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Ghost in the Shell
∞ discussion 14 Jan 16:24
joined Jul 30, 2013

I can imagine a yuri godess who gave her that power looking from the heavens like Y U NO

Ghost in the Shell
joined Jul 30, 2013

How the hell did she remove her panties without removing the tights??? And don't tell me it was done in between "cuts", Maki sure as hell didn't have that much patience...

Reminds me of Grandpa Simpson...

Ghost in the Shell
joined Jul 30, 2013

Why is it so damn alien to her to just say "no, this is not for the manga, I mean this for real"??? It's not even a typical ridiculous "misunderstanding" like in other manga, she knows exactly what her crush thinks and it's fucking easy to correct her. Lordy lord, this is giving me a migraine (of course I will continue to read it, though, it's cute)

Ghost in the Shell
joined Jul 30, 2013

"...I thought you were american"

I understood that reference...

Seriously, good stuff.

Ghost in the Shell
joined Jul 30, 2013

I don't even know if we can speak of "slavery" in this context. They seem to be considered both pets and children, or something in between.

We see Marie ordering around the maids here and even her master, and it looks normal to them, but then, they don't seem to be seen as autonomous people. We see the police asking where the master is, as is normal in Japan when they see a wandering kid (but they ask for their guardian, not their "master").

On the other hand, the lack of adult beastkins is puzzling. It almost looks like beastkins are grown in vats and appear out of thin air. Because if they have parents, or there are adults of their race that can take care of them, this society is cruel. Parents are never mentioned. Young beastkins are just conditioned in their institution to wait for their future master.

I'm really under the impression that Itou Hachi is fleshing out her setting as it goes, and while ultimately she will try to make it coherent, its foundations are shaky and full of holes.

"When the first beastkin grew up, their makers realized that after reaching maturity, the beastkin began to develop human-like ambitions and goals. They strived to be free of their human owners, slowly understanding that their existence was ultimately nothing but a life in slavery. This posed the danger of rebellion and perhaps even civil war. So the engineers built in a safety mechanism.

"What was the safety mechanism?"

"14 year life-span."

I guess it's obvious where I took that from. Sorry for ruining everybody's day... >_<

Ghost in the Shell
joined Jul 30, 2013

A hug like that works too, like maybe she needs it... The advice too of course! maybe next time also HER TITS IN PAGE 11 NOOOOOO is almost coming out of her armpit! I know is hard sometimes, I truly do but this mangaka knows better and that was reaally bad!

What do you mean, "almost"? :D That's looking like a huge lump in the wrong place, a tumor? I sure hope not, for her sake!

Seriously, I overlooked it first, but after your comment went back and had quite a laugh. Yikes!

Ghost in the Shell
Ghost in the Shell
LilyHara! discussion 02 Aug 16:17
joined Jul 30, 2013

... There is a reason why companies have policies against relationships between superiors and subordinates. ...

And just fyi, there's also a reason why in some places that's actually illegal. Not to say it wasn't sexual harassment (at the start), but it's not a company's business to dictate who you can date and who not. Where I live that would not be okay. (Obviously you can set rules for what is and isn't okay in the office and so forth, but outright having a "policy against relationships" is a no no).

Btw, Miyata didn't even seem to disagree that it's not okay to suddenly kiss her and Nagao, for once, did immediately the right thing and fought back, even mentioned HR. But when Miyata explained why she transgressed Nagao quite apparently forgave her. So are you saying the victim can't forgive the transgressing person? Sure, Miyata can't know for sure that Nagao isn't just with her due to feeling obligated, but you can never really be sure in a relationship (even in case said relationship is nothing more than a fling, which we can't know).

Jeez, the world isn't always so black and white... even the world depicted in a b/w manga...

Ghost in the Shell
joined Jul 30, 2013

This was just beautiful. Also great job on the scanlation!

joined Jul 30, 2013

Okay, sending the mom that postcard was fucking hilarious. Kinda evil, but in a weird, justified way, made me laugh.

I liked that the two of them weren't all over the top in terms of stupid actions that introduce soap opera levels of drama. In the end, they had their issues, but tackled it in a pretty adult-like manner and managed to properly communicate things. Nice.

Ghost in the Shell
joined Jul 30, 2013

It was an odd read for sure, but I agree with Nya-Chan. There's nothing really disgusting about it. Well, unless you specifically refer to the taste of white body paint... It's not unhealthy I guess (health regulations and such), but have you ever accidentally tasted it? (Like when being in a clown costume for some festivity, licking your lip and accidentally lick a little "too high" or such) At least from what I remember of my childhood experience in this regard, it tastes quite bad...

joined Jul 30, 2013


It's not gay if you say no homo.

Please note that neither of them ever said that... ;)

Ghost in the Shell
Phyis has passed away 05 Apr 14:47
joined Jul 30, 2013

I wholeheartedly agree. Personally I did not know her, but as an avid reader of the scanlations of yuriproject I really valued her work and was always grateful for their effort, thus also her contributions (even more so now that I know she ran the group). My honest condolences to her wife, family, and friends.

Ghost in the Shell
joined Jul 30, 2013

PSA: "Titten" is actually more "tits" in English, i.e. it's a bit more crude, rather colloquial term (though not directly offensive). "Brüste" would be "breasts".

Ghost in the Shell
Tongue Kiss discussion 16 Mar 11:29
joined Jul 30, 2013

Ok, but is nobody going to comment on the yaoi hands???

Well, in this context the huge hands make total sense. You see, their hands are actually water reservoirs. On page 6 you can see the black haired girl sucking some more fluid up to her mouth (their arms are like straws...) so she can drench her girlfriend some more...

