Forum › Master and Mel OneeLoli Hentai discussion

joined Jul 8, 2017

Gonna have to give this one a big whoooaaaaa nelly.

joined Mar 23, 2014

how come people are only getting mad at this manga when there have been a good amount of age gap+lolicon stuff on here for years?

im not reading this since i know i wont feel comfortable reading age gap loli plus i like itou hachi to remain pure, but im just here for the comments lol

joined Apr 15, 2018

WWoww wow wow really Itou Hachi?

joined Nov 18, 2017

I find it kinda funny how this one manga is causing more controversy than pretty much the entire tag. Personally, I think people are blowing this way out of proportion, like, I enjoyed this and I hate kids IRL. I followed their Twitter, so I'm not surprised this exists.

Frankly, I doubt this is Harmful. This is a victim less crime and people should like what they like. He'll, it may be good so anyone who happens to be a pedophile IRL has an outlet so they don't... You know.

joined May 8, 2013

how come people are only getting mad at this manga when there have been a good amount of age gap+lolicon stuff on here for years?

im not reading this since i know i wont feel comfortable reading age gap loli plus i like itou hachi to remain pure, but im just here for the comments lol

Exactly what I'm thinking, I just hope this doesn't get out of hand if this cause Itou to quit drawing or worse, turn to yaoi like everyone before them

She/he took these drawings down for a reason, perhaps everyone wasn't ready for their lewd yuri art.

last edited at Jul 19, 2018 1:00AM

joined Nov 2, 2013

Lol the comments...

I dunno what to feel. I thought this author only had pure intentions but my expectations were scattered XD Itou sensei why

joined Jul 29, 2017

Just as a point of historical information, it’s not at all unusual for cartoonists to make NSFW versions of their own family-friendly creations. Dan DeCarlo, maybe the definitive artist of Archie comics, liked to draw nudes of Betty & Veronica all but getting it on, and, believe it or not, the Disney animators for Snow White did a short segment of our heroine getting nasty with her little men.

Back in the day such things were kept “private” among friends, but these days everyone’s friends are on the internet (as are those Betty & Veronica scans, if you look).

Altair Uploader
joined Nov 30, 2016

Nevri, there's a lot wrong with incest. The power dynamics are off the wall, a much more ethically complex issue than like sleeping with your boss or professor. Potential for abuse emotionally is through the roof. If you have children, odds of genetic abnormality is extremely high. Interpersonal relationship issues will play out completely differently with likely much worse consequences for your family, apart from it being a UNIVERSAL taboo across cultures. It's not simply an old tradition, it's universal. And even this all assumes you have a consenting relationship between adults.

last edited at Jul 19, 2018 1:33AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Literally universal actually, since every species that now bothers with sexual reproduction in the first place has evolved varyingly elaborate mechanisms for avoiding consanguinity if at all possible. That's one egg that definitely came before the chicken.

last edited at Jul 19, 2018 1:29AM

joined Sep 1, 2017

Da fuck!?

joined Sep 1, 2017

Just as a point of historical information, it’s not at all unusual for cartoonists to make NSFW versions of their own family-friendly creations. Dan DeCarlo, maybe the definitive artist of Archie comics, liked to draw nudes of Betty & Veronica all but getting it on, and, believe it or not, the Disney animators for Snow White did a short segment of our heroine getting nasty with her little men.

Back in the day such things were kept “private” among friends, but these days everyone’s friends are on the internet (as are those Betty & Veronica scans, if you look).

Are you sure those Betty & Veronica pictures aren't just Riverdale storyboards?

joined Jul 29, 2017


No, actually before Archie DeCarlo did a lot of racy cartoons for men’s magazines back in the day. You know—with well-stuffed rich men in spats smoking cigars and busty blondes in lingerie and fur coats.

In general I’d say that lots of cartoonists like to draw sexy stuff, even if that’s not what they do for money.

joined Nov 8, 2017
And I stop yet said it
(Someone got to it before me :C)

joined Sep 6, 2015

And before anyone says “I’m not a pedophile I would never think about having se with a real child” THEN WHY TF ARE YOU READING THIS?

You know, the better question is why are you reading this. Not just you in particular, but in general the hordes of people who clearly hate the contents of this upload, and seem to hate anyone who might have enjoyed it. Seriously, why the fuck are you even reading this work? It is clearly tagged, hell, it is clearly titled. The mentality of someone who would deliberately expose themselves to something they know without a shred of doubt they hate, just so they could grandstand on morality in a manga discussion thread, of all places, is quite frankly a deranged thing in its own right.

