Forum › How I Lose Bets With My Sadistic Gifted Childhood Friend and She Steals All of My Firsts discussion

joined Feb 11, 2022

Hateful love is so delicious

joined Aug 8, 2012

zanpakutoman posted:

With the way this story's been going I feel like the Idiot couple and Lots of kissing tags should be added.

Nah, the idiot_couple tag is for stuff like Kase-san to Yamada or Strawberry Shake Sweet. These 2 may behave idiotically, but they're not an "idiot_couple"

You might have a point with the lots_of_kissing tag, tho....

last edited at Apr 18, 2024 10:03PM

joined Sep 14, 2014

LOL wow Komaki has a crush on Wakaba, not like this isn't obvious now. It's like when drafting it up the author said, "Ok but like what if it was the same troupe where a boy can't figure out how to say they like the girl normally so he teases her to oblivion butttt it was a genius girl and a her former best friend turned rival"

Bro who casually says that kissing that much is to ruin dignity. Do you see her kissing a bunch of other people? No, she's obsessed with you. And to think the first couple chapters had everyone confused lollll

joined Feb 17, 2022

I quite like these two but honestly. I might've preferred a slice of life of their childhoods together. The idea of Wakaba being Komaki's only friend while she consistently challenges her to random bouts would've been very cute if a bit generic.

The current dynamic feels tense in general. It's like Wakaba wants something but the only way she feels she can demand something of Komaki is if she wins against her. I have no idea if Komaki wants Wakaba to submit or to win and knock her down a peg. I for one, am looking forward to where this manga goes, but it might pull some generic shenanigans considering a new challenger approaches

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

The problem is that it's an adaptation of a WN, so it's verbose and there's a lot of internal dialogue and exposition. But the mangaka can only cram so much.

So we have to follow the line of thought of Wakaba and make sense of it.

joined Jan 11, 2022

The problem is that it's an adaptation of a WN, so it's verbose and there's a lot of internal dialogue and exposition. But the mangaka can only cram so much.

So we have to follow the line of thought of Wakaba and make sense of it.

Yeah that tends to be an issue, a lot of what I really love about Arioto is kind of lost in the manga, it was still fun to see the characters in a manga though!

Have you read this mangas LN? If so how did you feel about it?

Also a little off topic, but have you read the either the Arioto manga or LN? If so I'd love to hear your thoughts.

I'm sorry in advance if these questions are bothersome, I only ask because you scanlate a lot of manga that I really like.

joined Nov 7, 2022

I can't root for any of them really, their personality is so (unexplainable and unreasonably) twisted that it's really impossible to like them or hope they end up together, they're so toxic lol

It's the opposite for me, they're both so twisted and obsessed with each other than I can't not root for them to end up together. Early chapters might have had a tinge of "Wakaba deserves better" but it's entirely gone now.

joined Sep 6, 2018

Hell yeah, now this is what I'm looking for. Delicious.

joined Sep 10, 2022

I can't root for any of them really, their personality is so (unexplainable and unreasonably) twisted that it's really impossible to like them or hope they end up together, they're so toxic lol

It's the opposite for me, they're both so twisted and obsessed with each other than I can't not root for them to end up together. Early chapters might have had a tinge of "Wakaba deserves better" but it's entirely gone now.

They're perfect for each other and Komaki has always known it. She's just been putting in the work to get Wakaba to realize it too. Instead of "realize), I should say "accept it," because Wakaba obviously likes Komaki. Messy but fun.

last edited at Apr 19, 2024 10:05AM

joined Oct 2, 2021

Bitter moon, the yuri manga version

joined Jan 9, 2017

Okay, I'm starting to see why she's like this towards mc

Licentious Lantern
joined Sep 17, 2021

Wakaba's ability to read Komaki's mind games is so well developed, yet she simultaneously doesn't understand what she is thinking at all. It seems all so strange.

For example the exchange:
"What would you do if you had a lover?"
"Probably a sleepover."
"Then I'm looking forward to it."
This can hardly be going over her head, yet somehow it does.

What really stands out in this chapter is how many weaknesses Komaki shows. For someone supposedly so perfect she suddenly appears much more hopeless. She can't handle spicy food, she can't sleep without her specific pillow. It's all contrary to her perfect image. Wakaba even actively compensates for those weaknesses.... Hmm. I think there is a point to that too.

joined Aug 29, 2019

What really stands out in this chapter is how many weaknesses Komaki shows. For someone supposedly so perfect she suddenly appears much more hopeless. She can't handle spicy food, she can't sleep without her specific pillow. It's all contrary to her perfect image. Wakaba even actively compensates for those weaknesses.... Hmm. I think there is a point to that too.

