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joined Aug 22, 2013

dang those kinds of moments that we always kind of hope for but never ever get to see as we’re the main character of our own story seeing the world through our own eyes, but cause massive feels/big payoff as a reader/witness to a moment in fiction.

Wicked Spot discussion 13 Oct 10:23
joined Aug 22, 2013

but what happened to her two mice friends lol

joined Aug 22, 2013


I am know begging for someone to give me a chart of all known relationships (both platonic and romantic) so far, I need to know who else aren't interacting with each other. Chapters where characters are unexpected friends like this give me so much hype lol

thanks for the chapters!!!

That’s what I’m saying!!! Or at least have individual character tags so we can see how they interact with each other outside of the romantic relationships.

joined Aug 22, 2013

Because of the, themes of age and youth and love of western music…

Petition to change this manga’s unofficial title to “smells like teen spirit” sign here:

How appropriate haha.

If this series starts incorporating 80s teen movies I’m so here for that. Definitely looking forward to a Promposal :D… Mitsuki has serenaded Aya on her guitar what’s next? standing outside with a boombox like John Cusack?

joined Aug 22, 2013

She really went "YOU LIKE THIS THING?!?!?!?! THIS??????" lol

lol… I forgot Chizuru didn’t know…

the panel shaped like a puzzle piece on page 3… was clever… it was also a lightbulb moment for me remembering that Chizuru didn’t know lol

joined Aug 22, 2013

Onibi doing that is so on brand lol… honestly clever… it’s like a hidden secret lol

joined Aug 22, 2013

Well, that sure was an excellent way to shoot your own foot...

With what, a grenade launcher??

I laughed too hard at this comment loool

joined Aug 22, 2013

Wow this cuts deep. Those who hurt in a straight forward way suck, but the ones who wrap their hurt within a compliment/under the pretense of good are the worst….. I’m glad Aya saw through that crap, and the cool to see Chizuru and the other one go to comfort Aya (the friendship foundation stays strong)

joined Aug 22, 2013

Almost cegs

lol this is what I thought too! I wonder what the original japanese items were

joined Aug 22, 2013

I always love being able to see Kaoru and Honoka’s sister relationship. It was one of the first times of being able to see Kaoru when she’s not trying to project an image.

joined Aug 22, 2013

HarukaxKanae, onthe other hand... They are shown has having interacted before, in a way that should have sticked with Kanae, How is it that she didn't remember Haruka as "oh, is it that girl from the vending machine ? We even ended up in the same class ?"

Note that this isn't the actual entrance exam, but a practice test held in eight grade. Haruka and Kanae weren't necessarily in the same class during their first year of high school, so there may have been two years between this and their next interaction. Seems like a long enough time to forget the face of a person you talked with casually for a few minutes.

I think it’s plausible Kanae doesn’t remember. Before Kanae connected with her classmates she always seemed like she was an outsider peering into the world of high school girls. She didn’t get how her classmates would act the way they would and thought school was only about studying and getting good grades. This recent mininchapter even finishes with her saying that she felt she would 100% get in because of her ability, discounting the serendipity and romanticism of odds/chance.

Haruka on the other hand always seems to notice the serendipity and small moments, I can see her remembering the vending machine moment and Kanae.

joined Aug 22, 2013

As an aside, I thought the little shoulder bump (at least that's what it looked like to me) was cute

super cute!!! I was like daaaaang what a shoulder bump… that’s how you know a girl likes you lol

Narita… heh… I have faith you will push the two along come the right time :D

joined Aug 22, 2013

“Deep meaning” lol

joined Aug 22, 2013

“Deep meaning” lol

joined Aug 22, 2013

Tsukushi's gonna blow up after this, isn't she? She already was overloaded just thinking about saying the words, a kiss might just send her to the afterlife lol

I 100% think this is going to happen. She mentioned earlier she was getting sleepy, and we know she didn't sleep the night before this trip. I'm fully expecting her brain to overload from the kiss, she passes out, and when she wakes up she'll assume the kiss was a dream.

If that gets us back to square zero I'd let out a very audible exasperation sigh, lol

I feel like lips touching is progress though lol

And yes, props to the scanlators for posting these last 3 chapters all at once rather than having us wait over the course of several weeks to get this lovely payoff. Thanks, and well-played, folks.

Here here to the scanlators, for all your work up until now and for releasing these last few chapters as a group so we could avoid the suspense

joined Aug 22, 2013

The seagull would then go and complain to its friend the seal, who then raise its voice and shout "GGAAAYYYY!!!!!".

All this damned beachiality

They got beached off

joined Aug 22, 2013

Kishi is introducing a whole new couple just so he can make it take EVEN LONGER for Ayano and Miyoshi to get together.

