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joined Jun 8, 2020

this is a yurifucking masterpiece OMG I´M CRYING ;_;

joined Mar 27, 2024

I think its really impressive how things are moving pretty quickly between them while not feeling like its rushed at all. I'm so excited to see what happens next, and I'm really how curios how long the story is expected to last. Will we just play out the week of the relationship and end it there or will we follow them developing a relationship past the planned week?

joined Aug 7, 2017

The art is peak, its really sweet but then sometimes is really silly, it keeps you captivated, and the story is sweet with an undertone of sour

joined Feb 1, 2021

Kiss in chapter 3! Amazaki Suika knows that the modern yuri reader's time is valuable.

Also, I adore all of Manatsu's faces this chapter

(sorry for the long post but there's just too many of them)

joined Oct 25, 2023

(sorry for the long post but there's just too many of them)

You have nothing to apologize for. You're doing Madoka's work by compiling Manatsu faces. This little goober is so adorable I can't even.

joined Oct 16, 2013

Like Manatsu i always wake up before the good part.

joined Aug 29, 2019

The elusive useful lesbians.

Way to break the mould of high school relationships taking months if not years to form. I sometimes think that authors forget how incredibly long these spans of time are to a high schooler vs. someone who's at least in their late 20s.

last edited at Nov 12, 2024 4:41PM

joined Mar 6, 2021

(sorry for the long post but there's just too many of them)

Thank you for the long post.

joined May 3, 2020

good grief, I was so unbelievably hopelessly horny at that age. I honestly don't know how i got thru that age. (actually, it was probably thanks to denial, social awkwardness, and drugs)

joined May 11, 2013

Primo fake dating scenario, I hope it keeps up the pace. Manatsu is adorable.

joined May 15, 2021

This is peak, but also… I feel like Sumie has to have some sort of messed up internal life or backstory or something. Either that, or she’s simultaneously really good at hiding her feelings and also extremely horny.

joined Dec 28, 2017

Love this manga. Great setup, great execution

joined May 30, 2024

Okay, I'm on board. Little silly of a premise, girl just jumps to "wanna test date" like an hour into knowing this person, but it's proving pretty good so far.

joined May 30, 2024

Okay, I'm on board. Little silly of a premise, girl just jumps to "wanna test date" like an hour into knowing this person, but it's proving pretty good so far.

I just speed-red the rest of this author's work on this site....I am now "cautiously optimistic" about where the rest of this story goes.

joined Sep 21, 2019

Baby gay discovered booba.

World hard and cold, but tiddy soft and warm

This is peak, but also… I feel like Sumie has to have some sort of messed up internal life or backstory or something. Either that, or she’s simultaneously really good at hiding her feelings and also extremely horny.

Why not all of the above?

last edited at Nov 17, 2024 11:27PM

joined Apr 12, 2018

This is pretty great so far, moving fast but doesn't feel rushed. It was hard not to screencap a ton of this chapter. That face with the little kitty ears was astonishingly relatable.

last edited at Nov 19, 2024 2:13AM

joined Sep 6, 2018

Ooh I’m glad I caught this one! I love the way amazaki suika does characters, they feel so believable and it’s like I’m learning something abojut people or seeing a side of the human experience whenever I read their work. Their oneshots about couples or people struggling with feelings are always so personal and private. They’re clearly a real student of life—I really appreciate that in an artist.

Needless to say, I really look forward to this! Writing about a girl learning she’s gay in kind of a tricky circumstance seems right in their wheelhouse, and so far it’s a really good read.

joined Mar 26, 2014

Usually I'm not a fan of fake dating, but this is actually realistic in it's approach. It passes! gives author a gold star Dude, y'all know what I just realized most yuri follows the honor student. We have a Gyaru as an MC. I mean even the Yuri Trilogy of Sasameki koto and Girlfriends (milk morgnagi) followed honor students. This a refreshing change of pace. So like what we would consider regular girls. I'll complete this for sure dude. Glad I tried it out

joined Oct 16, 2013

Ugh they're so cuteee. This is the yuri MC of the year imo. I love how she's ditzy, but actually pretty aware at the same time. Everything she does is so endearing. Love this series so far and I've re-read the chapters multiple times already. I hope it continues on past the 7 days.

joined Aug 1, 2011

I love how her shoulder angel and devil were both on the exact same page, the angel just wanted her to give a heads up before taking a peak.

Also, I wonder what Sumie's plans were before the power went out. "Here are some clothes. No, don't bother going to the bathroom. We can just stand back to back and change in my bedroom, while we're alone in the apartment." seems a bit too forward to be completely innocent.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Oop someone looks to be catching feelings, can't hold back your heart when your "fake" girlfriend is so cute eh?

Also that smile with the fang on page 61 is so freaking cute >.>

joined Aug 29, 2016

Idk if that’s a crush, or a sister or an ex girlfriend. But I kinda get the feeling that this girl ain’t a virgin which is why she’s doing this 7 day dating thing like impulsively. Trying to be an adult but having flashbacks to someone saying otherwise ….

joined Jul 21, 2024

manatsu has the funniest facial expression. haha :D Seems like both of them are catching feeling now ( • 3 • )

last edited at Dec 8, 2024 3:17AM

joined Apr 25, 2020

My girl was def groomed ToT </3

joined Jan 30, 2017

C'mon author, you can't hit me with heart eyes right on page one, it's bad for my heart.

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