And lol at the people being "surprised" and whatnot about Hachi doing lewds of these two, it is like people deliberately pretend stuff like this did not happen. The very concept of beastkin screamed hentai, especially coupled with the fact they are basically just slaves (but even then I remember people in the Forum desperately scrambling to somehow interpret it as "willing servitude", "everyone seems happy with the arrangements", "they are more pets than slaves" - as if that makes it better, lol). I expected this sort of thing was happening, I just thought it will forever remain off-screen.

last edited at Jul 20, 2018 1:13AM

joined May 27, 2015

Savage stuff from Itou Hachi. I saw this on Twitter a while ago and saved some copies after hearing he/she deleted them.

The uploader on exhentai was pretty funny. "God forgive /u/s."

But it seems I'm way late to the comment party.

Think of all the emotionally ruined 8 year anime girls who had someone jack off to them. We should start a support group or something for all these drawings hurt by being jerked off to.


Cuz I was sexually abused as a kid and it's pleasant to think about if it'd been something hot or romantic with an older girl/woman I had feelings for, as opposed to the reality of a guy I trusted repeatedly pressuring and coercing me to do sexual stuff I didn't understand. It's immersing myself into a fantasy alternative of what happened.

Plus in a manga context it's divorced enough from reality that it's easier to treat it as a fantasy. There's also the plus side of as it's a fantasy and not real, I can opt out. I can decide I don't like this and stop the fantasy to get away. It's a lot harder to do in real life situations.

A pleasant fantasy where I can have control and boundaries. That's the reason I like it.

Wow, that's actually a very interesting and insightful perspective. I've never thought about it that way before.

last edited at Jul 19, 2018 3:16AM

joined Mar 22, 2018

Like most of the media I ingest, I feel this is best to read and move on from. Or I guess, read, skim over the comments, post a meaningless comment myself, then move on. One way or another, it's therapeutic or something?

last edited at Jul 19, 2018 3:16AM

joined Feb 23, 2014

I find Loli hentai hot and this was good, that is all.

joined Nov 26, 2017


joined Jul 30, 2015

Haha now you can still read the Manga with the innocent feeling?! xD

joined Jul 2, 2017

moral talk forum in Itou Hachi's OneLoli hentai is fun to read

joined Mar 20, 2017

It was uploaded in the comment section before, so now I will pleasure myself with the CS

joined Aug 10, 2015

Yuzumori-san's thread is like you call this controversy pfff pathetic

joined Dec 1, 2017

Guys, this is pedophilia. That there's no men involved doesn't mean it's okay.

joined Jan 27, 2016

Why is the FBI here?

joined May 11, 2015

I’m sure you also had some very fine people on both sides. If only there were a tag or something that told you what kind of content you were in for so you wouldn’t accidentally read something you fundamentally disagree with.
Maybe we should change those to 70pt font I feel this would decrease click through almost entirely.

From everyday experience I can tell you that no matter how big the sign people won't read it and complain about it. Even IF you start slapping them with the sign right across the face...

I really really hoped that the storyline for these two would have stayed away from this.

As far as I understand this is some (arguably bad) drawing done by the author which does not actually have anything to do with the storyline.

By its very definition, child porn is abuse, since no child is in age to give consent. All child porn is wrong because it portrays children having sex before they can give consent. Again, sorry to call your fetish or whatever by its name, but having a little kid portrayed having sex IS child porn, regardless of how you feel about it.

That might be right, but it lacks the definition what a child actually is. Doing a quick search about the age of consent, it ranges from 12 to 19 with some countries even having the addition "only when married". Meaning CP in your country could be illegal because the girl/boy is 16 and in some other countries it's perfectly legal. So in RL there is hardly any consent about the age of consent. And you expect a fictional world where cat/human hybrids life to follow the same rules?

The reason why people enjoy playing violent videogames like GTA is because they're not actually hurting anybody, they're just enjoying an unrealistic power fantasy.

But this manga shows a realistic depiction of pedophilia. If you enjoy reading this kind of stuff, or, God forbid, if you we're aroused by this, how are you not a pedophile?

I really don't get this... So killing realistic people with weapons I can buy in a shop around the corner with blood, screaming, panic and everything there is to it, maybe choosing a school as a setting is perfectly fine, because you won't hurt someone because it's just fiction. On the other hand a drawing - no, actually just some black lines on a white background - most of the time without any colour whatsoever - depicting a cat/human hybrid shows a realistic depiction of CP and therefore everyone enjoying it has to be a paedophile.

Sry to say this, but this is just BS and doesn't make any sense whatsoever...
(oh an btw I did not enjoy reading this. On the one hand I don't have the impression this is fitting for the characters in the work and on the other hand the art was crap)

Guys, this is pedophilia. That there's no men involved doesn't mean it's okay.

It would be, if we had any kind of indication, that the age of consent IN STORY was higher than Mels age. Otherwise It's not.

I'm gonna burn in hell for reading this now.

Don't be sad. Per definition everyone it going to hell anyways. The difference is just if your going like everyone else or if you'd take the employees door...

last edited at Jul 19, 2018 4:43AM

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