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joined Dec 23, 2020

Well, that sure was an excellent way to shoot your own foot...

With what, a grenade launcher??

joined Dec 13, 2018

bro failing her saving throw against autism

joined Feb 1, 2019

Is Jiang dumb???

joined May 25, 2018

It was at this moment, Jiang knew... she fucked up.

joined Feb 24, 2023

Jiang’s only emotion she seems to be able to express is lust because other than that she’s completely withdrawn but weirdly has no self awareness of that and expects other people to understand the way she thinks and acts. The complete inability to empathize with how Shen felt as a kid and now pretty much torpedoed their current situationship lol

last edited at Sep 4, 2024 7:02PM

joined May 26, 2020

You could have had those fangs IN you, you idiot!

joined May 11, 2013

I know Jiang is supposed to be this flawlessly competent person, but how do you end up in a director position when you're this bad at reading the room and can't even empathize with people at a cognitive level.

I hope she gets an arc that explores her past and explains why her entire childhood seems to be memory-holed cuz barely having any memory of your friends or what your school life was like is not normal and makes me think she had some traumatic stuff happening in the background. Or maybe I'm reading too much into it and her being clueless is just a funny and interesting way to create conflict.

joined Mar 18, 2016

Well, that sure was an excellent way to shoot your own foot...

With what, a grenade launcher??

That made me laugh audibly. Shen ate with that response. I'm excited to see how their relationship is going to progress now with that massive bomb..

joined Sep 19, 2015

I know Jiang is supposed to be this flawlessly competent person, but how do you end up in a director position when you're this bad at reading the room and can't even empathize with people at a cognitive level.

I hope she gets an arc that explores her past and explains why her entire childhood seems to be memory-holed cuz barely having any memory of your friends or what your school life was like is not normal and makes me think she had some traumatic stuff happening in the background. Or maybe I'm reading too much into it and her being clueless is just a funny and interesting way to create conflict.

The trauma is explained in chapter 9. She doesn’t remember because “people come and go” so they didn’t matter + autism.

joined Jun 8, 2022

I know Jiang is supposed to be this flawlessly competent person, but how do you end up in a director position when you're this bad at reading the room and can't even empathize with people at a cognitive level.

I hope she gets an arc that explores her past and explains why her entire childhood seems to be memory-holed cuz barely having any memory of your friends or what your school life was like is not normal and makes me think she had some traumatic stuff happening in the background. Or maybe I'm reading too much into it and her being clueless is just a funny and interesting way to create conflict.

I feel like part of it is that she is naturally predisposed to the sort of disposition she ended up with, but this bit that went into her childhood already really pushed her into it.

The thing with memory, for most people, is that it's usually inextricably tied to emotions. People tend to be better at recalling vibes, or at least how they felt than specific details, and those details tend to get fuzzier as time passes. And what are the things that provoke the largest emotional responses? Things we care about, things we are already emotionally invested in. Very simply, the things we don't care about or recognize as significant are the first things to be forgotten. So what happens when someone is primed to view people as a whole as largely interchangeable and ephemeral, as things that aren't worth investing time and feelings in from a very young age? You get Jiang as she is now. As far as she's concerned, her entire time in school was just her learning and maybe there were some people in the background while she was doing that.

And even then, I feel like she wouldn't have ended up in quite this state if not for Xu Qi latching onto her and making sure to alienate anyone who tried to get close to the brainy person she was leeching off
(she also seems to get a kick out of the act of driving wedges between people)

Besides the well established bit with Shen, this page mentions ""friends"" and includes a different but completely faceless and therefore forgotten other girl whom I'm interpreting as someone else who tried to bridge the gap to Jiang despite her apparent coldness.

And Jiang isn't completely lacking in empathy, she just has some glaring blind spots. Basically, she has lived her life without attachment to people, and therefore fails to grasp when other people are attached to people. The completely cold, 'rational' thing to do if people are making you feel bad (whether by exclusion or whatever else) is to find other people. Jiang isn't grasping that it isn't the what so much as the who that really stung Shen at the time, or that other people who are emotionally invested in people can't or won't just walk away at the first notable set-back. But in the present she does pick up on the fact something she just said upset Shen in a major way, and so she tries to make up for it. But socially stunted as she is, she's only got one card to play.

joined Jun 13, 2023

Jiang xue is 100% autistic

joined Apr 10, 2023

This really became a story about the darker side of autistic yuri with this chapter, huh. ADHD yuri is currently looking much more capable by comparison, I wonder if after this arc we'll see her darker side too lol

joined Oct 20, 2022

I find it hilarious that at least 90% of problems that occur in the stories on this site could be solved by the characters honestly talking it out, and the one time a character takes a somewhat mature approach with "your actions hurt me because of x reason", her counterpart just hits her with "sounds like a skill issue".
You can see the Persona Arcana Card inverting in real time with that one.

joined May 11, 2013

I feel like part of it is that she is naturally predisposed to the sort of disposition she ended up with, but this bit that went into her childhood already really pushed her into it.

