Forum › Master and Mel OneeLoli Hentai discussion
Lolicon yuri doesn't turn me on, but it doesn't really turn me off either. It is just drawings after all. So, no actual little kids were harmed in the making of it. I do find it a bit distasteful when it the author depicts children, who are obviously prepubescent, in graphic sexual situations. I think of that old joke. If there's grass on the field, play ball. I can't stress enough, that I'm only talking about YURI manga, and anime!. For the record I find scenes of rape, and sexual abuse distasteful no matter what the media. They don't "trigger" me though.
I followed Itou's twitter for a while and knew this was inevitable (I wonder if they got reported for posting it? Seems to have happened to others like the author of Dragon Maid who draw children in these situations) and it twists my stomach up so much.
It's not about distinguishing fiction from reality. It's that people don't understand there are many others out there who see this as justification of their feelings towards those who are underage DESPITE it being fiction. Just because some can step back and realize they're just drawings doesn't mean everyone does and supporting child pornography, drawn or otherwise, should NEVER be a thing.
So we should all just stop liking something because of a few sickos? it is a choice to rape underage humans. Removing all the loli manga in the world isnt going to stop a degenerate from being a degenerate
last edited at Jul 19, 2018 5:02AM
Anyway, can y'all actually promise me you don't feel sexual attraction for actual kids? Because that's what still worries me. I don't care about what you watch and stuff, but I still think it's weird for someone to feel excited reading this things.
What if they do? It's not like they're raping kids all day. Feeling attracted to kids is not the samr to actually abusing a kid. That's why some of those guys come and read lolicon, to control those urges
Why would anyone be attracted to an actual kid anyway they're snotty smell weird insensitive and dont actually care about your feeling until age like 7 or 8 and by then they're demons anyway and people are two faced liars. anyway 2d>3d all day everyday also yuri>het
last edited at Jul 19, 2018 5:01AM
It was only a matter of time, huh
I'm sickened but curious
Holy shit
I made an account just to comment here. Let me start by saying I'm not some uptight moral crusader and I have absolutely nothing against lolicon etc. that doesn't involve actual kids. There is however a serious problem with how this specific work has been titled, tagged and listed on this site.
This is not an original doujin by Itou Hachi. It's actually just a collection of random hentai images drawn by this mangaka that were briefly posted on their various social media accounts and then taken down. Somebody has since then cobbled the images together, labelled it as an original doujin and given it a title and the illusion that this might be an actual cannon chapter or side story from the Master and Me series which it is not. Master and Me is basically a non-explicit, cute little yuri age gap story not hentai.
I'm sure the majority of the people who clicked this title were expecting just that, some cute little installment from Master and Me and instead they get something very different and very misleading. I'm not saying it should be taken down, but somebody should first of all remove the doujin descriptor and add something like (Collection of Non-cannon Hentai Images) to the title.
last edited at Jul 19, 2018 6:03AM
everyone please calm down let the artist draw whatever they want with their characters
I made an account just to comment here. Let me start by saying I'm not some uptight moral crusader and I have absolutely nothing against lolicon etc. that doesn't involve actual kids. There is however a serious problem with how this specific work has been titled, tagged and listed on this site.
This is not an original doujin by Itou Hachi. It's actually just a collection of random hentai images drawn by this mangaka that were briefly posted on their various social media accounts and then taken down. Somebody has since then cobbled the images together, labelled it as an original doujin and given it a title and the illusion that this might be an actual cannon chapter or side story from the Master and Me series which it is not. Master and Me is basically a non-explicit, cute little yuri age gap story not hentai.
I'm sure the majority of the people who clicked this title were expecting just that, some cute little installment from Master and Me and instead they get something very different and very misleading. I'm not saying it should be taken down, but somebody should first of all remove the doujin descriptor and add something like (Collection of Non-cannon Hentai Images) to the title.
As a self-published series of pictures posted by the author online of their own characters, it is a original doujinshi. And to make sure that the release is kept separate from the main series itself, it was not added as part of the series, but as you said, a original doujinshi.
With the words "OneeLoli Hentai" and "NSFW Lolicon" tags attached, I don't think there is anything more that could be done to make it clear that this is not a normal release in the series. If anyone clicked on this release expecting neither hentai nor nsfw lolicon, renaming it slightly won't help.
