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joined Oct 12, 2013

Well Chapter 13 was a little disappointing
"I slept with Remi, it was fun. It also helped me realize I want to protect you."
At least get a little mad that your girlfriend just said that cheating was fun...

Honestly, it could've been worse. And I don't really think Sachi meant it that way.

She doesn't even apologise.

joined Mar 8, 2014

Ugh, I don't know what to think about this...
First of all, Ruki is suuuper cool! How come they say she's not cool?! Okay Maasa might be the coolest one (-) but ugh, what?! Ruki was the second coolest... She might not look super cool in this chapter but everyone has a delicate side, if you hurt them that much they are not going to be able to take it!
And I just want to slap Saachan! She did what she did and she doesn't even show the slightest hint of guilt! And I don't understand her, she doesn't even seem to love Ruki, you wouldn't hurt someone you love and act so calm about it, she seriously seems totally disturbed!
I don't know, is this supposed to make people upset? Is this why it's called "the feelings we must all endure"?! =.=

joined Aug 13, 2013


joined Jul 28, 2014


joined Apr 20, 2013

Stupid Ruki chan, I don't care anymore

joined Dec 14, 2014

I for one think that this chapter was exceptionally well narrated. I also think Sachi loves Ruki, although in a very Shuninta kind of way. That she tells her sister/family is also a detail you don't see that often in yuri manga.

joined Feb 19, 2014

hmmm. wow, ruki really does love her unconditionally. after all that. im not a fan of sachhan. but i wanna see ruki happy. so im happy about this reunion. :)

joined Apr 8, 2013

Ugh, I don't know what to think about this...
First of all, Ruki is suuuper cool! How come they say she's not cool?! Okay Maasa might be the coolest one (-) but ugh, what?! Ruki was the second coolest... She might not look super cool in this chapter but everyone has a delicate side, if you hurt them that much they are not going to be able to take it!
And I just want to slap Saachan! She did what she did and she doesn't even show the slightest hint of guilt! And I don't understand her, she doesn't even seem to love Ruki, you wouldn't hurt someone you love and act so calm about it, she seriously seems totally disturbed!
I don't know, is this supposed to make people upset? Is this why it's called "the feelings we must all endure"?! =.=

It's kinda hard to pass judgment on her without hearing her tone of voice. We don't know if she sounds lighthearted or sad or indifferent.

As for myself, I think this was kinda sweet.

Sacchan could have kept that whole situation to herself and never let on that she cheated on Ruki (even though Ruki already knew). But she was being upfront about it with her and Ruki is sweet and forgiving enough that she still accepted her.

Ghost in the Shell
joined Jul 30, 2013

Ugh, I don't know what to think about this...
First of all, Ruki is suuuper cool! How come they say she's not cool?! Okay Maasa might be the coolest one (-) but ugh, what?! Ruki was the second coolest... She might not look super cool in this chapter but everyone has a delicate side, if you hurt them that much they are not going to be able to take it!
And I just want to slap Saachan! She did what she did and she doesn't even show the slightest hint of guilt! And I don't understand her, she doesn't even seem to love Ruki, you wouldn't hurt someone you love and act so calm about it, she seriously seems totally disturbed!
I don't know, is this supposed to make people upset? Is this why it's called "the feelings we must all endure"?! =.=

Yup, Ruki is cool, basically because she is a good person. She always tries to do the right thing, even if it's not always the smartest thing (e.g. she should have slapped Remi imo, and perhaps Sacchan, too).
But what they mean in the story is that cliched "cool". Aloof, tough and so on. Also assertive, which she definitely wasn't in the last few chapters.

