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joined Sep 11, 2021

this was the scene where i realised the mangaka actually has a pretty hollistic understanding of bdsm

joined Sep 11, 2021

I am suddenly getting a huge nostalgia for Tamen de Gushi

it really does look similar to when tamendegushi just started

joined Sep 11, 2021

more like still can't remember hanna's name and expecting anal

joined Sep 11, 2021

i feel so bad for satsuki dude, she fr just wants to have friends

joined Sep 11, 2021

there really aint a single magical girl series that isn't extremely gay though

joined Sep 11, 2021

feels like i'll be kurumi's parents age when yoroizuka finally meets them

joined Sep 11, 2021

^ man one time someone tried to do that prank on me but they just slapped me immediately after saying it

joined Sep 11, 2021

bruh when they hit me with that hand i thought they died

joined Sep 11, 2021

bruh they did her hella dirty with the fucking principal from persona 5 drip

joined Sep 11, 2021

it hurts in a fun way then, the next day, it hurts in a not so fun way

joined Sep 11, 2021

not sure what happened in this one, kinda seems like it just ended out of nowhere

a few characters were introduced and some plots were started but faded from reality. did it just get cut or the author got bored

joined Sep 11, 2021

I don't know what was meant by "scientologist" (maybe someone who studies science? But there is no good word for that ever since epistemology changed meaning). Either way, scientology is a religion/cult that has some wild history. The jist of it is that essentially human spirits are immortal and have lived countless lives (aliens are involved also and Xenu is a big galactic baddy)

scientologist just means someone who's in the cult, someone whose profession is science is a scientist

translator probably just got it fucked up

joined Sep 11, 2021

whats up with all the stats majors trying to figure out the probability of a bunch of high school girls fucking each other

joined Sep 11, 2021

Noticed the same mistakenly attached mosquito coil. Sadly little details like that often make it impossible for my mind remain "in the story".

On the bigger scale I still enjoy the series, a lot, but there is a growing sense of "many of these things are too good/convenient to really happen in such a traditional/conservative country as China". And yes, I realise it's a huge country with different realities, but still hard to dampen my disbelief while reading.

Well, yes, but very many stories based in Japan have things too good and convenient to actually happen in such an traditional and conservative country.
Or if those stories happened as they are in vast geographical majority of America.
Sometimes you just wanna read about things as they should be, still broadly in the limit of realism, not as how things are.

Agree on all that above. Unfortunately, I get into that... analytic(?) mode easier if the story or characters are realistic and well crafted. This is one of those works.

With lighter or more unrealistic settings it's easier to maintain the suspension of disbelief. In other words, I'm not expecting much (realism) from those.

Really enjoyed the character building for the friend. Lovely contradiction with her calm words and face and the hinted turmoil she feels about her friend's interest in someone else.

I think many people need to broaden their understanding of what realism is. If the existence of chinese people who aren't homophobic takes you out of a story, that's just a personal problem.

Realism isn't just what you've personally witnessed right? It's about what could exist out there

joined Sep 11, 2021

I dunno, guys, something is off with today's chapter. Maybe the pages are out of order? I am not quite sure.

i don't think so, might just be a you problem
looks completely normal to me

joined Sep 11, 2021

i'm very disappointed the story ended without her getting to become bread

joined Sep 11, 2021

In reading the recent chapters, and being disappointed with them, I've been trying to figure out what, exactly, it is that's bothering me. and I think in this chapter I've worked it out.
In most of this story, things have happened in every chapter. Even if our MC and love interest are just thinking, they're thinking and they're making decisions and make at least one move per chapter. The recent chapters have been ... just talking about things. Talking about how old she is, talking about her engagement, talking about sword training and going on ... some kind of boot camp. It's all set-up in a way that this story hasn't been thus far. We jumped straight into the main story from the first chapter, and then filled in some flashbacks and such, but there's always been something moving. Now where the story is at is, we have to explain everything, and we've really just come to a standstill.

I reckon that would have been sorted if Evie had memories of this time at all, it would have been a shortcut (actually, she should remember things about her maid, her parents, her fiance, and such without having to slow down and explain them to us anyway). It kind of feels like in my own stories when I hit some writer's block, and I'm trying to get to the next plot point, so I painstakingly explain everything, spinning the wheels manually until they catch some friction and it starts to move again. One of the major downsides of episodic writing, really, and I hope something actually happens soon.

personally i just thought the arc at the orphanage was really boring

joined Sep 11, 2021

^situationally dependent

joined Sep 11, 2021

ayo you wanna get some netflix and clang sfx

joined Sep 11, 2021

i'm hopping in.... is this yuri or het given the tags lol

het is looming in the background while the yuri is actively self sabotaging every chapter

joined Sep 11, 2021

idk what happened in this story but i'm glad that girl got the hat

feel bad for the gangster guy for not getting the acorns though

Anemone discussion 24 Feb 06:11
joined Sep 11, 2021

anemone in heat: viva la revolution

joined Sep 11, 2021

think what i really appreciate is how they look like teenagers in high school

feel like kids in manga either look like 30 year olds whove been cycling hrts since they were born or got xenoblade level tiddies

joined Sep 11, 2021

this story's opening felt like the premise was being shoved up my ass but this is something we don't get much

joined Sep 11, 2021

man the colours are crazy good, really looks like hot summer