Forum › I Hated My Female Body, so I Cut Off My Breasts discussion

joined Oct 25, 2023

Enby manga let's goooooooo!

Transphobic comments will not be tolerated, period.
I am more than happy to jettison any human trash who wants to test this.

And this is why I love this little corner of the internet.

Me too. It's nice being part of an inclusive space where bigotry is not tolerated. And on occasions when a hateful comment isn't taken care of by an admin, you can be sure other posters will show up to lay the smack down on the bigot. That unfortunately is not the norm on most of Reddit and Mangadex, which are the other places I frequently comment.

It's great having media like this that shows the experiences of someone with gender dysphoria. Media like this helps others empathize with their plight and makes those experiences feel less "alien" and more relatable. Intolerance and ignorance go hand in hand and it's these types of work that can help improve both, even if just by a little.

joined Apr 10, 2023

Being trans isn't so much about "switching" from one gender to another, but more about not being the one you were assigned at birth. Kazuki was afab but is not actually a woman, thus trans applies as far as definitions go.

Huh, I always had it the other way around: trans (in its stem form) meaning "across" implying that, say, a transfemale identifies as female nomatter if amab, intersex, etc. and vice-versa. Do "trans" and "cis" even apply to non-gender dual identities? Does my GNC behind now really has to start the "might I be trans?" thing again? Gee, thanks.

Here's my heuristic for this: Do you want people to look at you and assume your assigned gender at birth based on your appearance and then act based on that assumption? Do you want to be perceived as and treated as the gender marker they assumed for you as a newborn? Then you're cis. If not, you're under the broad umbrella of "trans," which in this case simply means "not cis" rather than having any particular meaning of being "across" or "opposite" (these terms are older than our more modern understandings so you shouldn't rely on the specific definitions of prefixes imo, just like with "bisexual").

last edited at Sep 27, 2024 3:07PM

joined Jun 12, 2023

Kazuki's struggles really hit home for me. I'm liking this new autobiographical manga here.

joined Nov 13, 2022

I hope that more young kids in the future don't have to deal with so much binary gender nonsense. The thing they said about the announcement from the National Diet really made me think about how important representation and education are for young queer people. Sometimes literally the difference between life and death.

joined Dec 18, 2016

Their story, weirdly enough, resonates with me in a lot of ways

If I had a nickel for every time dynasty-scans made me question my view on gender, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice

last edited at Sep 27, 2024 4:15PM

joined Jul 9, 2020

Ngl, the title scared me for a moment. Then I realised it was about top surgery, and not someone doing something graphic with a kitchen knife.

This is interesting. I'm not nonbinary, but I like learning about other people's experiences.

Had the same first thought. Well, mine was "Please be about top surgery, not self-harm", but basically the same thought. I mean it definitely got my attention, so as a title it works. It's just a moment of wincing first...

And more enby representation, always glad to see it.

I hope that more young kids in the future don't have to deal with so much binary gender nonsense. The thing they said about the announcement from the National Diet really made me think about how important representation and education are for young queer people. Sometimes literally the difference between life and death.

Seconding this.

It's been my experience that humans are, in general, way too invested in dividing everything into either A or B, ignoring any possibility of alternates or gradients. Yeah, some binaries exist, but people are way too quick to demand easy "this box or that box" classifications on everything... Nature is full of gradients. Arbitrary dichotomies are stupid and harmful.

joined Jun 19, 2013

This manga makes me feel seen as an NB butch, even tho I want a breast reduction at most.

last edited at Sep 27, 2024 8:14PM

joined Mar 24, 2019

I'm really glad this exists.

joined Oct 25, 2023

I'm really glad this exists.

Yeah? Well...I'm really glad you exist!

Gottem or something idk

joined May 25, 2014

Stories like this make me glad I'm an adult, working in a field where I'm not expected to perform much gendered behavior. I definitely identify with the POV of the author, I thought so much emphasis on gender was stupid and hated the arbitrary rules (4 years olds shouldn't need to wear shirts in their own houses when it's hot, even if they're girls).

As I got older, I logically understood them and could explain them, but applying them to myself was something I wasn't capable of. It's probably funny, I'm almost always clocked from a distance as female, but, the few times I've worn makeup have been instances that probably fit the definition of dysphoria. I'm happy that I've aged to the point where nobody wastes their breath trying to get me to wear dresses or wear makeup.

Somedays, I'm happy enough with the label "gender nonconforming" others days, "nonbinary/agender" feels better, thankfully when you reach my age, nobody asks your identity so I'm confortable with the lack of specific label. I already have higher than average for AFAB testosterone thanks to lean PCOS, and a thin build + compression bras give me good enough results that I don't care to have surgery.