I'm not so sure about Sacchan, though. You're right, she doesn't "show" guilt, but I don't think she feels no remorse, perhaps just in a more complex, not easily put into words kind of way. What she said holds surprisingly deep insight. She learned about herself, I'm convinced about that.
Up until the cheating, she was always a person that let herself be controlled by others. Her ex, and then Ruki. Of course we, the readers, rationally know that's stupid. But she herself didn't see that (as we probably wouldn't see it if it was about ourselves). By acting egoistically for once, she realized that this suits her more, she says so herself. However, that doesn't mean she'll treat Ruki (again) badly in the future. I read it as her realizing that she has to take responsibility for her actions and that she can only do so if she decides what she wants herself.
Look at it this way: Ultimately her just casually letting Ruki have sex with her (i.e. without "wanting it for herself") resulted in Ruki being hurt in the first place (even before the cheating the relationship was "going nowhere", Ruki felt uneasy because she had the impression Sacchan was indifferent, which she was).
Now having learned that she can also want stuff for herself, Sacchan wants to start a relationship (or "restart" in this case) out of her own intention.

Of course you could disagree with Ruki's choice to go for it, but ultimately that's her matter. I've seen this stuff in real life and actually I think this is one of the few scenario where forgiving an affair and using the opportunity to start again on better terms, better understanding of oneself and the other, can be worth it.

Even with all the drama and rage-inducing decisions characters make, I like this series. I find the characters believable (some you can realistically despise, some you just love, and sometimes one turns into the other, just like with real people) and enjoy how new facets of them unfold over time. Plus I've made some stupid and not so stupid love-decisions myself so I can relate (and yes, decisions that after the fact make you go "why the HECK would I ever have done that???")

joined Mar 16, 2013

Oh a suprising turn of events, at least for me. But i guess if a chapter starts with a last date before the breakup things won't go as planed. And i think i'm fine with it, but Ruki should be very careful now.

joined Dec 14, 2014

By acting egoistically for once, she realized that this suits her more, she says so herself. However, that doesn't mean she'll treat Ruki (again) badly in the future.

Yep, I thinks this follows from her acknowledging she hurt Ruki by her actions and her realization that she herself is the person she wanted to be there to protect Ruki all along. The only question is if Ruki will be happy with the 'new' Sachi she got.

It's a bit twisted, but a believable character dynamic.

e: I also think this story is a totally different read if you are able to read it in one go.

last edited at Feb 22, 2015 12:41PM

joined Nov 10, 2013

Nah, can't read this s-t anymore. "I cheated on you cause I wanted to know how it'd feel-" "WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME?!" "Let's hug!"

last edited at Feb 22, 2015 12:34PM

joined Jun 6, 2014

There will be a lot of backlash to this chapter, and understandably so, because Sacchan can come off very antagonistic pretty easily in this chapter.

The thing you all have to realize is, cheating happens. It's a mistake that people quite often commit, and people's inability to forgive and lack of actual love is what makes it a problem. See, Ruki is in love. Honestly in love. Even though Sacchan has been a raging cuntmuffin to her in this relationship, she's willing to personally lick off all the dirt between them and move forward, forgiving Sacchan. Because Sacchan was honest, and didn't pretend her messing with Ruki was 'all a fling and nothing more', because she recognizes it was a terrible thing and hurt Ruki tremendously.

And yet, as messed up as it is, it's going to be for the better of the relationship. Because Sacchan now recognizes her role in their relationship fully, and is going to embrace it head-on. Yeah, I wish she apologized to Ruki, but this was probably a detail Shuninta agonized over for a while, and intentionally left out. I think this was to emphasize that Sacchan legitimately doesn't feel remorse right now, because that is what people in her situation sometimes feel. She finally is able to have fun for herself, and it's exhilarating. But once that starts compounding by being with Sacchan, then she'll probably start feeling worse about it, and then she will apologize, but that's in the near future of their relationship. If anything, I think she just now realized her full and true feelings for Ruki, which were not recognized during her little spree with Remi. Because if you cheat on someone you fully love, it builds up pressure and it feels wrong. In a twisted way, Sacchan finally found these feelings in part thanks to her fling with Remi.

Ruki has to endure the pain of being in love when it's difficult, that much is obvious. But there is also a kind of enduring going on with Sacchan. Do you know how easy it is for people to jump ship on their partners when they have enjoyable affairs like this? And yet she, without coercion, turns around on her own and grabs Ruki's hand with honesty. You don't have to like her (I sure don't), but you gotta respect her. This is probably one of the most realistic ways people could move on past issues of this kind.