Meanwhile i'm just here, waiting for her to make more of this so that I can get this glorious salt meltdown again in a few weeks.
And also because it's pretty hot tbh I wish I was Mel
Seriously this site has allowed Lolicon on it since forever, just avoid the fucking tag, I avoid the netorare tag because I don't like it I don't just bitch endlessly about it simply because it exists.
last edited at Jul 19, 2018 6:46AM
i dont like lolis in real life. i don't even like kids in general
but i like lolis in anime/manga. why? because it's anime/manga
On the “why would Itou Hachi do this to her creations?” issue, it hardly takes any deep psychological speculations—all you have to do is browse the Image section here to see that lots of people have fun taking existing works and making them NSFW (or sometimes even more NSFW). As I said before, that routinely includes the original creators of the works.
It would take about ten seconds to come up with, say, Marimite and New Game smut here. I’m not going to take the time to look for specifically age-gap examples, but I think I even remember a NSFW doujin for Yotsuba!, for god’s sake.
A followup to the Disney thing, as an example of how sometimes keeping it pure gets boring:
last edited at Jul 19, 2018 9:04AM
I would have rather seen this on itou's other series with the yuri married couple
So much mental gymnastics in the comments section lol.
And this, people, is why Dynasty's forum is the laughingstock of the Internet.
Literally universal actually, since every species that now bothers with sexual reproduction in the first place has evolved varyingly elaborate mechanisms for avoiding consanguinity if at all possible. That's one egg that definitely came before the chicken.
Tell that to the dog who was fucking his own mother :>
Uhm... Does she have a peepee? ...there is no fingers to match those shlicks.
Uhm... Does she have a peepee? ...there is no fingers to match those shlicks.
You can tribadism too.
Media does influence us. That is a fact. But the degree in which it affects us depends on how we were raised. If our parents actually took their time and taught us what is and isn't wrong, then by the time you're adult you should be able to tell for yourself that fiction is fiction and seeing people murder each other in movies or games is nothing more than that, fiction. If instead you parent didn't give a fuck and let you watch w/e and spend your time on internet without ever teaching you anything, then sure, if you learn from media what is and isn't ok to do then you're fucked and might end up not being able to tell fiction from reality. If you were raised properly and still have problems telling those 2 apart, then you have some mental issues. (so I don't have to repeat myself in every respond)
Anyway, can y'all actually promise me you don't feel sexual attraction for actual kids?
Not a single bit.
I don't care about what you watch and stuff, but I still think it's weird for someone to feel excited reading this things. Because for example, I like reading romantic mangas bc I'm really romantic myself, so I love seeing characters falling in love with other people and being able to feel identified and stuff. That's why I have never been able to understand the thing you are all telling me. I mean, shows, movies, books, etc are normally meant for a certain type of public, (ex. those typical romantic dramas are meant for teenagers, the historical ones are meant for the people that are interested in history; I know there are exceptions but you know what I mean) so I would like to know why you like reading this things, that's something I can't understand. I'm sorry if I'm making people angry, but I still can't understand why would you like to read this kind of things. That's what I want to know, an actual reason of why do you enjoy this kind of content. (Please don't kill me I'm being respectful :'v)
You see the thing with fiction and porn is that people read it for different reasons. Some people read it because they want to relate to the story, some want to experience certain feelings, some just want to go out of their comfort zone. The point is doing all those things through fiction is safe, because you can stop anytime and you don't hurt anyone. That is the important part. You're just indulging into certain fantasies. What you masturbate to not necessary transfer to what excite you irl. And for a lot of people it doesn't really matter what porn is about. As long as it turned you on it did its job and w/e you would want it during normal sex or not, is really irrelevant at the moment.
Listen, I'm really, really sorry about what happened to you, nobody deserves it. The guy that did that to you is sick and deserves to be in prison. But, even though it's harsh, a pedophile can't feel anything romantic towards a child. That's why this whole thing is wrong. It's not how reality actually is, child abuse can't be romantic in any way. I'm just so, so sorry I don't know what else to tell you, since I don't know how it must feel to be abused. But that's the reality, a sane adult can't really fall in love with a child.
