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joined Oct 2, 2021

Boob pillow so comfy

joined May 10, 2021

Not really feeling what's going on with the glasses prick... But at the same time, it gave us Nagisa comforting Mashiro in her chest, which was precious as fuck
Also, fuck you Sebas!
Also also, great damn credit page!

joined Sep 14, 2015

People like her would got bullied by her class in real life.

joined Nov 14, 2016

Thanks, sebas.

joined Sep 16, 2019

“Then prove to me that you weren’t lying about studying even now.”

Why am I thinking about another pointless arc like the one in Kase-san that wrapped up recently, where Kase had to compete against a classmate to, by some eldritch logic, earn the right to live with her girlfriend of many years?

At least in that one the classmate was an overly clingy friend and Kase was a airheaded doormat who let herself get pressured into it. The girl here is just some random chick who is creepily obsessed with Nagisa. Nagisa didn’t even get a chance to accept her “challenge.” She basically just harassed the two of them and ran away.

last edited at Jun 3, 2024 11:38PM

joined Apr 17, 2017

A very sugary-sweet chapter... The ending kind reduced the sweetness, but it's not enough to entirely offset it.

A shame the flag raised in chapter 24 wasn't like some adult lady scouting out talent like it looked to me. For some reason, the glasses-ponytail-combo screams adult to me. But no, apparently, it was a junior high student looking into a high school to enroll at. Wonder how her role will develop from this not-too-flattering introduction.

As for the death flag comments... what are you talking about? This manga doesn't really have the kinda vibe that we should be expecting a major character death. Or any character death for that matter. Or is something going over my head?

I thought that the death flag tag was present early on in the series, when we were seeing Mashiro entirely through Nagisa's perspective, and it wasn't clear just what was wrong with Mashiro. Or perhaps it was just because the first comment on this thread mentions it? But that would be an insane swerve for the series; one which I couldn't picture it making. The Summer You were There is much clearer about the oncoming death element––even the colors chosen for the early color portions and the covers seem to augur doom. By comparison, this book has been light, bright, and colorful. The swerve would be so violent, not even just on a story level, but on the visual level, too.

I liked the previous arc with Uda; contrasted to Whispering You a Love Song, here I would have been happy to follow Uda's lover story for a while longer. This new challenger does the thing I hate the most in manga, calling people out and challenging them to sh*tty scenarios in which the protagonists have to prove their dedication, or something. Seems an inauspicious entrance into the story––though honestly, if one of these books could make all these challenges zany and hilarious, instead of angst-ridden, I could find the energy to love it. I felt like the Kase-San plot line pulled itself out of a death-spiral at the end, there––but this confrontational beginning often makes it hard to make the story about more than confrontation for its own sake. The Kase-san story, for instance, could have explored Kase's reticence at coming out to her teammates––but that was hardly dealt with. Here in Anemone, I have trouble imagining what the confrontation could lead to, thematically-speaking. Nagisa and Mashiro aren't hiding much of anything from anyone. If the story is about Mashiro's guilt, it did feel like the creator already went there in a previous story. The conflict here could be more specific, is what it boils down to for me. I don't really need all the mystery around the character––if anything, it detracts from anything else the character is introducing for us.

joined Mar 18, 2023

sigh... so its really this type of arc, huh... sigh

joined Feb 19, 2023

OK, so I've got an idea for how the plot can be veered into something a bit nicer!

Maybe in the next chapter, Uda-chan and glasses-girl meet in some way, and they hit it off based on some commonality (unrequited senpai feels)? It's love at first sight; can't be explained. They get some chapters to explore and contrast their feelings... Possibly making glasses more sympathetic somehow.