This is what makes this series realistic, in that it addresses one of the hugest problems of romantic relationships - lust - and shows that even partnerships on the wrong end of the bill can struggle through it if they do it together.

joined Jul 8, 2013

So, considering that the final chapter of Triangle Struggle came out today too, this is just the day of shitty endings, I see. I had read some of the spoilers so I expected this but HOLY FUCKING SHIT SHE REALLY DIDN'T EVEN APOLOGIZE. AND RUKI FORGAVE HER WITH NO HESITATION. I mean...this is a bad ending...this is arguably the worst ending...I know my reactions tend to be capslocked and filled with rage but I never really get that angry at a series and its usually just me overexaggerating them cuz I know its fiction but with this I'm legitimately enraged. I currently hate everything. Excuse me while I go on a murder spree.

last edited at Feb 22, 2015 12:44PM

joined Dec 14, 2014

^ I kind of was waiting for this post and I really wish you all the best. Take care (and please don't)!

last edited at Feb 22, 2015 12:47PM

joined Apr 10, 2014

I never expected much from this series since the beginning. I knew there's gonna be cheating and NTR and what nots. All these essays and rage feels kinda overrated...

joined Nov 23, 2014

Can I just say I'm kinda hating this? I gave it the benefit of the doubt but I am disappointed at this point. Amano, how are you gonna make this up for me ヽ(`Д´)ノ
But looking at reality here, some people are probably like that. Just glad I don't have to deal with them.

joined Jan 27, 2015

So, considering that the final chapter of Triangle Struggle came out today too, this is just the day of shitty endings, I see. I had read some of the spoilers so I expected this but HOLY FUCKING SHIT SHE REALLY DIDN'T EVEN APOLOGIZE. AND RUKI FORGAVE HER WITH NO HESITATION. I mean...this is a bad ending...this is arguably the worst ending...I know my reactions tend to be capslocked and filled with rage but I never really get that angry at a series and its usually just me overexaggerating them cuz I know its fiction but with this I'm legitimately enraged. I currently hate everything. Excuse me while I go on a murder spree.

I am pretty sure this isn't the end. There is another chapter or maybe it's an afterward but there is still more to come. Though it does show Remi's face so maybe we should all avoid it and be happy with this haha

last edited at Feb 22, 2015 1:24PM

joined Apr 8, 2013

So, considering that the final chapter of Triangle Struggle came out today too, this is just the day of shitty endings, I see. I had read some of the spoilers so I expected this but HOLY FUCKING SHIT SHE REALLY DIDN'T EVEN APOLOGIZE. AND RUKI FORGAVE HER WITH NO HESITATION. I mean...this is a bad ending...this is arguably the worst ending...I know my reactions tend to be capslocked and filled with rage but I never really get that angry at a series and its usually just me overexaggerating them cuz I know its fiction but with this I'm legitimately enraged. I currently hate everything. Excuse me while I go on a murder spree.

I think you should change your name to YuriHateFan... all your posts are are filled with rage lol -- I'm also teasing, so don't take it seriously. ^_^

Can I just say I'm kinda hating this? I gave it the benefit of the doubt but I am disappointed at this point. Amano, how are you gonna make this up for me ヽ(`Д´)ノ
But looking at reality here, some people are probably like that. Just glad I don't have to deal with them.

