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joined Apr 20, 2013

Well if you check the manga volume covers, starts with 2 girls for vol 1 and 2 and then guys starts to show up for the rest so yeah if you're looking for that, I would NOT recommend this author, not even for a side couple.

joined Mar 6, 2021

This is kind of random, but I've been rewatching Gundam: Witch from Mercury, and I just wanted to talk about the brilliance of a specific scene in episode 12.

I am referring to the scene where Suletta's mother has just killed some dudes and is trying to calm Suletta, who has been quite shaken by the sight. She talks about how it was a necessary kill in order to protect Suletta and goes on to say that Suletta should use Aerial to do the same for the people she loves. The scene ends with her extending her hand to Suletta, who —notably— moves from the shadow where she was hiding into the light, while they both recite the motto "move forward, gain two".

At first glance, it appears like a rather standard scene in action anime, where the protagonist is scared, but remembers the people they need to protect, thus gathering the strength to keep fighting. I'd like to point out the music though. Ιt, too, mostly sounds like a generic soft piano score that you would expect in such a scene. However, if you pay attention, it sounds somewhat... off; τhe melody doesn't seem to follow the pattern I would expect, with a few odd jumps, thus creating an underlining sense of unease.

This scene is brilliant, because it tries to manipulate you, the same way that Prospera is manipulating Suletta. The music and the use of lighting seems to paint a positive picture of this interaction. However, if you pay more attention to the gestures, the music, the dialogue and, as the audience, having already witnessed the mother's manipulation tactics in previous episodes, it becomes clear that things aren't what they seem. Which is a great way to build the ground for the post-credit final scene of the season, where Suletta's gesture is mirroring her mother's, but is instead met with horror.

Sorry for the wall of text, it was just too great a scene.

joined May 29, 2020

2024 Spring Season lookback (haven't seen every subext show so not including them):

The Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio: High subtext. Wonder moments between these Voice Actress rivals. Everytime they say they hate each other we know what they really mean.

Delicious in Dungeon (2nd half): maintained the quality of the first half but not really on yuri moments what with Falin away from the party again.

Girls Band Cry: a confession between Nina and Momako (with Nina making it clear what she meant to Momako and the translators confirming it was a romantic confession). Not really a follow up scene to this, but given how Nina and Momako act (and the others noting how Momako was worried about Nina when she went back to her family to sort things out), I think it's safe to say Momako accepted Nina's confession. We also have Tomo and Rupa (with Rupa having a huge amount of fan girls). Pretty clear what their relationship is.

Jellyfish Can't Swim At Night: Medium-High Subtext. NOT BAIT. Mei confessed her love for Kano (made a clear distinction between that and her role as a fan), both Kano and Kiui appreciating what a million yen looks like from Koharu, Kiui and Koharu getting closer, and possible side couple of background girls, and all the moments betwen Mahiru and Kano. Mahiru and Kano are back where they were before the agruement happened, the fact that Kano found a new reason to sing does not eliminate that as clearly seen by their reunion, the camera footage afterwards, the fact that it was seeing Mahiru's art (and Mahiru cheering) that got her to sing again and the fact that despite her new purpose for singing, she clearly still cares about the old ones as she was very happy that she technically achieved her mother's goal of 50,000 audience member live meaning she would still care about stuff with Mahiru (such as her wanting to ride the motorcyle with her). The kiss on the cheek meant something. I would have liked full on yuri too, but just because they didn't go all the way that doesn't make the show bait.

And Whisper Me a Love Song: not done yet, but despite the production issues, a wonderful show that goes full yuri.

Train to the End of the World: subtext. Do not hurt Akira infront of Reimi

Ishikawa Puro (creator of Kuttsukiboshi) independant youtube yuri: ep 3 released and we got a kiss and returned feelings (and going viral because of yuri)

KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World! 3: mistaken for gay scene between Megumin and Darkness with Aqua saying her religion is supportive of it.

Date A Live V: Miku still being Miku

Blue Archive the Animation: cute girls shoot guns but not much subtext.

The Duke of Death and His Maid Season 3: still has the yuri side couple and one girl really shocked by/appreciating another's large breasts.

Rinkai!: cute girls ride bike. A nice show but I don't remember that many subtext moments.

Nijiyon Animation 2: continuing the Niji Love Live goodness. Probably the biggest part was Setsuna and Ayumu confessing to each other. Gotta love all the yuri subsects of Yu's harem.