The thing with memory, for most people, is that it's usually inextricably tied to emotions. People tend to be better at recalling vibes, or at least how they felt than specific details, and those details tend to get fuzzier as time passes. And what are the things that provoke the largest emotional responses? Things we care about, things we are already emotionally invested in. Very simply, the things we don't care about or recognize as significant are the first things to be forgotten. So what happens when someone is primed to view people as a whole as largely interchangeable and ephemeral, as things that aren't worth investing time and feelings in from a very young age? You get Jiang as she is now. As far as she's concerned, her entire time in school was just her learning and maybe there were some people in the background while she was doing that.

And even then, I feel like she wouldn't have ended up in quite this state if not for Xu Qi latching onto her and making sure to alienate anyone who tried to get close to the brainy person she was leeching off
(she also seems to get a kick out of the act of driving wedges between people)

Besides the well established bit with Shen, this page mentions ""friends"" and includes a different but completely faceless and therefore forgotten other girl whom I'm interpreting as someone else who tried to bridge the gap to Jiang despite her apparent coldness.

And Jiang isn't completely lacking in empathy, she just has some glaring blind spots. Basically, she has lived her life without attachment to people, and therefore fails to grasp when other people are attached to people. The completely cold, 'rational' thing to do if people are making you feel bad (whether by exclusion or whatever else) is to find other people. Jiang isn't grasping that it isn't the what so much as the who that really stung Shen at the time, or that other people who are emotionally invested in people can't or won't just walk away at the first notable set-back. But in the present she does pick up on the fact something she just said upset Shen in a major way, and so she tries to make up for it. But socially stunted as she is, she's only got one card to play.

Hah, guess I'm due for a reread if I can't even remember the previous chapters.

joined Apr 25, 2020

damn man she's definitely autistic

joined Oct 22, 2020

I find it hilarious that at least 90% of problems that occur in the stories on this site could be solved by the characters honestly talking it out, and the one time a character takes a somewhat mature approach with "your actions hurt me because of x reason", her counterpart just hits her with "sounds like a skill issue".
You can see the Persona Arcana Card inverting in real time with that one.

Right? I was fully expecting her to say "you could have just spoken to me", which would have been annoying to hear but also true, but "sounds like a you problem"? Damn girl

joined Nov 22, 2019

Me and the bad bitch I failed to pull by being autistic.

joined Jun 9, 2021

Looks like she's starting to put two and two together, but she's not quite there yet. She doesn't seem to realize that she already can't just find someone else.

joined Dec 13, 2018

I know Jiang is supposed to be this flawlessly competent person, but how do you end up in a director position when you're this bad at reading the room and can't even empathize with people at a cognitive level.

I hope she gets an arc that explores her past and explains why her entire childhood seems to be memory-holed cuz barely having any memory of your friends or what your school life was like is not normal and makes me think she had some traumatic stuff happening in the background. Or maybe I'm reading too much into it and her being clueless is just a funny and interesting way to create conflict.

I don't have any particular sharp traumas but I don't remember my school years either. The whole time was mildly unpleasant but unremarkable.

joined Feb 25, 2013

Girl, your autism is speaking for you again...

joined Jul 15, 2016

Well, that sure was an excellent way to shoot your own foot...

With what, a grenade launcher??

Open your mouth, put both feet in, shoot one with a grenade launcher, and finish the other one off with a flamethrower. That's basically what Jiang Xue's words in chapter 22 felt like.

joined Aug 22, 2013

Well, that sure was an excellent way to shoot your own foot...

With what, a grenade launcher??

I laughed too hard at this comment loool

joined Jan 28, 2023

Girl your autism is showing

joined Mar 20, 2016

Jiang's not a fan of not having it her way. Also, that expression at the end of Chapter 23 was adorable.

joined Feb 24, 2023

Oh my god for as stone face as Jiang has been the entire story that little pout st the end hit like a ton of bricks, only Shen can do this to her hahaha

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