Forum › Romance Code discussion

joined May 25, 2023

what bugs me a bit here, is that she basicly had to add jealousy and monopolising herself into the romance option, as that stuff isnt inherent to love, but just the most popular form in our culture.

also this should imo have some form of tag, cause there is literally murder, and id argue mindcontrol (or something like that with the ending). Cause for me at least, the drama tag is doing a loooot of work here

last edited at Jul 27, 2024 5:28AM

joined Dec 9, 2021



joined Jul 21, 2024

The nice art style compensates for the messed-up story.

joined Jun 4, 2022

even though there are parts that are hard to believe, it seems like a good warning about actions having consequences. I don't think the scientist put a very human romance code in her since 1. She was very lonely and 2. the robot's love never changes or evolves. Love is supposed to be erratic so what the robot has isn't love but instead a goal. In order to keep that goal the scientist would have to succumb to the same code.
Also I can see why nobody really wanted to work with her if this is the fruits of her labor during those times. Personally I would have written the business men to see her as volatile since i dont really think they care about morals if theyre so high up in the company. At that point in time i dont think either really cared too much about the well being of others

joined Jul 25, 2017


joined Mar 19, 2019

I feel like drama is just not enough to describe this oneshot

joined Oct 6, 2015

Whoaw. That's dark. I like it.

joined Sep 10, 2022

This was great.

joined Mar 20, 2012

Kei treated Marie like shit as soon as she didn't need her anymore, she got what she deserved, TBH.
At least Marie is happy.

joined Aug 7, 2013

oh wow, gave a whole new meaning to "i can fix her"

joined Mar 21, 2017

Some readers are very hyperfocussed on the one small mention of ethics.

joined Jan 18, 2021

To me this counts as a happy ending. The story was not about accurate science or employment opportunities. The story is about betrayal and abandonment that was to a sentient human being, a being created with no options to get over it and love someone else. She was created with only one purpose, and now her creator was going to murder her. She did what she needed to do to survive. Kei-san was a total non-empathetic jerk. Now she is a better person.

joined Feb 21, 2019

Robot Yuri is always something, thats for sure

joined Feb 24, 2023

I think the contrived part for me comes from the fact that Kei, an expert in robotics, says ll the most horrible awful things one could possibly say to their own creation to turn them against her, you’d think she’d be smart enough to just remove the code during a routine maintenance with no fuss instead of a dramatic breakup scene where she becomes a outright villian with no self preservation

joined Dec 16, 2021

This teach something, don't date human
They will exchange you for another human

joined Jan 17, 2024

I feel like I didn't read the same comic as some of the people commenting here??

The reason her work is not accepted is outlined in the very first page. Kei is extremely uncharismatic and her work has huge ethical concerns. The latter part is what this entire comic is about. Granted her presentation didn't necessarily involve the romance code, but sentient customizable AI is pretty inherently rough territory.
She gives a breakup speech to a mere robot because she is human and did see Marie as a lover on some level. She questions herself after the fact why she didn't just cut that step out. It's not like the author just forgot she could do that.
I also really don't feel like the comic "suddenly got dark". The setup should be very unnerving if you think about it for even a second. The twist seemed pretty inevitable and like an appropriate exploration of the dynamic to me.

joined Jan 14, 2020

She tells Marie she'll overwrite the Romance Code. Probably thinks of it as setting her free, not murder. And remote power cut needn't be permanent either.

OTOH, given Kei's presentation on page 1, was Marie built from scratch, or is she some woman kidnapped and turned to a "robot"?

joined Jul 29, 2017

I feel like I didn't read the same comic as some of the people commenting here??

The reason her work is not accepted is outlined in the very first page. Kei is extremely uncharismatic and her work has huge ethical concerns. The latter part is what this entire comic is about. Granted her presentation didn't necessarily involve the romance code, but sentient customizable AI is pretty inherently rough territory.
She gives a breakup speech to a mere robot because she is human and did see Marie as a lover on some level. She questions herself after the fact why she didn't just cut that step out. It's not like the author just forgot she could do that.
I also really don't feel like the comic "suddenly got dark". The setup should be very unnerving if you think about it for even a second. The twist seemed pretty inevitable and like an appropriate exploration of the dynamic to me.

You’re absolutely right. But the visuals of that opening sequence immediately position the MC to arouse the sympathy of the reader—she’s young, wide-eyed, and under duress, while the people she’s talking to, at first unseen, are revealed to be a group of literally faceless bureaucrats who won’t even let her finish speaking. And the ethics concerns are not even first on the list of their objections.

So I agree that the setup should be unsettling if you think about its implications, but the way it’s presented seems to be designed for us to not think about that very much as we focus on learning who this MC is and what she’s about.

From what I know of this author’s other works, I suspect that discrepancy is intentionally part of the story’s narrative dynamic rather than an accidental double message. But it’s only a feeling of mine.

joined Jun 11, 2021

whether its realistic or not doesn't really matter, i think the storytelling was effective at directing emotions and pulling you in different directions. we're clearly meant to sympathize with the mc at first and hope for a cute human/robot romance but the issues of creating your own sentient lover are always just under the surface and will inevitably come to a head and i thought it was a suitably dark outcome for the whole situation.

i also just love fucked up dynamics like this its what i live for

last edited at Jul 27, 2024 10:43AM

joined Oct 25, 2022

Wow, that was quite a bit darker than Nmi's previous one-shots. I dig it though. All of their one-shots have been bangers; I'd love to see what they can do with a full series.

joined Apr 5, 2023

I liked it, need more that is tragic like this

joined Aug 21, 2017

Holy cow that's dark. I'm a little surprised we went the Yandere route instead of the "freedom" route, since I've seen a few manga that also grapple with synthetic life and love, and they often end up discussing e.g. what it means to be "free" when your cognition was programmed by someone else. Nothing wrong with a Love triangle though.

last edited at Jul 27, 2024 11:36AM

joined Nov 24, 2016

Needs a cheating tag if nothing else

joined Aug 14, 2020

You brought a robot to life and taught it to love you only to cheat on it? You might be a psychopath Kei.

I'm not even gonna lie, that is a deserved ending.

last edited at Jul 27, 2024 12:23PM

joined Apr 25, 2020

I was honestly so pleased when she stabbed her in the heart <3

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