You missed her point entirely. That is exactly why she is using fiction. Because in fiction she can create any scenario she wants. Instead of what happened, she can replace it with happy memories. It was someone who loved her. It was someone who cared about her. The entire situation was pleasant. This way it becomes pleasant memories instead of nightmare. And entire reason it can be done is because it is fiction. It not being reality and rather nice fantasies is entire point. Also you are right, pedophile doesn't feel love towards child, but desire. But Master here is not pedophile. Pedophile and loli is used so loosely by people nowadays, that it seems like most forgot what it actually means. Loli is not any child below 18 years old. It is specifically a very young, prepubescent child up to 12 years max. While Mel fails under that category nobody said Master is only attracted to young, prepubescent children. You people jump to conclusions so fast that as long as someone has any feelings toward any child it is pedophilia. Did you ever considered for a moment, Master might be attracted to Mel specifically? That the reason she wants to have sex with her is because she loves her? Not because she is just a child and any child will work, but because it is Mel? And in that context, Vivan putting herself in Mel's shoes works perfectly, because it is sex between 2 loving people who both consent to it and want it.
Yes, I think child can be mature enough to consent, there is a lot things I won't be going into right now, but as long it is healthy relationship without any abuse I don't mind, especially when it is some fictional story. Honestly guys. Do you all read Itou's works constantly thinking how terrible and awful Master (and other adult characters) is because she is totally pedo and want to rape children. Sure they have cute pure relationship now and she clearly care about Mel, but that is all the facade. In her mind she constantly wants to fuck children and Mel is just only current one she is indulging with. Why do you think Master's personality would get a 180 degree molester turn over in hentai version of them?
It's not about distinguishing fiction from reality. It's that people don't understand there are many others out there who see this as justification of their feelings towards those who are underage DESPITE it being fiction.
That is the same thing. People who read/see something book/movies/games and goes "they say it is ok to do there, so I'll do it!" are people who can't tell fiction from reality. In fact I'm curious how you so surely know they knew it was fiction and yet still acted on those desires despite it, since it wasn't really confirmed anywhere. If it was, there would be tones of articles about it. Also next thing you are forgetting, w/e pedophile saw it in the hentai or not, we are still human beings. We are supposed to be able to control our desires. If someone is not able to hold themselves from raping a child, then that is not fiction's fault. Also of course, those people are very tiny majority. Do you really want to dictated everyone else based on such small group of people? That is basically giving pedophiles power to rule everyone else. If someone is incapable of stopping themselves, they will get triggered by something sooner or later. Removing lolis doesn't guarantee they won't simply see something else, so in the end it is futile.
Also, being gay is not something you choose, therefore cannot be influenced, I don't even know why that was brought up that's downright offensive for you to even suggest.
And yet so many people in politics and media do everything in their power to censor any signs of homosexuality in children cartoons, because it might corrupt them and make them gay by exposing them to mere idea.
Also being a pedophile is not something you choose. It is a freaking sexual attraction to children. I wonder when that part will finally get across.
By its very definition, child porn is abuse, since no child is in age to give consent. All child porn is wrong because it portrays children having sex before they can give consent. Again, sorry to call your fetish or whatever by its name, but having a little kid portrayed having sex IS child porn, regardless of how you feel about it.
I don't have time right now to go into definitions, but real children are sure as hell abused during making those real child pornography. Meanwhile, those drawings at best hurts paper it is drawn on or computer screen (or your feelings). The entire point why child pornography is illegal and wrong is because it requires actual children to produce. So if you find some movies or photos, it is safe to assume some children were mistreated in the process of making them. So sorry, but treating those 2 things as if they are the same is simply ridiculous. Sure, if you're not into it, whatever it is hardcore hentai or lovely dovely sex between 2 established characters who clearly love and care about each other, it is your right. But that also means that others also have right to like it. As long as nobody is harming children in order to make those drawings, there is nothing wrong with it. That is the whole point of art and expression. If you start censoring things you're uncomfortable with, just because you don't like it, that is when progression and innovation dies, because nobody tries to make anything new and different anymore and only comfort to what was already done and proven.
Look, I'm not gonna go all preaching about this with you about why child porn is wrong or whatever. Just understand that lots of us consider this kind of content to be wrong and will get quite vocal about it.
