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joined Jan 31, 2015

...I'm getting just a little sick and tired of time skips.

joined Jul 31, 2018

As someone who has been following this series from literally the first translated update on this website, I can't help but feel both really happy and melancholic after reading this chapter. Honestly, I did enjoy the journey a lot and I'll miss it. Even for all the heightened emotions, waterfalls of tears and ~drama~, I truly don't regret a single moment spent reading it over the past three years! All that's left now is to look forward to the epilogue.

To add a thought about ch 37 in particular; I really liked the build-up leading to Kurokawa's answer. Her gradual realization of how different her feelings for Fujishiro are now vs. then with the scenes flashing between the past and the just felt so genuine and made for a great conclusion imo.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Ah, such a beautiful ending. ^_^

Now to wait for the epilogue (and hopefully for more of the other couple as well).

joined May 28, 2021

I kinda wish they had a little more time to stretch it out. It's a bit of a pet peeve of mine but it always bugs me when the actual '' they're officially a couple'' moment happens in the last page and we get none of the happy payoff. Oh well! It was still pretty sweet and the art is as pretty as always. Here's to our not so useless anymore princesses !

last edited at Aug 22, 2021 4:55PM

joined Oct 16, 2013

Damn... 3 more months to get together even after all that... feels bad for Fujishiro. Well I'm glad Kurokawa finally sorted out her feelings.

joined Mar 7, 2021

...I'm getting just a little sick and tired of time skips.

Iroha was right and Kurokawa waffled on nothing for 3 months when she did obviously have feelings for Nanaki, the time skip was so insanely pointless. and even after the time skip they don't even have a real conversation about feeling they're just talking and Kurokawa kisses Nanaki out of nowhere, you could say seeing her crying triggered her feelings but if that's all it took she shouldn't have been fucking around with Nanaki's feelings for 3 months.

but most of all in general people need to fucking stop with the shitty time skips at the end of series it just ruins the conclusion of a story for me, they almost always suck and feel bad. the only time jumping ahead is ever good is in an epilogue chapter where it goes "here's this couple you watched get together X years later"

I genuinely do love this series but that time skip is leaving me with a bitter taste in my mouth and that's just a little bit disappointing.

last edited at Aug 22, 2021 3:36PM

joined Mar 31, 2018


joined Mar 15, 2015

I kinda wish they had a little more time to stretch it out. It's a bit of a pet peeve of mine but it always bugs me when the actual '' they're officially a couple'' moment happens in the last page and we get none of the happy payoff. Oh well! It was still pretty sweet and the art is as pretty as always. Here's to our not so unless anymore girls !

I agree. Bloom Into You got Yuu and Touko together at the start of the final volume and gave us a few chapters of them as a couple. The series could have done a little more, but it's certainly preferable to what this series did.

I wish Fujishiro and Kurokawa had at least started calling each other by their first names. Considering that they actually acknowledged how they're still calling each other by their surnames, one would think that they'd actually switch to first names at some point, since it's a nice way to signify two characters becoming a couple, or at least close friends.

joined Jul 6, 2020

I kinda wish they had a little more time to stretch it out. It's a bit of a pet peeve of mine but it always bugs me when the actual '' they're officially a couple'' moment happens in the last page and we get none of the happy payoff. Oh well! It was still pretty sweet and the art is as pretty as always. Here's to our not so unless anymore girls !

Hard agree, it feels like there have been a ton of high profile series that have ended in the past year with the confession happening at the very end, and I get that it’s the norm but it’s still unfortunate.

joined May 24, 2014

Nice end, but can the author finish dear my teacher already?

joined Oct 22, 2018

Hope we get IroIzu also confirmed in the epilogue.

joined Aug 10, 2015

Pretty much share the same sentiment that I’m happy for the ending, but the time skip is kinda eh as is “they’re a couple” ending. I wanna see more of the story after that point darn it

…okay I might just be a little greedy lol

joined Mar 25, 2021

So... after this entire drama, Kurokawa asks her to "wait for her answer". Understandable. Somehow they go on three months without an answer, only for Kurokawa to suddenly, promptly, all of a sudden, realize, on impulse, after seeing Fujishiro cry, that she loves her? Did the author time skip as a trend? Not only that, but Kurokawa just assumes that after making her three months, that she has the right to kiss her without asking? Or that Fujishiro still feels the same? Damn... my brain hurts after this.

joined Mar 29, 2019

So it was basically medieval yuri-classic with angry crying angsty faces. For me, a lot of that is my catnip. Angry depression is a common mode for some people so this author was my spirit animal.