Urusei Yatsura (2022) 2nd Season: No moment between Ryuu and Benten as well as a line change in the fight between Ryuu and Nagisa (a boy). The original line in the manga was saying Ryuu would have accepted the loss and gone out with Nagisa if Nagisa was a girl. They did a similar line change in season 1 with Lum's mom. Don't know why they did these line changes and I don't want to say censorship since they clearly still had girls in love with Ryuu (they even changed it so that the girls in class were aware right away that Ryuu was a girl and they still loved her).

joined Jun 25, 2019

And Whisper Me a Love Song: not done yet, but despite the production issues, a wonderful show that goes full yuri.

Well that's a yuri to begin with. And it had to be mention that the anime skipped several Hima/Yori dates and most importantly, the summer festival part with the first kiss.

joined Oct 25, 2023

And Whisper Me a Love Song: not done yet, but despite the production issues, a wonderful show that goes full yuri.

Well that's a yuri to begin with. And it had to be mention that the anime skipped several Hima/Yori dates and most importantly, the summer festival part with the first kiss.

Lmao are you serious?! They actually skipped that?! I gave up watching bc it was a terrible adaptation but I can't believe they'd skip something as important as that.

Whisper Me a Love Song is the manga.
The anime is Whimper Me a Lug Sound.

joined Jun 25, 2019

And Whisper Me a Love Song: not done yet, but despite the production issues, a wonderful show that goes full yuri.

Well that's a yuri to begin with. And it had to be mention that the anime skipped several Hima/Yori dates and most importantly, the summer festival part with the first kiss.

Lmao are you serious?! They actually skipped that?! I gave up watching bc it was a terrible adaptation but I can't believe they'd skip something as important as that.

Whisper Me a Love Song is the manga.
The anime is Whimper Me a Lug Sound.

They make that part in a manga voiceover on youtube

joined May 29, 2020

VTuber Legend. As someone who has watched various vtuber clips, the stream parts and chat felt very authentic. Her debating with chat about being pure reminded me of the Vtubers Marine and Matsuri. Also, plenty of yuri fun here.

joined Sep 27, 2017

And Whisper Me a Love Song: not done yet, but despite the production issues, a wonderful show that goes full yuri.

Well that's a yuri to begin with. And it had to be mention that the anime skipped several Hima/Yori dates and most importantly, the summer festival part with the first kiss.

Lmao are you serious?! They actually skipped that?! I gave up watching bc it was a terrible adaptation but I can't believe they'd skip something as important as that.

Whisper Me a Love Song is the manga.
The anime is Whimper Me a Lug Sound.

They make that part in a manga voiceover on youtube

Sadly though the fact remains that it was cut out of the anime. Voicing the manga on Youtube is a consolation prize for a butchered anime adaption.

joined Oct 25, 2023

This is a whole different level of butchering though. To cut the first kiss from a romance anime almost goes beyond incompetence and into the realm of malicious.

On a brighter note, everyone's favorite Deer anime is the wonderful, unhinged adaptation that we all expected. Looks like we'll be getting some nice subtext.

The VTuber anime's MC is such a degenerate drunk lesbian and I love her. I know practically nothing about VTubers but still found it entertaining. Looks like she'll be flirting with the other VTubers and making lecherous comments quite a bit

joined Aug 2, 2023

In a temporary lapse of judgement, I decided to give Mayonaka Punch a try, but it's actually fairly decent. (I'll use this serendipity to justify future bad decisions, won't I?)

Mind you, it's still a comedy, so don't expect a slow-burn romance, but with Live thirsting over Masaki in more way than one, who is well aware of what exposing some skin does to her, and Ichiko having one-sided delusions about Live, calling it subtext won't do it justice, it's rather BOTTOM TEXT.

I've seen it called "Yuri Call of the Night", though I don't see similarities besides having a pink-haired flat vampire (...Seraph of the End anyone?), but hey, less cliché than a topical "still a better lovestory than Twilight". Imho it's also funnier than the Nokotan, and with a nice yuri side-dish. I might switch to the Manga (or LN) once it becomes available though.

last edited at Jul 22, 2024 1:08PM

joined Oct 25, 2023

^Inb4 it's a panchinko machine

Naw it's gotta be more than that. Tour dates? Hmm they'd use the actual band members wouldn't they?