I look forward to seeing how this story unfolds, I imagine that in some ways it's harder because Japan is socially pretty conservative and gender is more essiential to societal roles there, but maybe also easier for people to grasp the difference because the roles are so defined?

joined Feb 11, 2022

well tell him that it's not because you're a woman that you have to make the tea , tell him to fuck off

joined Feb 11, 2022

do you dislike your own body so you ended up not wanting to fall under that umbrella or because you didn't want to fall under that umbrella you disliked your own body ?

joined Feb 11, 2022

consider this : if "Some people are uncomfortable with society making distinctions based on gender, and it causes them grave discomfort with the growth of their own bodies" therefore it would imply that if people didn't make that distinction based on "gender" discomfort with their bodies and subsequently the desire to change it , by deduction this means that "gender" is the problem and people who reactionally change based to that distinction , based on gender , not only do not fix the problem but only perpetuates it

joined Dec 9, 2023

Oh I was just looking up this series again and it just got updated! What perfect timing :D
This is honestly nice reference material for what to consider when deciding to get surgery, even if it's from a different country. A lot of the questions and considerations stay the same

Thanks for the chapter!!

joined Apr 25, 2015

consider this : if "Some people are uncomfortable with society making distinctions based on gender, and it causes them grave discomfort with the growth of their own bodies" therefore it would imply that if people didn't make that distinction based on "gender" discomfort with their bodies and subsequently the desire to change it , by deduction this means that "gender" is the problem and people who reactionally change based to that distinction , based on gender , not only do not fix the problem but only perpetuates it

Yes and no. It’s true that society plays a significant role in causing gender dysphoria by imposing strict gender norms. However, claiming that making changes to align with societal expectations of gender isn't valid or doesn't "fix the problem" is an oversimplification.

Changing society is incredibly difficult and requires massive effort. But what people can do is make their own lives more comfortable. Aligning oneself with a gender that feels right—whether shaped by society or not—often causes comfort. If that involves surgery or changing one’s appearance, then why not? Transgender people, like anyone else, usually carefully consider every option.

The idea that 'gender' isn't real and therefore trying to align with it perpetuates a problem doesn’t hold up. Gender, however constructed, has real effects on people's lives, and denying that doesn’t help solve the issue.

Never really said anything in forms before but had to jump in. Very true though that gender is stupid.

joined Aug 2, 2023

@__k_reads__ Dysmorphia is not solely a gender thing; people might dislike their body and opt for modification like breast reduction whilst comfortable with their assigned gender. Inversely, societies' treatment of gender is not necessarily tied to physical characteristics - if there's one thing humans are good at, it's using made-up reasons to sort each other into made-up categories like caste or standing.

It struck me as odd that post-op check-ups need to take place at the same hospital. Intuitively I'd guessed msot physicians are qualified to examine for scarring and infections, especially since (involuntary) mastectomies are sadly not uncommon. But hey, they felt better at that place anyway, so they probably don't mind the drive.

And I'll hate myself either way, so I go ahead and ask: wouldn't "Nipples on page 16" be appropiate on this chapter?

joined Jan 3, 2022

For anyone who was unaware (like I was) necrosis is the death of body tissue… don’t look up images of it cuz that stuffs straight up nasty

joined Jun 12, 2023

It's nice to see a manga talking about choosing a hospital for this kind of surgery.

joined Jun 13, 2012

I can relate it, and the feel to get rid of the womb especially when there's period.

Transgender technology is still very half bake, not only it's expensive, it also require way too much maintenance, especially the regular shot.

As I grow order, I do kind of live with it. Still doesn't enjoy having breast, but I guess I could bare with it.

joined Jun 13, 2012

Everytime there's a new release, and the title reappear on homepage, I lol.

joined Apr 27, 2014

Wow, so much to do before getting such a surgery! I am a cis woman, I cannot relate, not one bit, but it's deeply interesting to see this perspective, the explanations are clear and I feel like I learned something new!

joined Sep 6, 2020

This entire chapter is a big bureaucracy nightmare.
Even if I can't identify with the gender dysphoria, I can identify with struggling to get medical issues resolved.
Makes you really wish everyone's systems were connected, but at the same time, I can see that some providers wouldn't understand your specific issue that only a specialist would comprehend.

joined Mar 27, 2018

consider this : if "Some people are uncomfortable with society making distinctions based on gender, and it causes them grave discomfort with the growth of their own bodies" therefore it would imply that if people didn't make that distinction based on "gender" discomfort with their bodies and subsequently the desire to change it , by deduction this means that "gender" is the problem and people who reactionally change based to that distinction , based on gender , not only do not fix the problem but only perpetuates it

I think there's some truth in what you say, but practically speaking, it's much easier to make yourself look good in a dress as a woman, compared to convincing the rest of the world that you look good in a dress as a man.

It's no surprise that people will do choose the former for their own lives. Not everyone is out there to fight for a greater cause. Just to make their own lives happier.

joined Jun 12, 2023

Damn, what a stressful bureaucracy...

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