Forum › Master and Mel OneeLoli Hentai discussion
Alright... I just can´t. This is too much... I cannot enjoy this...
It's not about distinguishing fiction from reality. It's that people don't understand there are many others out there who see this as justification of their feelings towards those who are underage DESPITE it being fiction. Just because some can step back and realize they're just drawings doesn't mean everyone does and supporting child pornography, drawn or otherwise, should NEVER be a thing.
Let's ban kitchen knives and every art that picture morally wrong acts, because that can influence people! It's clearly the art that is problematic and not something else, and look at Halloween, do you know the number of people who went outside and stabbed people with a kitchen knife because they thought the film was validating their urges?!
Alright... I just can´t. This is too much... I cannot enjoy this...
why not? this ist so Beautiful
It's not about distinguishing fiction from reality. It's that people don't understand there are many others out there who see this as justification of their feelings towards those who are underage DESPITE it being fiction. Just because some can step back and realize they're just drawings doesn't mean everyone does and supporting child pornography, drawn or otherwise, should NEVER be a thing.
Let's ban kitchen knives and every art that picture morally wrong acts, because that can influence people! It's clearly the art that is problematic and not something else, and look at Halloween, do you know the number of people who went outside and stabbed people with a kitchen knife because they thought the film was validating their urges?!
Forget Halloween, The Equalizer 2 is out this weekend, I expect a massacre in every hardware store. This could have been prevented by just banning all media to keep it from shaping people’s fantastical views about the real world. It’s too bad too given how little population we have left after all those spree killings followed by nuclear meltdowns in the wake of Hatred. Forget about how the Black Plague was actually people going crazy and murdering each other in the wake of hearing the forbidden piano progression.
It's not about distinguishing fiction from reality.
Except it is. If it were a real CP set it would be a very different situation.
It's that people don't understand there are many others out there who see this as justification of their feelings towards those who are underage DESPITE it being fiction.
A minority. You'll find that people for any other controversial topic. Not only lolicon.
Just because some can step back and realize they're just drawings doesn't mean everyone does and supporting child pornography, drawn or otherwise, should NEVER be a thing.
So just because a very small minority can't adapt to society we should ban every controversial art manifestation? Or are you saying that people should be silenced if they don't share your opinion about any hard to digest topic as lolicon/drugs use/violence on media/homosexuality/etc etc?
To all the people defending this with the “it’s fictional so it’s ok” Itou Hachi is perfectly allowed to draw this kind of stuff since it is fiction. What’s really sick and twisted is that people are not just reading it but enjoying it and there even might be people who are masturbating to this stuff. Just the possibility of that being true sickens me to no end.Like seriously take a step back and think about it, you guys are defending child porn, fictional or not. And before anyone says “I’m not a pedophile I would never think about having se with a real child” THEN WHY TF ARE YOU READING THIS?
And I thought ppl on this site were better than those sick male otakus who have wet dreams about fucking their favorite 8 year old anime girlGetting this offended over Japanese cartoon characters xD If you are unable to distinguish between fiction and reality, that's no one else's problem but your own. btw, are you an alt of Rosi? lol
No she isn't :v
Anyway, can y'all actually promise me you don't feel sexual attraction for actual kids? Because that's what still worries me. I don't care about what you watch and stuff, but I still think it's weird for someone to feel excited reading this things. Because for example, I like reading romantic mangas bc I'm really romantic myself, so I love seeing characters falling in love with other people and being able to feel identified and stuff. That's why I have never been able to understand the thing you are all telling me. I mean, shows, movies, books, etc are normally meant for a certain type of public, (ex. those typical romantic dramas are meant for teenagers, the historical ones are meant for the people that are interested in history; I know there are exceptions but you know what I mean) so I would like to know why you like reading this things, that's something I can't understand. I'm sorry if I'm making people angry, but I still can't understand why would you like to read this kind of things. That's what I want to know, an actual reason of why do you enjoy this kind of content. (Please don't kill me I'm being respectful :'v)
It's not about distinguishing fiction from reality. It's that people don't understand there are many others out there who see this as justification of their feelings towards those who are underage DESPITE it being fiction. Just because some can step back and realize they're just drawings doesn't mean everyone does and supporting child pornography, drawn or otherwise, should NEVER be a thing.
Let's ban kitchen knives and every art that picture morally wrong acts, because that can influence people! It's clearly the art that is problematic and not something else, and look at Halloween, do you know the number of people who went outside and stabbed people with a kitchen knife because they thought the film was validating their urges?!
You do realize there's proof of increased violent acts on Halloween right? Thanks for further proving my point.
I followed Itou's twitter for a while and knew this was inevitable (I wonder if they got reported for posting it? Seems to have happened to others like the author of Dragon Maid who draw children in these situations) and it twists my stomach up so much.
It's not about distinguishing fiction from reality. It's that people don't understand there are many others out there who see this as justification of their feelings towards those who are underage DESPITE it being fiction.