Hmmm this is interesting...

joined Apr 27, 2013

This was on Toei's EN Twitter, so people are thinking it might be an official translation. I'm too much of a pessimist to fully believe that, though

joined May 29, 2020

Girl's Band Cry will have an official translation:

joined Aug 29, 2019

I was not expecting VTuber Legend to be that yuri, but I am totally not complaining.
However I feel that it's the style of show I'd enjoy even more if it were half-length episodes. I don't really need 20+ minutes of StroZero-fueled gags straight (not that anything about this show is straight, though).

joined Apr 6, 2019

The latest Helluva Boss short: MISSION: WEEABOO-BOO

I feel targeted. >_<

joined Apr 27, 2013

Oh, right, there's a new season coming up

Third season of Love Live Superstar. I don't really expect it to be less gay than the first two

Gun Gale Online is getting another season. I hear the books don't go the yuri route, but it might still be shippable?

Mahoutsukai ni Narenakatta Onna no Ko no Hanashi or whatever it's EN name ends up being looks pretty yuri in the promotional materials. Staff is a bit shit, though

...This is not one of the more promising seasons

last edited at Sep 5, 2024 3:23AM

joined Oct 25, 2023

So Hana wa Saku, Shura no Gotoku, Takeda Ayano's series about a high school recitation club is getting an anime adaptation.
I'm honestly p hype about this, it's a great series. Dunno much about Studio Bind but they did Onimai!, which was good, so there's that~

Reddit's /r/yurimemes was beating the dead horse that is Hibike yet again but that quote from that interview about Takeda's views on female friendships certainly raised an eyebrow:

... l原作の時点で、久 美子が麗奈を見るときの描写って、かな り色艶があるんですよ。でも別に特別な ことではなくて、女の子ってけっこうそ ういう目線で友達とか、同性のことを見 ていたりするので…………と原作者の武田先 生はおっしゃっていましたね。

"In the original work, the depiction of Kumiko looking at Reina is quite sensual. But it's nothing special, and girls often look at their friends or people of the same sex in that way ..... or so the original author, Takeda-sensei, said."

joined Mar 6, 2021

"In the original work, the depiction of Kumiko looking at Reina is quite sensual. But it's nothing special, and girls often look at their friends or people of the same sex in that way ..... or so the original author, Takeda-sensei, said."

Lol. Could it be that Takeda is so deep in the closet that she doesn't even realize the closet is there?

Now I'm going to go off on a tangent to share some thoughts on Hibike Euphonium, which I'm embarrassed to admit is one of my favourite anime.

I really enjoyed the music from the start and, yes, Kumiko and Reina's chemistry, but it completely won me over during the Asuka/sister arc. Hibike's depiction of loneliness really resonates with me. It feels odd that it has finally ended and I was not completely satisfied with the last season if I'm being honest (though part of it might be because of my difficulty in accepting it ended). I do think it needed more time to fully explore its themes than 13 episodes could provide. Plus, it was obvious that they had to cut down on the musical aspect during the last season in order to fit in as much of the story as they could, to the point that I could barely remember any part of the piece they performed by the end of it.

Regardless, I'm certain that this series will always hold a special place in my heart. Even though I can understand people's dislike, I can't even be mad at the queer-baiting it's been accused of, because it was what led me here: I still remember how my frustration at my sinking ship made me look up "anime where girls kiss" —landing me directly to Sakura Trick— kick-starting my journey into the world of yuri. Looking back on the situation, it's funny how I thought I was straight at the time lol.
...And how that persisted for years after I delved into lesbian media. The closet sure can be deep, huh.

joined May 29, 2020
joined May 2, 2018

The MC in Tasokare Hotel seems to have designs on the maid.

joined Jun 21, 2021

Flower and Asura is off to a strong start, they really nailed the impact those recitations have on others, visually. It's probably not gonna happen but it'd be great if they managed to adapt up to ch.21 at least bc i would love to see that scene animated.

joined Oct 22, 2018

I'm 90% sure the account Charlesvew is a bot

joined Jun 21, 2021

Girls Band Cry x Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night collab upcoming?? :0

joined Jun 3, 2020

This Monster Wants to Eat Me confirmed for Fall this year, while Young Ladies Don't Play Fighting Games is confirmed for some point this year. Note that Watanare is already coming out this summer, and it's likely too late to announce your anime will come out in Spring next month, so we are probably getting two yuri anime in a single season.

Also, since there are not one, not two, but FOUR other upcoming yuri anime, I have hopes we will have yuri anime airing continuously for at least a year. We just need two of those to air Winter and Spring next year.

last edited at Mar 3, 2025 8:09AM

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