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joined Apr 3, 2016

Why does Lapis have to let her go?

joined Apr 3, 2016

I’m so confused by this chapter. Komaki said how she feels and then believes she can’t go out with wakaba? Wtf is this bs?

It's an overcomplicated wattpad story turned manga, that's what it is

Pretty much how I feel about it too

joined Apr 3, 2016

I’m so confused by this chapter. Komaki said how she feels and then believes she can’t go out with wakaba? Wtf is this bs?

Well, the person she wants to go out with appears to be straight (if the tennis club incident is any indication), has told her- directly to her face- that she hates her, only hangs around her because of a weird bet they made, and has said that she wouldn’t believe Komaki if she did confess to having feelings for her. Granted, Wakaba clearly does have something akin to feelings for Komaki boiling beneath the surface, but unless she can read the subconscious mind, I’d say it’s fair for Komaki to assume that she wouldn’t have a shot trying to properly go out with Wakaba.

Appreciate you making sense of it. It’s so frustrating <3

joined Apr 3, 2016

I’m so confused by this chapter. Komaki said how she feels and then believes she can’t go out with wakaba? Wtf is this bs?

joined Apr 3, 2016

Does anyone know what happened in chapter 56 and 57? Why did Yanyan answer yes, and why was she called childish?

The friend, Ningwei, makes a fan fic that ends with our MC, Youyan, saying the quote that opens this chapter. A'xiu, Youyan's lover, refuses to read the fan fic but later changes her mind. Once she reads the quote, A'xiu then privately asks Ningwei if Youyan would really say those things about "no longer caring what others think" and "wanting someone to shine a light."

In this chapter, Youyan gives A'xiu the answer to that question, "Yes [that quote does represent my real thoughts]." Youyan is letting A'xiu know that she saw A'xiu's text and that the fanfic quote is how Youyan really feels. Youyan is saying, "yes, I really have changed, baby." A'xiu calls her childish because she's a bit embarrassed and Youyan wrote "yes," in her palm like a child might.

Appreciate the explanation! That was so helpful ❤️

joined Apr 3, 2016

Does anyone know what happened in chapter 56 and 57? Why did Yanyan answer yes, and why was she called childish?

joined Apr 3, 2016

Is it just me or is the upload not complete for this update?

joined Apr 3, 2016

This is such a beautiful love story. Every update is a treat

I second this feeling

joined Apr 3, 2016

I wonder if Xiu asked Song to bid on the painting. Youyan notes that he's been looking and smiling at her, and since Xiu doesn't seem surprised that Youyan was the one who asked Tao to buy it, it's possible this was all a test (or a tease) from Xiu to Youyan to see how she'd react. And they both used someone else to actually bid as a cover.

That would not explain the glare she sent him. It was pretty spicy

last edited at Mar 17, 2024 11:01PM

joined Apr 3, 2016

I wonder if Xiu asked Song to bid on the painting. Youyan notes that he's been looking and smiling at her, and since Xiu doesn't seem surprised that Youyan was the one who asked Tao to buy it, it's possible this was all a test (or a tease) from Xiu to Youyan to see how she'd react. And they both used someone else to actually bid as a cover.

That would not explain the glare she sent him

joined Apr 3, 2016

lol Jing glaring at Song is peak

joined Apr 3, 2016

I feel like the tags don’t prepare me for the sadness I felt reading that

joined Apr 3, 2016

So a lot of authors above said this is a good story, especially the novel, but no one spoiled why it’s such a good story. Anyone can explain?

joined Apr 3, 2016

Do we know when volume 3 is being released?

joined Apr 3, 2016

Okay I think I've fully realized why I am not invested in biker girl and her romance. Well, there are a few reasons (she's too pushy and I kinda can't get into that), but one of the main ones is it feels like its done out of order

This girl was introduced and interacted with Liaoliao basically just once, and then we were introduced to her romance with someone else we had never really met. Secondary romances and characters in stories like these are ordinary and can be extremely good (Wakana in Lonely Girl, anyone?) but it feels like they did it all out of order

I really can't care about this character. She only JUST met the other primary character, and she's been around doing her flirt on with some other girl who is no consequence to the other two. It feels less like a secondary character getting their romance and more like someone who's hijacking the story.

I feel the same way

joined Apr 3, 2016

Thanks so much!

joined Apr 3, 2016

Hey what happened to all the updates?

joined Apr 3, 2016

The ending is abrupt. It doesn’t even address whether their like is really the same, since she says until their like is the same, let’s stay model and manager

joined Apr 3, 2016

I hope this can be buyable in English someday

joined Apr 3, 2016

Does this author have more stories? Like any publications in recent years?

joined Apr 3, 2016

This isn't the scanalation part of the forum?

joined Apr 3, 2016

Hi, I found the raws to Zankou Noise by Naoko Kodama but I couldn't upload it to Yuri Project (I guess because I don't know the proper way?) There are 3 of the stories out of the 6 that have been translated, but there are three that need translation. Anyone know how I can go about passing the raws to a group that would like to do it?
