no way, Tong Tong's momma is waaaay too straight
I find the people who are initially "too straight" become more flexible once that initial barrier is broken (which has already happened). It's replaced with curiosity and now there's this whole new world they didn't know of before.
And also that thing bout pasta being straight until it gets...
i think what i was trying to get at is that Tong Tong's mom is about as straight as Tong Tong is lesbian: she is completely unaware of what even makes men attractive, to the point that in a hetero normative World she seemed asexual. Tong Tong's mom is similarly completely unaware of what could make one women sexually or romantically attractive to another woman.
Lin Luxi otoh, it's perfectly aware of her own sexuality (and her kinks) and actively cosplays a het girl (see Chapter 1).