Forum › Master and Mel OneeLoli Hentai discussion

joined May 11, 2015

To all the people defending this with the “it’s fictional so it’s ok” Itou Hachi is perfectly allowed to draw this kind of stuff since it is fiction. What’s really sick and twisted is that people are not just reading it but enjoying it and there even might be people who are masturbating to this stuff. Just the possibility of that being true sickens me to no end.Like seriously take a step back and think about it, you guys are defending child porn, fictional or not. And before anyone says “I’m not a pedophile I would never think about having se with a real child” THEN WHY TF ARE YOU READING THIS?
And I thought ppl on this site were better than those sick male otakus who have wet dreams about fucking their favorite 8 year old anime girl

Maybe you should stop imagine people you don't know masturbation to some (badly) drawn lines? Just saying....

Now excuse me, since I've played some CS before, I sadly have to murder a few dozend people...

GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011

Think of all the emotionally ruined 8 year anime girls who had someone jack off to them. We should start a support group or something for all these drawings hurt by being jerked off to.

Also can all you non-murderers stop playing my FPS MMOs? You’re ruining my immersion and enjoyment since it is meant to be all murderers.

last edited at Jul 18, 2018 8:43PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

And before anyone says “I’m not a pedophile I would never think about having se with a real child” THEN WHY TF ARE YOU READING THIS?

Would point out this is literally the same as arguing people who enjoy violent action fiction fantasize about murder to an unhealthy degree...

People consume, and enjoy, fiction for a very wide variety of reasons most of which do not necessarily include any particular interest in partaking in whatever's being depicted.

joined Sep 28, 2017

To all the people defending this with the “it’s fictional so it’s ok” Itou Hachi is perfectly allowed to draw this kind of stuff since it is fiction. What’s really sick and twisted is that people are not just reading it but enjoying it and there even might be people who are masturbating to this stuff. Just the possibility of that being true sickens me to no end.Like seriously take a step back and think about it, you guys are defending child porn, fictional or not. And before anyone says “I’m not a pedophile I would never think about having se with a real child” THEN WHY TF ARE YOU READING THIS?
And I thought ppl on this site were better than those sick male otakus who have wet dreams about fucking their favorite 8 year old anime girl

Then why tf are YOU reading this?
idgaf about what people chooses to fap. Masturbation is about fantazising, not going to out and rape as much kids as they want. And as other poster said, lolicon may help to most of people attracted to kids to keep it on the fantasy realm and never hurt any child, the same way violent videogames may help most people to discharge their rage without having to kill their bosses os something. Note my use of the word MOST because there's always the crazy guy that rapes or kills because a work of fiction. If you clicked on the manga an read it because of muh art, it is ok. If you read it to fap to it, its ok. If you read it (or worst, didn't read it) just to discuss and say things and offend people and somehow feel superior to them just because they doesn't share your opinions then is not ok.

joined Aug 27, 2013


We're all probably on a list already anyway.

Yeah, probably illegal but so worth it!

joined May 11, 2015

Think of all the emotionally ruined 8 year anime girls who had someone jack off to them. We should start a support group or something for all these drawings hurt by being jerked off to.

Also can all you non-murderers stop playing my FPS MMOs? You’re ruining my immersion and enjoyment since it is meant to be all murderers.

Press [F] to pay respect...

joined Sep 28, 2017

And I thought ppl on this site were better than those sick male otakus who have wet dreams about fucking their favorite 8 year old anime girl

Then what are you doing here? Theres another sites that share your opinions and together you can call names to those who doesn't share them and be happy ever after

Of course I'm better, I have wet dreams about being an 8 year old LESBIAN anime girl.


last edited at Jul 18, 2018 8:49PM

GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011


We're all probably on a list already anyway.

who knows,
mybe it's legal for their society? it really depends on the society they're both in.
I heard the age of consent for some country ist literally 12 years old lol
this ist irl society u know, let alone in fantasy world

It would still be illegal since depiction of living creatures at all is illegal, such as drawings of cats or humans.

GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011

Think of all the emotionally ruined 8 year anime girls who had someone jack off to them. We should start a support group or something for all these drawings hurt by being jerked off to.

Also can all you non-murderers stop playing my FPS MMOs? You’re ruining my immersion and enjoyment since it is meant to be all murderers.

Press [F] to pay respect...