I agree though that there's so much crystal castle "we can be yuri but only in dreams" going on with Japanese manga. A bunch of crying, pure girls only admit to their gay feelings at the last minute of the story after which there is no more story because...well, that 'because' has a LOT of implications. A lot of them are societal attitudes. It just seems like so many authors or editors feel it's taboo to portray an actual gay relationship as normal. It does feel a bit gross.

I'm getting serious vibes from that series that ended recently where she's in love with her brother's wife and they only show their gay accepted life in an apartment doorway. Like come the fuck on.

Overall this series was okay but feels like it never launched beyond the common norms of the medium. Japan loves its crystal castles in the sky, a sweet girl dreaming in summer with her book open on her lap, her lace dress falling askew in the green grass, her pale hand on her forehead, dreaming of a reality that cannot be, and then her husband wakes her on horseback and she has three children already. It just gets a bit tiresome.

But this is the most we can expect out of Japanese yuri manga, outside of the more mature series like Bloom Into You or How do we relationship?

Plus, I get the shivers from current Citrus that is basically completely locked into cyrstal castle mode right now with Yuzu constantly deflecting long term structural issues with Mei because she's hApPy. And Mei in sleep-walking mode, locked in the tower of her mind, always wondering: "What are these lesbians they keep whispering about? I need to think about college and grandfather."

So yeah, this was as rudimentary as classic school-girl yuri gets. It gave us the chills and thrills, but nothing original except the visceralness of emotions. So I can feel your disappointment somewhat. I wanted this series to really go in a direction I wasn't used to. I'm a bit sad it didn't actually take off. I feel like it set the runway for that and then did a roundabout in a cul-de-sac. Oh well, bit of a waste, and then the classic epilogue that shows us all the kinds of things the series should've focused on long before.

The epilogue of stories like this are always an apology: sorry, we can't admit that gayness is normal. Deal with it. Here's what would've happened in an adult story. But we don't care about that, because you wet yourselves for these high school stories where feelings are precious and girls are made of glass. Don't smash the figurine!

last edited at Aug 22, 2021 5:03PM

joined Mar 13, 2014

Miki, no...

joined Aug 18, 2021

Three months later.

joined Feb 9, 2019

Feels like a lot of stuff was left unresolved, and I'm not sure a single epilogue chapter is enough to properly tie all the loose threads.

P.S. I did not proofread this lol. Dunno why I was credited.

joined Apr 12, 2021

That kiss a perfect equivalent to they .
Is an very acceptable ending.
But i thought this will be far longers

joined Dec 12, 2017

time skip

You may be alright with this, I'm not.

joined Dec 11, 2017

Nice end, but can the author finish dear my teacher already?

Dear my Teacher is a doujin project, which means they work on it on their own time. Being a serialized pro creator means less time for personal projects like that, unfortunately.

joined Jun 4, 2018

Nice end, but can the author finish dear my teacher already?

Dear my Teacher is a doujin project, which means they work on it on their own time. Being a serialized pro creator means less time for personal projects like that, unfortunately.

But...! but.....!!!!

joined Aug 14, 2020

I see a bit of vitriol toward the 3 month skip but I don't mind it. I'd rather a skip than another like 10 chapters of drama and figuring out feelings.

joined Aug 19, 2021

YESSSSSSSSS, finally!! I hope we can see the other two dating as well in the epilogue.

Hope we get IroIzu also confirmed in the epilogue.

Iroha and Izumi better be the main focus of the epilogue. Nanaki and Kanade can fuck off now that their roundabout misadventure of misunderstandings has ended.

I have found my people.

last edited at Aug 22, 2021 7:33PM

joined Oct 16, 2020

It's like 6am at my place but I just read this and...I'm so fuckin' happy

joined Oct 19, 2020


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