Ghost in the Shell
joined Jul 30, 2013

And what tell us this story? Right.. It's ok to cheating with a girl.. .lol xD

If that was a question directed to me:
I'd say the story shows us that pressuring people into traditional marriages is bad because it gives asshats with a weak character (Ryoko) a welcomed excuse to basically exploit the loneliness and depression of vulnerable young people who are in the process of trying to find their place in life (Seri).

I mean, I could have some compassion with Ryoko here, depending on how it was for her specifically, we unfortunately don't know that. There's probably a point for most people where they crack under the pressure and just go with what's expected of them. I could even fathom them getting a "fuck it" attitude and acting egoistically from then on (and start an affair), though I wouldn't like it. But damn, to take advantage of a young girl who obviously did her damn best to survive in a homophobic environment, a child you once took care of... Man, that's dark.

So I am not saying Ryoko isn't responsible or to blame (as I said, some redeeming factors could be present, but we don't know). She might be a shitty person and Seri will probably eventually suffer the consequences. However, that doesn't make the story necessarily bad. It's just sad.

Or I am completely off here and the author just likes to torture readers who expect some fluffy, happy yuri with a kick in the gut. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Oh, a propos kick: That kick Seri gave the guy was awesome. I certainly liked that in the story, he had it coming!

Edit: I just realized it could sound like I was somehow pissed or offended by LittleWind's remark. I am not! I didn't take this as critique or something, just something you might have asked to me specifically. Even if not, I felt like I could explain my previous post a little better. Being sick at home gives me time today. :)

last edited at Nov 14, 2017 7:25AM

Ghost in the Shell
joined Jul 30, 2013

As soon as I saw that "mental illness" cover I knew where this was going...

I don't think the author is the ill one, though. I may be wrong, but I got the feeling they tried to convey this thing as something that should not be "the normal thing". I like fluffy yuri, too, but not all sad or twisted stories are bad per se, if they aim to convey a message or highlight social problems.

Still, I am glad that I for one did read that before "A Kiss and White Lily"... :) (sorry LustGreed)

Ghost in the Shell
joined Jul 30, 2013

Reminds me of this Friday 4koma.

Ghost in the Shell
Scape-God discussion 20 Aug 10:49
joined Jul 30, 2013

Cocaine is a hell of a drug...

Ghost in the Shell
Sisters discussion 05 Jul 16:53
joined Jul 30, 2013

Japanese waifu simulators like Touhou,...

Was that just a joke? Because Touhou is not a waifu simulator at all? As a single player game it might not have that much of a connected player base, but I think it didn't do bad, given its scale?

Not saying I'd disagree that much in terms of OW having likeable characters, but I don't see that much difference to Touhou in that regard

joined Jul 30, 2013

Ikari Shinji at the end... -_-

Ghost in the Shell
Drift discussion 05 Jun 10:03
joined Jul 30, 2013

Nezchan posted:

These are both incredibly silly ideas. What she actually sells is states of matter. She is a broker for those who want solid, liquid, or gaseous, and charges top dollar for those.

How much plasma can I get for $0.02?

And I want as much Bose–Einstein condensate as I can get for a nickle.

Five dolla.

The price went down for a special offer.
It's now tree fiddy, but only if you're a giant crustacean from the paleolithic era...

Okay, that was probably too much, I'll go stand over there now, in the corner of shame...

Ghost in the Shell
Drift discussion 04 Jun 09:51
joined Jul 30, 2013

First page should be "Real Estate" instead of "Real State"

No, no, Nez. She does sell real states, like Ohio from the US, or Brandenburg from Germany. If she does well and gets promoted, she will eventually be assigned to sell entire countries.

Ghost in the Shell
joined Jul 30, 2013

I wonder if it's that major a cultural thing there in real life, or if it's something that's taken on a life of its own in manga and other pop culture, similar to how any little rainstorm gives people colds with high fever. It's a useful and easy to use narrative device, that's a bit more exaggerated than the real thing.

Yeah, that's basically what I am wondering, too. I don't think extensive knowledge about manga and anime count as valid base for deducting it's an actual, real life Japanese culture thing... :)

That being said, the story took a turn I didn't expect there in chapter three. Ato made some pretty decent points (and her wording wasn't even as bad as she said). It's nice to see characters having an actual, sensible thought process that takes their own life into account. Brining up their parents as an example for real life relationships versus romanticised, idolised love concepts was refreshing.

Ghost in the Shell
joined Jul 30, 2013

This was nice so far, I am curious to see how it continues.

Something that often strikes me as odd is the way these "sisters who grew up apart, so they're not really entirely like sisters" stories are set up. This isn't the first time the plot casually mentions that the parents split up and "went halfsies" on the kids (though I can't recall another story with this exact thing atm I have the feeling I read that before). And then they more or less cut contact, even between the kids (it said they saw each other once or twice a year, which strikes me as ver rare contact for siblings). Obviously I know that things like this happen IRL, but in these stories it's always presented as something normal, something that's totally okay. Which is very weird and sad.

I mean in my generation the kids usually stayed with the same parent (most often the mom) for most of the time, visiting the other parent maybe twice a month.
Nowadays at least the goal is split custody (which is hard to do, but I know people who at least try), so the kids would have equal contact to both parents (and obviously each other). Parents who basically decide for their kids to cut out family of their lives are looked down upon (I can't help myself to think so: If you can't stay with your partner and need to split up that's fine, but that doesn't give you the right to basically separate your kids from them and other family, too).

This somehow always feels like a cop-out of issues that would be worthwhile exploring in a story, what a shame... Is this maybe a Japanese culture thing? That a divorce basically enforces the entire family to more or less pick sides and split "with" the couple?

Oh well, it seems like nice yuri by Konno Kita, so why am I complaining?