Eh... to be honest, If I was Ruki, I would have forgiven Sacchan as well. if she only did it once, and it wasn't anything serious, I'd just blow it off and forgive her for it. I'd be hurt of course and probably a little annoyed as well, but I wouldn't destroy my relationship by telling her to go fuck herself and leave me a lone or whatever. I just don't tend to hold grudges or get in a serious rage over things...

last edited at Feb 22, 2015 1:28PM

joined Mar 22, 2013

Uff, what was that? Looks like Ruki got herself a real asshole girlfriend. Pretty much the equivalent to an asshole boyfriend like sacchans ex. This is the first time I think this with a couple, but I hope they break up. Else Ruki is always going to be weak.
Really, really hate the message in this chapter. I also think I'm very weak. And I work hard and it often backfires, but whatever will come you should never stop trying. I hope Ruki will try and not be bossed around by Sacchan. Thats a character developement I totally didn't expect.

machigai kouhai Uploader
NHFH Scanlations
joined Sep 10, 2014

YuriHateFan can I also go on a murderous rampage with you because I, too, like to get mad at fictional gays being written in a realistic way. Artists def should not be allowed to draw what they like, I mean how will they ever make it up to us??????!????????????

joined Mar 9, 2014

So, considering that the final chapter of Triangle Struggle came out today too, this is just the day of shitty endings, I see. I had read some of the spoilers so I expected this but HOLY FUCKING SHIT SHE REALLY DIDN'T EVEN APOLOGIZE. AND RUKI FORGAVE HER WITH NO HESITATION. I mean...this is a bad ending...this is arguably the worst ending...I know my reactions tend to be capslocked and filled with rage but I never really get that angry at a series and its usually just me overexaggerating them cuz I know its fiction but with this I'm legitimately enraged. I currently hate everything. Excuse me while I go on a murder spree.

I think you should change your name to YuriHateFan... all your posts are are filled with rage lol -- I'm also teasing, so don't take it seriously. ^_^

Can I just say I'm kinda hating this? I gave it the benefit of the doubt but I am disappointed at this point. Amano, how are you gonna make this up for me ヽ(`Д´)ノ
But looking at reality here, some people are probably like that. Just glad I don't have to deal with them.

Eh... to be honest, If I was Ruki, I would have forgiven Sacchan as well. if she only did it once, and it wasn't anything serious, I'd just blow it off and forgive her for it. I'd be hurt of course and probably a little annoyed as well, but I wouldn't destroy my relationship by telling her to go fuck herself and leave me a lone or whatever. I just don't tend to hold grudges or get in a serious rage over things...

It wasn't once, it was repeated cheating during one month if I remember well. Personally, that's something I wouldn't have forgiven... at least associated with the following behavior of Sacchan

I think the only satisfying thing for me in this manga will be Masa et Meru relationship... this is something I would never have believed at the beginning x)

last edited at Feb 22, 2015 1:37PM

joined Oct 12, 2013

Eh... to be honest, If I was Ruki, I would have forgiven Sacchan as well. if she only did it once, and it wasn't anything serious, I'd just blow it off and forgive her for it. I'd be hurt of course and probably a little annoyed as well, but I wouldn't destroy my relationship by telling her to go fuck herself and leave me a lone or whatever. I just don't tend to hold grudges or get in a serious rage over things...

But she fucked Remi every day for a month. I think that's something worth getting pissed about. She could have just slept with her once to have an epiphany about enjoying sex and then gone back to Ruki with her newfound knowledge, but she chose not to while fully aware that what she was doing was wrong and was going to hurt Ruki when she found it. Even how she told her seems worked to cause as much emotional carnage as possible.

joined Nov 9, 2014

Wow... No apology at all. Basically Sacchan said " Yeah I'm a dick and I did that to prove I could be a dick, lets hug" WTF? This infuriated me honestly. She could have at least said sorry. Ruki deserves someone better that wont cheat on her. >_< Too many rage feels right now.

joined Apr 8, 2013

It wasn't once, it was repeated cheating during one month if I remember well. Personally, that's something I would't forgive.

I think the only satisfying thing for me in this manga will be Masa et Meru relationship... this is something I would never have believed at the beginning x)

Well that would be different as well, and I wouldn't put up with repeated cheatings, if Ruki is putting up with Sacchan's cheating, that just makes her a doormat.

I suppose if I had read this series all in one go, I'd get a little more annoyed, but since there's several weeks in between chapters, it dampens the irritation I would normally feel... not really sure! lol.

I like Masa and Meru better, it's why I read the manga. :)

last edited at Feb 22, 2015 1:41PM

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