So you're saying everyone should stop writing/drawing anything which you think can negatively influence an individual. Note that I say individual because yes, the problem lies in the individual rather than the once again, fictional content.
Just because some can step back and realize they're just drawings doesn't mean everyone does and supporting child pornography, drawn or otherwise, should NEVER be a thing.
You want everyone to stop doing what they're doing because it could empower some already screwed up people. Ever heard of Lolita? It's available in libraries, book stores, even online. Want to censor that too? People before you have tried. Good luck. Get your poor little feelings together and suck it up bb
last edited at Jul 18, 2018 9:34PM
It's fucked up in het and it's fucked up in yuri
For all of y’all with double standards. I bet you wouldn’t feel the same if “Master” was a man
Honestly, I would never read this if Master were a dude, but I don't really give a shit 'cause she's a woman. I very much have double standards when it comes to yuri, and I'm proud of them. I guess I can conclude that all these years of yuri have thoroughly corrupted my mind... I mean, I'm not into sexualized minors or incest or whatever except when they involve legitimate yuri. I think the whole yuri is pure thing is dumb (though it's a fun joke, for sure), so I can't really explain why I feel this way, but I do... it's pretty weird.
Okay, onto another topic, I am legitimately curious though about this, this isn't a joke... is fictional CP actually illegal in the US? I'm disgusted by it for the most part (don't kill me pls), so I try to avoid it, but it does end up showing up anyway on many less than reputable sites I visit... including this one, obviously, though I wouldn't call this site less than reputable (it pretty much is though, isn't it). If the police decided to arrest someone or whatever, would they have a case? I mean, even if they don't have a valid reason, just the accusation would absolutely ruin anyone's life... so would they even charge someone with something in the first place?
Edit: Someone below me posted something about how there's a difference between portraying something and glorifying something like in all those rape things where the victim likes it by the end, and I'd like to comment on that. Firstly... well, there definitely is a difference but this is definitely glorifying it to an extent haha. Secondly, it did make me wonder why I'm okay with this but not with all those horrible rape doujins. The best thing I can come up with is that you can't really make someone a pedophile but you can kinda make someone a rapist to an extent... I'm sure this is gonna be controversial, especially since I have zero evidence to support this assertion, but I feel that if you portray rapey behavior as being perfectly fine, it's gonna be influential on people's actions if/when they actually have sex. Like in all those even ostensibly non-rape things where one person's going "Stop! Stop!" and the other person doesn't stop, and then everyone's fine by the end... I feel like it might encourage that kind of behavior in real life even when someone's partner clearly doesn't want to continue. Feel free to prove me wrong though if any of this is baseless.
last edited at Jul 18, 2018 9:44PM
Does anybody think Itou Hachi masturbated to their own artwork after drawing this?
Honestly, I would never read this if Master were a dude, but I don't really give a shit 'cause she's a woman. I very much have double standards when it comes to yuri, and I'm proud of them. I guess I can conclude that all these years of yuri have thoroughly corrupted my mind... I mean, I'm not into sexualized minors or incest or whatever except when they involve legitimate yuri. I think the whole yuri is pure thing is dumb (though it's a fun joke, for sure), so I can't really explain why I feel this way, but I do... it's pretty weird.
same, I'm usually pretty adamant with double standards being bad, but when it comes to yuri I just stop giving a fuck, since yuri basically has all of my hobbies hostage
Anyway, can y'all actually promise me you don't feel sexual attraction for actual kids? Because that's what still worries me. I don't care about what you watch and stuff, but I still think it's weird for someone to feel excited reading this things.
What if they do? It's not like they're raping kids all day. Feeling attracted to kids is not the samr to actually abusing a kid. That's why some of those guys come and read lolicon, to control those urges
It's not about distinguishing fiction from reality. It's that people don't understand there are many others out there who see this as justification of their feelings towards those who are underage DESPITE it being fiction. Just because some can step back and realize they're just drawings doesn't mean everyone does and supporting child pornography, drawn or otherwise, should NEVER be a thing.
Let's ban kitchen knives and every art that picture morally wrong acts, because that can influence people! It's clearly the art that is problematic and not something else, and look at Halloween, do you know the number of people who went outside and stabbed people with a kitchen knife because they thought the film was validating their urges?!
You do realize there's proof of increased violent acts on Halloween right? Thanks for further proving my point.
The movie Halloween, not the catholic bastardization of Roman paganist festival of fall equinox.
Does anybody think Itou Hachi masturbated to their own artwork after drawing this?
They probably have better ones never released on twitter to do that with.
Anyway, can y'all actually promise me you don't feel sexual attraction for actual kids?
I don't feel attraction for actual kids.