Loli of Duty: Black Oneechan

joined Jun 30, 2017

So finally they uploaded it haha! I saw those images last year I think. Really thank you for the translation <3 ! Master and Mel are so lovely, here it is just showing "behind the scenes" :p

Edit: Scenes like that won't be showed at the original story but we all know they will do it someday because Master and Mel really love each other haha.

Edit 2: I think one image is missing here, once I turn my computer I will check.

Edit 3: It is really funny people who dislike and can't separate fiction from reality reading this kind of stuff. Get a life man.

last edited at Jul 18, 2018 9:05PM

joined Sep 25, 2015

Thank you, Itou Hachi.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Think of all the emotionally ruined 8 year anime girls who had someone jack off to them. We should start a support group or something for all these drawings hurt by being jerked off to.

Also can all you non-murderers stop playing my FPS MMOs? You’re ruining my immersion and enjoyment since it is meant to be all murderers.

Press [F] to pay respect...

Loli of Duty: Black Oneechan

Call of Oniichan: Advanced Imouto

joined Mar 21, 2016


We're all probably on a list already anyway.

who knows,
mybe it's legal for their society? it really depends on the society they're both in.
I heard the age of consent for some country ist literally 12 years old lol
this ist irl society u know, let alone in fantasy world

It would still be illegal since depiction of living creatures at all is illegal, such as drawings of cats or humans.

It would still be illegal huh?
I s a i d, Every Society has their own legality standard. is that really difficult for you to comprehend?

joined Jan 11, 2018

It's fucked up in het and it's fucked up in yuri

For all of y’all with double standards. I bet you wouldn’t feel the same if “Master” was a man

If master was a man there would be a petition to remove it from the site.

Urashi C. Pin
joined Jun 17, 2014

It's fucked up in het and it's fucked up in yuri

For all of y’all with double standards. I bet you wouldn’t feel the same if “Master” was a man

yuri is pure so its okay. get your filthy normy ideas out of here.

last edited at Jul 18, 2018 9:06PM

GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011

It's fucked up in het and it's fucked up in yuri

For all of y’all with double standards. I bet you wouldn’t feel the same if “Master” was a man

If master was a man there would be a petition to remove it from the site.

I think I get what you’re saying: you want me to upload OniiShota.

joined Dec 10, 2014

It's fucked up in het and it's fucked up in yuri

For all of y’all with double standards. I bet you wouldn’t feel the same if “Master” was a man

I mean this is a site that focus on yuri so it wouldn't belong here. But if it was on exhentai I wouldn't really give a shit.

joined Mar 21, 2016

It's fucked up in het and it's fucked up in yuri

For all of y’all with double standards. I bet you wouldn’t feel the same if “Master” was a man

let alone the lolicon thing, I hate het in general so no thanks.
that being said I might consider it if mel was a man as well, I mean if mel was a shota obviously XD lol

joined Jul 26, 2016

"Guys are only hot until they grow pubes" huh

GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011

"Guys are only hot until they grow pubes" huh

Or if they’re having sex with guys who haven’t grown pubes.

joined May 26, 2011

I followed Itou's twitter for a while and knew this was inevitable (I wonder if they got reported for posting it? Seems to have happened to others like the author of Dragon Maid who draw children in these situations) and it twists my stomach up so much.

It's not about distinguishing fiction from reality. It's that people don't understand there are many others out there who see this as justification of their feelings towards those who are underage DESPITE it being fiction. Just because some can step back and realize they're just drawings doesn't mean everyone does and supporting child pornography, drawn or otherwise, should NEVER be a thing.

joined Mar 21, 2016

It's fucked up in het and it's fucked up in yuri

For all of y’all with double standards. I bet you wouldn’t feel the same if “Master” was a man

If master was a man there would be a petition to remove it from the site.

I think I get what you’re saying: you want me to upload OniiShota.

oh yeess

Random Wanderer
joined Dec 3, 2016

I've now "read" it a couple of times and I can't help the feeling like I'm looking at badly drawn fanart. Either that or Itou Hachi has started drawing while taking a crap. This hardly looks like the characters in the other work at all. cO

These are quick sketches Itou Hachi released on twitter, and then quickly took back down. People saved them before they disappeared, and now someone has compiled them together and posted them here as a doujin. They obviously aren't intended to be a published work.

last edited at Jul 18, 2018 9:19PM

joined Sep 28, 2011


joined Sep 21, 2015

WHAT... IS THIS A DREAM??? Itou Hachi couldn't hold back, since s/he couldn't put this on the original story s/he made a doujin of her own series?

last edited at Jul 18, 2018 9:29PM

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