Then we could get some Whisper me a Love Song-like tension where Uda has to choose between her new high-spec bespectacled tsundere gf, and her good old pals Nagisa & Mashiro... :)

last edited at Jun 4, 2024 4:00AM

joined Jan 30, 2017

Girl, maybe you should go touch some fucking grass instead of bothering the main couple.

joined Jun 11, 2021

absolutely wild behavior, characters like her always break my suspension of disbelief because no real person would actually act like that, teenager or not (also why i cant get into "whispering you a love song")

joined Sep 27, 2017

absolutely wild behavior, characters like her always break my suspension of disbelief because no real person would actually act like that, teenager or not (also why i cant get into "whispering you a love song")

I think Whispering's characters make sense when you have full context for them in the story, but fair enough and maybe that's just me. Major thing is the cast has various connections to each other in Whispering and more layers get revealed over time. So far this girl is just...a new character that nobody actually knows? She's just a stalker that popped up to harass the main couple.

joined Mar 4, 2018

sigh... so its really this type of arc, huh... sigh

No kidding. I thought the catalyst usually came when future couples were still on das fence.

joined Sep 10, 2022

sigh... so its really this type of arc, huh... sigh

No kidding. I thought the catalyst usually came when future couples were still on das fence.

Apparently, characters in these series aren't capable of learning something or progressing unless a new challenger suddenly pops out of a bush.

last edited at Jun 4, 2024 1:18PM

joined Sep 27, 2017

sigh... so its really this type of arc, huh... sigh

No kidding. I thought the catalyst usually came when future couples were still on das fence.

Apparently, characters in these series aren't capable of learning something or progressing unless a new challenger suddenly pops out of a bush.

This style of drama would be so much better if everyone just had Duel Disks, and battled out their issues with card games

joined Jun 6, 2013

Wow people. Ask a team about translation, at the earliest, if it's two months late. Sheesh.

joined May 25, 2018

“Then prove to me that you weren’t lying about studying even now.”

Why am I thinking about another pointless arc like the one in Kase-san that wrapped up recently, where Kase had to compete against a classmate to, by some eldritch logic, earn the right to live with her girlfriend of many years?

At least in that one the classmate was an overly clingy friend and Kase was a airheaded doormat who let herself get pressured into it. The girl here is just some random chick who is creepily obsessed with Nagisa. Nagisa didn’t even get a chance to accept her “challenge.” She basically just harassed the two of them and ran away.

i kind of want nagisa to just completely stonewall her, just be all "i don't have to prove anything to you, random girl i don't know"

Boob pillow so comfy

world hard and cold, tiddy soft and warm

joined Jan 10, 2022

I'll wait till we get more info about this before getting annoyed.

joined Jun 5, 2023

Why doesn't anyone think the girl wearing glasses is Mashiro's rival? Look at the way she glared at Mashiro. And I think this character was added by the author with the aim of having an anime adaptation. The more dramas, the easier it is for manga to become popular, and the chances of having an anime also increase, right?
By the way, because of the first anime I watched, I didn't really like girls wearing glasses. Maybe I have to add one more character to my dislike list

joined Sep 27, 2017

Why doesn't anyone think the girl wearing glasses is Mashiro's rival? Look at the way she glared at Mashiro. And I think this character was added by the author with the aim of having an anime adaptation. The more dramas, the easier it is for manga to become popular, and the chances of having an anime also increase, right?
By the way, because of the first anime I watched, I didn't really like girls wearing glasses. Maybe I have to add one more character to my dislike list

They wouldn't even get this far with an anime adaption I don't think, they'd have to really rush it for a 12 episode season. I'm pretty sure the author is just looking for new ways to test the main couple

joined Sep 10, 2022

Why doesn't anyone think the girl wearing glasses is Mashiro's rival? Look at the way she glared at Mashiro. And I think this character was added by the author with the aim of having an anime adaptation. The more dramas, the easier it is for manga to become popular, and the chances of having an anime also increase, right?
By the way, because of the first anime I watched, I didn't really like girls wearing glasses. Maybe I have to add one more character to my dislike list

They wouldn't even get this far with an anime adaption I don't think, they'd have to really rush it for a 12 episode season. I'm pretty sure the author is just looking for new ways to test the main couple