I still can't understand why would you like to read this kind of things
Cuz I was sexually abused as a kid and it's pleasant to think about if it'd been something hot or romantic with an older girl/woman I had feelings for, as opposed to the reality of a guy I trusted repeatedly pressuring and coercing me to do sexual stuff I didn't understand. It's immersing myself into a fantasy alternative of what happened.
Plus in a manga context it's divorced enough from reality that it's easier to treat it as a fantasy. There's also the plus side of as it's a fantasy and not real, I can opt out. I can decide I don't like this and stop the fantasy to get away. It's a lot harder to do in real life situations.
A pleasant fantasy where I can have control and boundaries. That's the reason I like it.
some comfy oneeloli lewd times followed by a side of puritans and drama in the comments is the best way to enjoy manga
also, this isn't the first time Itou-sensei has lewded them iirc
either way, it's more or less what I expected with these two, although Master could have afforded to be a bit more gentle tbh
So you're saying everyone should stop writing/drawing anything which you think can negatively influence an individual. Note that I say individual because yes, the problem lies in the individual rather than the once again, fictional content.
So just because a very small minority can't adapt to society we should ban every controversial art manifestation? Or are you saying that people should be silenced if they don't share your opinion about any hard to digest topic as lolicon/drugs use/violence on media/homosexuality/etc etc?
Why y'all putting words in my mouth? lol I'm talking about child porn alone here. Sorry I'm not accepting of this illegal content as ya'll.
Drug use in media does often increase its use in real life when it's shown in a positive light (see: smoking, drinking in many forms of media and even youtubers). Also, being gay is not something you choose, therefore cannot be influenced, I don't even know why that was brought up that's downright offensive for you to even suggest.
last edited at Jul 18, 2018 9:47PM
Come on chill down guys, it's ok since this is fiction ( ° ͜ʖ °) right? smirks
yes yes it's totally fine. continues masturbating
Also, being gay is not something you choose, therefore cannot be influenced, I don't even know why that was brought up that's downright offensive for you to even suggest.
Neither is being a pedophile, but the implication is not about being gay being influenced but similarly having gay sex which is a choice. By this logic if we ban all images and fiction about gay sex we can stop the sodomy epidemic. Gay sex, violence, lolicon, crack pairings, let us rid the world of bad things by stopping all fictional depictions of them.
lol I'm talking about child porn alone here. Sorry I'm not accepting of this illegal content as ya'll.
Just on a personal note, I'm fine with you being against loli stuff, but I do wish you'd stop calling it child porn in a way that conflates it with actual photos/videos of child sexual abuse.
A lot of people conflate them under the same term in a deliberately obfuscating fashion, and doing so erases precisely what makes photos/videos of child sexual abuse so bad: The abuse having happened to make that stuff, that there is a victim created in the process who not only has to deal with the trauma in a world that doesn't really care about the victims, that victims have to live with the knowledge that not only may this stuff be out there long after their abuse ends but could even outlive them, and that the person who made this stuff very likely can and will abuse again.
Loli art doesn't do any of those things. So even if you think it's bad and should be illegal or whatever, it's super shitty to conflate it with actual abuse stuff.
The reason why people enjoy playing violent videogames like GTA is because they're not actually hurting anybody, they're just enjoying an unrealistic power fantasy.
But this manga shows a realistic depiction of pedophilia. If you enjoy reading this kind of stuff, or, God forbid, if you we're aroused by this, how are you not a pedophile?
This is certainly a thread. One that probably needs both sides to calm down and stop making some particularly outlandish claims.
last edited at Jul 18, 2018 10:03PM
lol I'm talking about child porn alone here. Sorry I'm not accepting of this illegal content as ya'll.
Just on a personal note, I'm fine with you being against loli stuff, but I do wish you'd stop calling it child porn in a way that conflates it with actual photos/videos of child sexual abuse.
A lot of people conflate them under the same term in a deliberately obfuscating fashion, and doing so erases precisely what makes photos/videos of child sexual abuse so bad: The abuse having happened to make that stuff, that there is a victim created in the process who not only has to deal with the trauma in a world that doesn't really care about the victims, that victims have to live with the knowledge that not only may this stuff be out there long after their abuse ends but could even outlive them, and that the person who made this stuff very likely can and will abuse again.
Loli art doesn't do any of those things. So even if you think it's bad and should be illegal or whatever, it's super shitty to conflate it with actual abuse stuff.
Nah man. This is porn that depicts a child having sex with an older woman. By its very definition is child porn. Sorry you don't like your porn called by what it is
The reason why people enjoy playing violent videogames like GTA is because they're not actually hurting anybody, they're just enjoying an unrealistic power fantasy.
But this manga shows a realistic depiction of pedophilia. If you enjoy reading this kind of stuff, or, God forbid, if you we're aroused by this, how are you not a pedophile?
Because it’s not actually hurting anybody?
GTA is far more realistic than this, never seen a catgirl loli in my daily life but I’m pretty sure I hear every day a story about gang warfare and cops shooting unarmed men.