Ughhh about Ayano and Miyoshi but I won’t complain about more couples, especially adults lol… hope they go to a lesbian bar next and meet the shop assistant who was there when Ai and Chie kissed and they all commiserate on the teenage lesbian shenanigans they have to manage lol and/or gossip about how Ayano x Miyoshi are taking so long and/or plot how to make them move faster

last edited at Nov 26, 2023 6:28PM

joined Aug 22, 2013

(thanks to @cogito for writing this up, I'm copying it from discord for the forum readers here)

Let me try to summarize everything we know at this point:
--Curses "amplify the darkest recesses of a person's inner self."
--15 years ago, the Demon Lord invaded the human realm. They were stopped by the sage Bella, who could "purify" the Demon Lord's undead soldiers but as a result took on curses until she collapsed right before the final battle.
--Sometime after this, Bella adopted the half-demon Olivia in order to use her as the receptacle for her curses. But she came to love Olivia for real, and to avoid turning her evil, chose Lena to be the receptacle of her curses instead. This is why Lena is currently dying.
--At some point after Lena got married, Bella went off to defeat the Demon Lord. Apparently, her body was then used as "part of the seal in order to contain the curse" -- presumably the Demon Lord was sealed as well?
--In order to save her mother's soul, Olivia attempted to break the seal, but was stopped by a group of magicians including Lena.
--Now, in the present, Olivia (presumably) did something that has caused the curse on Lena to worsen.

What hasn't been confirmed but seems likely:
--In the "original game," Lena died to the curse, around the time of this flashback arc. Presumably that's due to whatever Olivia is up to.
--Yvonne and Elsa will somehow free Lena from the curse, preventing her from dying. (This, presumably, is the reason Future Elsa sent Yvonne back to the past in the first place.) This of course would require finding a new receptacle for the curse -- Yvonne herself, perhaps? As an otherworlder, she may be an exception to the curse's negative effects...
--Whatever they do will also lead to the Demon Lord losing their powers, becoming a girl, and turning into Faye in the future.

Olivia's fate is still very much up in the air, though. It does seem likely she has some sort of relationship with the main cast. Her being Elsa's mother is a plausible theory, but there's some strong counter-evidence too; she doesn't seem like the type of person who'd have a kid, and she even says directly that Bella is her only family. I would therefore like to propose a couple of other theories:
--Olivia might literally be Elsa. We already know time magic exists in this world. It's possible the climax of this arc will involve time-regressing Olivia to infancy and sending her to the past, or perhaps doing the same with her reincarnation or something. Elsa being half-demon could explain why she's so talented in magic as well.
--Alternately, the character Olivia is related to might not be Elsa but Yvonne. One aspect I still find notable is how Yvonne is apparently super susceptible to possession. (Presumably this is why she got possessed by the protagonist from our world in the first place.) This "susceptibility to possession" strikes me as similar to how demons apparently become evil if they get cursed -- and despite how important it is we still don't know many details about what this "curse" actually is. It would also be kind of a neat twist if all this lore was really about Yvonne and Elsa in the end truly is just a random orphan girl who happened to be born with OP magic powers.
(Also, in defense of Olivia, Lena seems to have been her only friend, and she betrayed Olivia by stopping her from freeing Bella from the seal. It's understandable to me she would go to this extreme to free her mother. I'm sure Lena doesn't hate her either.)

TY TY so helpful because I was getting a little lost with everything going on XD

joined Aug 22, 2013

I keep tapping the last page. Then i realized.

me too… and the fact that you read right to left, makes it more sad that it ends with her walking down the street by herself in the aftermath of the breakup instead of the manga ending with a happy memory from the past :(

joined Aug 22, 2013

Gah so glad to see this… im always so curious about the adults that have been sprinkled throughout… curious to what they see and what they think… I feel like school nurse and shop assistant in the changing room probably hear the most lol

Also, so cute to see how the trend traveled throughout the school… I’m curious how it went from debate club to Miyoshi though… but I suppose if anyone is going to know anything it’s Miyoshi lol

last edited at Oct 4, 2023 10:06PM

joined Aug 22, 2013

I would fly this airline if only to have these spacious seats and walking aisle lol

That Game discussion 20 Sep 07:27
joined Aug 22, 2013

Fun fact: they're talking about Animal Crossing. The "2500 bell butterfly" means "Emperor butterfly" in-game.

Thank you for the context, I felt increasingly stupid after reading this.

Also, if she "finishes what she starts" this relationship is effectively already over no?

I take it to mean she is diligent/doesn’t play around with relationships and it will end as gf/gf and begin as wife/wife :D

Also, the fact that the partner got the thing about the butterfly, either a) the butterfly is memorable for how hard it is to get or b) is so in tune with her partner to get the obscure reference (from dinner to game) is so sweet… relationship goals lol…

joined Aug 22, 2013

Fish That Looks Like Narita instantly rockets to the top of the character tier listing

Honestly I was disappointed we didn’t get a higher quality version of the fish that looked like Narita lol

joined Aug 22, 2013

Looool the gym teacher… is this the same one that calls out Yumimi for taking too long in the bathroom? Now I want a mini chapter with all the adults that come and go throughout the series…

last edited at Aug 28, 2023 5:46PM

joined Aug 22, 2013

"I guess I'll just settle for the fridge you bought" That line killed me, in a good way.

Lol same… I guess agreeing on the fridge is low key moving in proposal lol

Awww this chapter feels a little melancholic… I feel Aya’s loneliness when she says she feels like Koga will move away without telling her… and how Koga reciprocates her feelings through music… i wonder if Aya also got that signal…