So you are not going to preach, but we shouldn't be surprised when you go and preach... Sure, right. You're being seriously unfair here. As I said above, it is fine to not like it or even dislike it and nobody will tell you how not enjoying it is wrong. And yet you tell me you should be allowed to go into thread of work you don't like, and you knew you won't like it even before reading it thanks to tags (and even title in this case), and not only tell everyone how this work is sick, wrong and shouldn't exist, but you also tell people who enjoy it how they are sick, wrong and shouldn't exist. It is one thing to come and comment about work you didn't find enjoyable or had some problems with. It is completely different thing altogether when you comment about work just to complain about things that make you personally uncomfortable and telling others how enjoying it is wrong, when you fully knew you won't like it before reading it and just want to make a statement. It brings nothing to discussion. People who like it, will like it, people who dislike it, will dislike it. You're not changing anyone's mind, especially by trying to force them to feel guilty. All you do is venting your feelings and digressing from any actual conversation about work (granted in this case, there is not much to discuss). Can you imagine how it would feel if people who like this work decided to go into every single work that doesn't have lolicon tag and complained there how it is wrong and how it should be loli and how having sex between 2 adults is sick? Or if anyone with any fetish/preference started to complain in every single thread, that given work doesn't have what they like? That is exactly what you are doing. You're saying you have rights to complain you disliked the work you knew you will dislike and everyone else have to agree with it or at least hear it. That is simply not acceptable and in no way productive to actual conversation at all.
However, I do recognize that the whole "GTA let's me kill people but I'm no killer" argument has some solid evidence in its favor, and it could very well translate into this kind of conversation.
The fact some of you understand how stuff like GTA doesn't harm anyone and yet go apeshit crazy about lolis to the point you have to bash ever single work on dynasty with it, is beyond me.
Man.. this is wrong. Luckly its a fiction, but this only show us how many people with pedo feels do exist in this world... and they're not only disgusting guys, but a lot, a looooot of "good" people ._.
If only everyone who enjoyed it actually had any desire to fuck children. Also you have no idea how many "good" people have weird fetishes, because... gasp*... they don't hurt anyone.
The reason why people enjoy playing violent videogames like GTA is because they're not actually hurting anybody, they're just enjoying an unrealistic power fantasy.
And yet you fail to understand how someone can enjoy a unrealistic erotic fantasy...
But this manga shows a realistic depiction of pedophilia. If you enjoy reading this kind of stuff, or, God forbid, if you we're aroused by this, how are you not a pedophile?
"realistic depiction of pedophilia" Yea, those anime characters, that child acting above her age, those 2 people in lovely dovely relationship that love and care about each other. That consensual sex. Yes the perfect, realistic depiction of pedophile raping a child. Not to mention those totally realistic fox ears. How anyone could consider it fiction escapes me.
last edited at Jul 19, 2018 10:31AM
Just to be clear I disagree basically 100% with Nevri about pedophilia stuff. Even the most well-intentioned adult-child relationship runs the risk of trauma and putting the child through a lot of things they aren't emotionally ready for. Relationships can be rocky and messy and hard, regardless of who is in them. There's a difference of power to consider as well, not just physical, but kids are raised to listen to adults. Even if you didn't deliberately coerce the child, you'd have a lot more control over the relationship. That's just a fact.
All this amounts to that any relationship between an adult and a child is basically the adult deciding it's worth the risk of the child having to go through all this, because the adult wants that relationship. It's extremely selfish. This is even if there's no sex in the relationship. Even if the child might want that relationship too, hypothetically speaking, they're less emotionally equipped to make that decision and to handle any problems that might arise.
I also believe media can affect us without it being the fault of bad parenting. Propaganda works for a reason. Military working with Hollywood has also been very successful at increasing military enlisting in the past. A big part of it is personal biases everyone has, so media that contradicts your personal biases may not affect you much, but media might push you further along a trajectory you're already on. It's complicated.
I'm not saying loli makes you into a pedophile obviously. I'm not saying GTA or DOOM make you violent. More like, "Military shooters likely influence how people perceive the military" or "Stuff like 24 likely influenced people to be more okay with government torturing people." Not everyone, but people who were susceptible to those messages cuz they fit their existing biases.