didn’t make that connection, LOL. Damn, now that you mention it though...

Obviously you have not been "blessed" with overactive imagination of a horny lesbian... LoL My first thought was "Oooo little miss honor student has a secret hobby"... LoL. A hobby I totally approve of in my manga...

last edited at Feb 21, 2019 12:30AM

joined Jan 18, 2016

To be honest, I'm shocked at the use of foreshadowing here. The first time reading it doesn't look like there's anything the matter with Usa's friend in the first scene Her facial expressions are relatively normal considering she just got body slammed to the ground, and the author deliberately draws attention to Usa. But if you look closely at the friend's face you notice she has a few mysterious droplets of sweat and a slight blush for about 3 panels during and after Usa bumps into her, she'd have to have been standing right in front of Usa's locker, and Usa takes note of her gym clothes haphazardly stuffed into her bag, even though she seems like the type of person to do that anyway. It's not until the end when all of the pieces of the puzzle come together.

last edited at Feb 21, 2019 12:59AM

joined Dec 10, 2017

God damn I love this manga. It’s just so out there. And I love that the author portrays young teen girls as the sex-obsessed people that they are.

joined Jul 19, 2018

Serious face "twirly, twirly, twirly, twirl!"

joined Jun 3, 2014

Chika's face is like, "What the fuck is this shit".

joined Jul 26, 2016

Chika's face is like, "What the fuck is this shit".

TBF that's essentially indistinguishable from her default scowl.

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

Usa-pyon is a fill-in for the usual harem manga guy protagonist that you have no idea why multiple girls would fight over him/her. Since this is yuri, they could easily eliminate the middlewoman and simply go for it right there in the locker room..

joined Aug 30, 2018

It is always good to read something where a huge secret is about to be revealed to the MC, good move by the author

joined May 7, 2017

I dunno what I am still reading this, such a weird story, dunno where it will end up, I don't mind skin showing but it seems this author overuses just a bit

joined May 30, 2013

Oh boy. Oh boy....

This is drama but I'm not even worried.

I hope no bad ending though.

last edited at Mar 6, 2019 11:17PM

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

I like how even when she's thinking about being confronted and called out, Usa is still masturbating in Miki's imagination.

last edited at Mar 7, 2019 12:43AM

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