You mean old ways, but yeah I agree.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Why doesn't anyone think the girl wearing glasses is Mashiro's rival? Look at the way she glared at Mashiro. And I think this character was added by the author with the aim of having an anime adaptation. The more dramas, the easier it is for manga to become popular, and the chances of having an anime also increase, right?
By the way, because of the first anime I watched, I didn't really like girls wearing glasses. Maybe I have to add one more character to my dislike list

They wouldn't even get this far with an anime adaption I don't think, they'd have to really rush it for a 12 episode season. I'm pretty sure the author is just looking for new ways to test the main couple

You mean old ways, but yeah I agree.

lol I just meant in terms of new chapters having another obstacle to overcome, but yeah we'll to see if the new girl has anything interesting to add...or if she'll only be a drag. I hope there's more to her than what's presented so far

joined Jan 14, 2020

Why doesn't anyone think the girl wearing glasses is Mashiro's rival?

Because Nagisa doesn't even remember who she is, and took immediate steps to re-affirm her bond with Mashiro?

New Girl might want to be a rival but doesn't look like she'll get far.

joined May 22, 2017

While this is not the greatest way to introduce a "love rival" (and really, it's more to emphasize Mashiro's insecurities and give her character growth in that general area than a real love rival IMO), I don't think it's as contrived as people are making it out to be.

1) She's a junior that's clearly enamoured with Nagisa
2) Wanted to get into the same school
3) Would have gotten into the same school if extraneous circumstances didn't happen (and if you're getting into prestigious high school, chances are you don't have the freedom to downgrade to a third-rate one without said extraneous circumstance ["Hey mom/dad/teacher/advisor, you know how I'm getting into that great high school? I'm going to the ghetto school instead cuz I'm chasing after my crush" doesn't fly unless you're a main character])
4) Sees another girl in Nagisa's arms
5) Loses it, does some inane rival challenge thing like these characters are wont to do

All of this is pretty standard, it's just the random encounter in the middle of the street that's the issue. Switch it up so they're either walking by the old middle school, or the prestigious high school, and the encounter is suddenly less contrived since it's a place where this type of encounter might happen.

joined Jun 5, 2023

At first I didn't know why the girl with glasses didn't meet Nagisa after the Cultural Festival. But thinking back, she just entered high school this year and has to take the entrance exam so maybe she doesn't have time. Or because Nagisa looks so different from when she was in middle school, she needs to gather information to make sure it's the Nagisa she knows.
By the way, 1k comments for this manga clap clap

joined Mar 8, 2019

All of this is pretty standard, it's just the random encounter in the middle of the street that's the issue. Switch it up so they're either walking by the old middle school, or the prestigious high school, and the encounter is suddenly less contrived since it's a place where this type of encounter might happen.

Is it random though? I think Glasses may have stalked Nagisa once she found out her school at the festival. Maybe Nagisa's dream school is on a similar route toward Mashiro's house?

But yeah, don't think Glasses girl is bringing up any new insecurities. They've been hinted at for a while. New player is just aggravating wounds that haven't healed. Mashiro's clearly mentioned she's a clinger. We thought, ooh cute. But really she's a deeply insecure individual. Sure Nagisa has time for her now but I believe she'd mentioned going to cram school, probably in hopes of getting in a good college to go to med/nursing school so she can be informed on how to care for Mashiro, so I imagine Mashiro might have a rough time making new friends in class.

Her old friends might get busy too, leaving her at the mercy of her insecurities. Remember, girl didn't really have friends before since she was always sick and there may have been a mention of people treating her differently/drifting away because they felt she was too fragile?

So yeah, new girl will probably come with a backstory explaining why she's in love/fixated on Nagisa since they only talked once? Maybe defended her from bullies? Hard to tell since the tone of this always felt feel good/romance vibes.

Hopefully Mashiro will become stronger and become an equal partner in her relationship with Nagisa. As cute as the boob hug is, I'd really like another sleepover with Mashiro helping a tired Nagisa to bed and giving her yet another kiss that Nagisa won't know about.

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