Forum › Master and Mel OneeLoli Hentai discussion

joined May 13, 2018

Anyway, can y'all actually promise me you don't feel sexual attraction for actual kids?

Yeah home doggy I can promise you I don't want to diddle no kids. Hell, I ain't even beat my dick to a pulp after reading this! Only to a slight puree! I think my homies on the forum can also vouch that they ain't wanna stick a dick in kids IRL any time soon. Now in fictional works, can't make any promises there my negro. I still don't like it, but I ain't gonna call anyone a pedo or sick if they do. Maybe show yo homies on the forum the same respect dawg

joined Mar 21, 2016

It's not about distinguishing fiction from reality. It's that people don't understand there are many others out there who see this as justification of their feelings towards those who are underage DESPITE it being fiction. Just because some can step back and realize they're just drawings doesn't mean everyone does and supporting child pornography, drawn or otherwise, should NEVER be a thing.

Let's ban kitchen knives and every art that picture morally wrong acts, because that can influence people! It's clearly the art that is problematic and not something else, and look at Halloween, do you know the number of people who went outside and stabbed people with a kitchen knife because they thought the film was validating their urges?!

actually with or without halloween thing , as long as humans still exist there will always be crime like that. thus we got to stop playing favoritism, stop blaming evrthn on one certain thing like halloween just because we don't like it. do you know the number of people who went outside and stabbed people with a kitchen knife n hammer because of tom n jerry?
I think u should've said, as expected from psychopaths. they're fcked in the head from the beginning n they somehow blamed it on fiction to justify their deeds.

GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011

I’m sure you also had some very fine people on both sides. If only there were a tag or something that told you what kind of content you were in for so you wouldn’t accidentally read something you fundamentally disagree with.
Maybe we should change those to 70pt font I feel this would decrease click through almost entirely.

joined Aug 16, 2014

If only there were a tag or something that told you what kind of content you were in for so you wouldn’t accidentally read something you fundamentally disagree with.

Is this a secret feature? I don't think anyone here knows of it.

joined Nov 24, 2017

I am NOT a pedometer. I simply like counting my steps. Is that so wrong???

joined Jul 2, 2015

I really really hoped that the storyline for these two would have stayed away from this. She looks like a 5-year-old and that's what made it feel and look wrong in so many ways. I was hoping that this would be one of those stories that would have waited for the character to grow of age and then Mel would decide what feelings she has for her master.... but then this happens and totally ruined everything for me.

GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011

I don’t think I can stretch enough that he meant the movie Halloween, and not the actual yearly event. The movie about Richard Nixon stabbing babysitters to death with no real plot centered mostly around the stabbing. It is not really good unless you’re into stabbing, or bad Richard Nixon masks.

joined Mar 21, 2016

Nah man. This is porn that depicts a child having sex with an older woman. By its very definition is child porn. Sorry you don't like your porn called by what it is

Then you're just admitting you care more about your rhetoric than the actual victims of child sexual abuse. Which is unfortunate, but pretty normal.

I'm gonna bow out. I tried to be as straightforward and reasonable about things as I could so people could maybe understand my perspective but that takes a toll and doesn't have much of a payoff so I need a break. Have fun, everyone.

By its very definition, child porn is abuse, since no child is in age to give consent. All child porn is wrong because it portrays children having sex before they can give consent. Again, sorry to call your fetish or whatever by its name, but having a little kid portrayed having sex IS child porn, regardless of how you feel about it.

Dude wait, this person was a victim of child sexual abuse, please be as nice as you can.

Im fairly certain the master didn't hurt nor abuse mel. so what seems to be a problem?

joined Jul 17, 2017

Honestly, I don't know why people are so surprised given the overall tone of the manga, as Master is struggling (at least in the anthology) with keeping her hands off of Mel. Although I was expecting it would go differently, some context on the situation would be nice imo. It definitely doesn't feel as much like Master and Mel to me, at least with my interpretation of their personalities in the canon series, definitely think Master would be more gentle with Mel in a main series lewd scene with proper setting given, stuff like going down on her before touching her with her fingers, etc, generally easing into it more.

joined Mar 2, 2018

llenovo posted:

@Takkyomi Whoa, what's with the name-calling? Why are you being so emotional and defensive? Do you feel attacked by my comment? I only asked for a simple explanation.