I am still pretty sure Komaki wants to be called out on her bullshit, forcefully. It seems pretty apparent that she hates the way she is and wants to be reined in instead of everyone (including Wakaba) letting her get away with it.
I think subconsciously Wakaba is kinda attuned to that part of Komaki and does deeply care about her friend's self-hate. She's going about it the way she does because she doesn't actually see another way. Just severing ties with her would leave Komaki to suffer, so the only way she sees to break her out of this spiral is eventually beating her.

Outside of the explicit challenges, Wakaba has several times managed to break her composure for a moment, but I'm not even sure she realized that.

Edit: The overall vibe of this one reminds me of Arioto in the best way possible, and speaking of which, apparently Arioto's manga has ended now? On Mangadex, the 15th chapter released two weeks ago is tagged as "end" and the series as "completed". Too bad Me-A didn't do the third volume.

last edited at May 21, 2024 6:06PM

joined Oct 25, 2023

"Komaki do you love me?"
"What if I told you I do?"
"I don't believe it?"

Why even ask then, Wakaba? Wonder how spicy this sleepover will get...

Toxic yuri fans been eating good these past couple days. This manga, Destroy It All and Love Me In Hell, and My Girlfriend's Not Here Today have all released new chapters.

joined Jan 2, 2022

zanpakutoman posted:

With the way this story's been going I feel like the Idiot couple and Lots of kissing tags should be added.

Nah, the idiot_couple tag is for stuff like Kase-san to Yamada or Strawberry Shake Sweet. These 2 may behave idiotically, but they're not an "idiot_couple"

You might have a point with the lots_of_kissing tag, tho....

"She's kissing my stomach and getting jealous when I talk to other girls...if only she didn't hate me!" - Wakaba, an idiot

joined Apr 3, 2016

I’m so confused by this chapter. Komaki said how she feels and then believes she can’t go out with wakaba? Wtf is this bs?

joined Sep 10, 2022

zanpakutoman posted:

With the way this story's been going I feel like the Idiot couple and Lots of kissing tags should be added.

Nah, the idiot_couple tag is for stuff like Kase-san to Yamada or Strawberry Shake Sweet. These 2 may behave idiotically, but they're not an "idiot_couple"

You might have a point with the lots_of_kissing tag, tho....

"She's kissing my stomach and getting jealous when I talk to other girls...if only she didn't hate me!" - Wakaba, an idiot

She's definitely funny. Her friend seems to know Wakaba has some feelings for Komaki. She's known them since they were kids so she might know the game.

The overall vibe of this one reminds me of Arioto in the best way possible, and speaking of which, apparently Arioto's manga has ended now?

It was always set to only cover volume 1 of the LN. The LNs are at about 8 now and the two are still going strong.

last edited at May 21, 2024 6:45PM

joined Jan 9, 2017

Nevermind, she's a psycho, what the heck

joined Jan 9, 2017

zanpakutoman posted:

With the way this story's been going I feel like the Idiot couple and Lots of kissing tags should be added.

Nah, the idiot_couple tag is for stuff like Kase-san to Yamada or Strawberry Shake Sweet. These 2 may behave idiotically, but they're not an "idiot_couple"

You might have a point with the lots_of_kissing tag, tho....

"She's kissing my stomach and getting jealous when I talk to other girls...if only she didn't hate me!" - Wakaba, an idiot

Komaki, as established this chapter, has been awful to wakaba for years. It's much more believable that komaki is just sadistically toying with her

last edited at May 21, 2024 7:22PM

joined Sep 16, 2019

I’m so confused by this chapter. Komaki said how she feels and then believes she can’t go out with wakaba? Wtf is this bs?

Well, the person she wants to go out with appears to be straight (if the tennis club incident is any indication), has told her- directly to her face- that she hates her, only hangs around her because of a weird bet they made, and has said that she wouldn’t believe Komaki if she did confess to having feelings for her. Granted, Wakaba clearly does have something akin to feelings for Komaki boiling beneath the surface, but unless she can read the subconscious mind, I’d say it’s fair for Komaki to assume that she wouldn’t have a shot trying to properly go out with Wakaba.

last edited at May 21, 2024 7:25PM

joined Mar 10, 2023

This is really fun lmao. Like genuinely what a fucked up couple and I can't wait for them to figure things out.

joined Oct 19, 2021

Right, so Umezono spelled it out for her and Wakaba failed to read.

joined Apr 25, 2020

this manga is straight up HOT GARBAGE :fire-emoji:

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