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joined Oct 25, 2023

Comphet arc incoming...maybe next school year. Probably first day of school again.

Nah, childhood friend detects opportunity and goes in for the kill.


You, me, and the childhood friend all have about the same percentage chance of winning.

joined Aug 11, 2014

Please stop. It's 20 goddam 24, can we just bury the 'but we're both girls' trope? Enough.

I'm starting to use this trope as an early litmus test for whether I can expect the manga to have good writing.

Add failing this litmus test to the suddenly wtf pacing and I've now greatly lowered my expectations for this one.

I don't see the problem with the "but we're both girls" trope itself. Some of us are kind of slow when it comes to what we're all about. If you figured yourself out when you were young, I'm happy for you, but not everybody is that self-aware.

That said, the pacing in this story is absolute shite.

joined Aug 16, 2014

"But I guess I'll just have a normal love"

I can't be the only one who read that as an attempt to reel the other girl in right? Expressing strong support at the thought of same sex relationships and then seeming to resign herself to the status quo in the hopes of spurring the other girl into action?

joined Feb 24, 2023

A first strike out but the game isn’t over yet, keep playing!

last edited at Jul 25, 2024 12:13AM

joined Jan 14, 2020

I forgot about that one year timeskip. Jeez.

joined Mar 18, 2023

The skip threw me off too. So far so good though, I like it very much. It is not often to have a yaoi side plot in a yuri.

joined Oct 25, 2023

Pacing aside, this has the bones of a good story. Unfortunately pacing is a big part of what makes a story good.

joined Nov 2, 2023

My jaw dropped when she said normal love
My soul screeched
My timbers were shivered
Girl… i can feel her pain so much, it’s so fucking relatable

joined Nov 2, 2023

My jaw dropped when she said normal love
My soul screeched
My timbers were shivered
Girl… i can feel her pain so much, it’s so fucking relatable

joined Jun 23, 2020

a punch in the guts, i feel

joined Aug 18, 2015

I like the story so far, though the pacing makes it a bit difficult to follow at times. It would be nice if something was done to anchor the timeline a bit, but I don't think this is the kind of story that's meant to last a long time. The art is great, it's very pretty and the characters have appealing designs that don't try too hard to be "special".

"But I guess I'll just have a normal love"

I can't be the only one who read that as an attempt to reel the other girl in right? Expressing strong support at the thought of same sex relationships and then seeming to resign herself to the status quo in the hopes of spurring the other girl into action?

Yeah I read it that way too. Combined with what I saw as a pained, insincere smile it felt more like a "I'm resigned to a fate I don't want" kind of statement than anything else. It's sorta putting out feelers to gauge a reaction. Not a terribly kind thing to do, per se, but understandable as they're both scared to state their feelings out loud.

edit: also RIP tomboy childhood best friend. she never stood a chance. :(

last edited at Jul 26, 2024 3:08PM

joined Oct 25, 2023

edit: also RIP tomboy childhood best friend. she never stood a chance. :(

The inclusion of the childhood friend in the story is almost as puzzling as the 1 year time skip and break-neck pacing in general.
So far she's just here to suffer with no other obvious purpose. Maybe she'll catch the MC on the rebound from her heartbreak over her crush seeming to be "straight".
But I doubt it because that would mean a lot of drama and this doesn't seem like the type of story to dive deep into that love triangle drama.

joined Jan 22, 2022


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