That sounded like a rhetoric question to me, so sorry about that if you meant no harm. You got your explanation if you read pass my rude part (excuse me).

joined May 20, 2013

I find it interesting that everyone decrying the potential people enjoying it (or being inspired to enjoy/inflict sexual crimes because it exists) have not once shifted the focus to the artist. The material that the people are enjoying (which you wish they wouldn't) is the exact same material that someone, this mangaka, crafted.

But this entire discussion has been projecting a bunch of hypotheticals of something someone might do because such subject matter exists. To those people I ask: Rather than focus on the symptom, why not focus on the source and ask yourself why Itou Hachi made this to begin with? What made them think these thoughts, and then turn that mental imagery into works that we can all see? And why is that okay enough for you to skip over?

GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011

Anyway, can y'all actually promise me you don't feel sexual attraction for actual kids?

Yeah home doggy I can promise you I don't want to diddle no kids. Hell, I ain't even beat my dick to a pulp after reading this! Only to a slight puree! I think my homies on the forum can also vouch that they ain't wanna stick a dick in kids IRL any time soon. Now in fictional works, can't make any promises there my negro. I still don't like it, but I ain't gonna call anyone a pedo or sick if they do. Maybe show yo homies on the forum the same respect dawg

Snoop Lion has a point. The teachings of Ja Ras Tafari tell us to live and let live, the book cannot harm you so let us get along and commune with Ja Herb.

joined Jan 17, 2015

there are two types of people, those who approve this and those who do not ... luckily I am in the group that enjoys it .. that makes me a bad person?

joined Jan 14, 2016

Anyway, can y'all actually promise me you don't feel sexual attraction for actual kids?

Yeah home doggy I can promise you I don't want to diddle no kids. Hell, I ain't even beat my dick to a pulp after reading this! Only to a slight puree! I think my homies on the forum can also vouch that they ain't wanna stick a dick in kids IRL any time soon. Now in fictional works, can't make any promises there my negro. I still don't like it, but I ain't gonna call anyone a pedo or sick if they do. Maybe show yo homies on the forum the same respect dawg

Ye you are right there bud. I was just so shook I spoke without thinking. Sorry about that.

joined Jul 26, 2016

that makes me a bad person?

Very. Satania looks up to you as an inspiration.

last edited at Jul 18, 2018 11:16PM

joined Dec 10, 2017

I’m so glad to see these pictures finally translated.

Sweet Dangus McGee
joined Jul 2, 2017

this is fuckin weird

joined Mar 7, 2017

Why does this make me sleepy?
It's the total opposite of the hot comment section lmao.

joined Sep 21, 2015

Why does this make me sleepy?
It's the total opposite of the hot comment section lmao.

The exhaustion that comes after you get off to something, perhaps.

joined Jun 29, 2017

it's completely understandable why some find lolicon weird or gross, unfortunately though imma have to hit you with that "~don't like, don't read~"

joined May 8, 2013

I knew I wasn't going mad when I saw these a while back on Itou's witter, glad to see them re-uploaded here (or not judging by the thread xD)

joined Jul 26, 2016

The thread is at least as good entertainement as the manga. :v

joined Mar 7, 2017

Why does this make me sleepy?
It's the total opposite of the hot comment section lmao.

The exhaustion that comes after you get off to something, perhaps.

I never even touch myself ever, I think it's how it's drawn those line strokes felt soft on my eyes.
Weird I'm gonna sleep now.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

You know, up until the OneeLoli series, I'd never gotten any kind of sexual vibes from Itou Hachi's work. You'd think if this was her thing it'd bleed over into her other work more, but those are always such pure relationships that it just seemed fine, no matter the age gap. I mean hell, even the works about an adult married couple don't have anything more than a chaste kiss.

last edited at Jul 19, 2018 12:09AM

joined Sep 10, 2015

I'm gonna burn in hell for reading this now. Lol so by some people's standard here, I'm a pedo for enjoying this. But in reality, I don't like kids at all regardless of the gender especially when they started fuckin crying and being brat and all. they're just fucking annoying. And so, the men reading yuri manga, does that make them lesbians? Loool

Why can't we just enjoy fictional yuri in peace? If you don't like it, just move on. Everyone has different preference. And not everyone is a saint since some of us wants to spend eternity in hell.

last edited at Jul 19, 2018 12:16AM

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