Forum › The Fed Up Office Lady Wants to Serve the Villainess discussion

joined Apr 10, 2023

Lapis has shown less than zero romantic interest in Diana, viewing her strictly as a tool. Ergo, there's nothing poly about this, you just want to see a harem ending

If Natori ends up with Lapis and Diana, that's poly, even if Lapis and Diana don't touch each other.

the F it is. The modern, sex-positive conception of poly requires equality. If you're going to be with multiple people, those people also have the right to be with multiple people. One person having multiple wives who are monogamous to them is not progressive. It's abusive, and extremely regressive, like, "Islamic harem" regressive, and absolutely disgusting and vile. In the most literal sense, you might be correct being that Islamic harems are called polygamy so it is ""poly"", but the casual sense of poly used by fans of sexual liberation should not be conflated with that antiquated, gross practice.

You should probably know this "Islamic harem" term you keep throwing around is a bigoted myth, fyi. There's technically a rule in Sharia that allows for it but basically only if there's a desperate shortage of husbands lol. It's not a common thing at all in any context and definitely should not be your example of harmful polygyny. Muhammad's wife Khadija was an older previously married and very successful and famous businesswoman who basically wore the pants in that relationship and made sure women got a bunch of explicit rights and protections in his writing.

joined Jan 14, 2020

That said, Islamic caliphs or Ottoman emperors often did have large harems -- as did powerful kings of many other cultures, including Imperial China or many Hindu kings.

joined Nov 7, 2022

You should probably know this "Islamic harem" term you keep throwing around is a bigoted myth, fyi

Bullshit, it does happen semi-frequently. And the reason why it doesn't happen often is that men consider it too difficult to support multiple wives, so only old rich dudes living comfortably can afford to. Ironically, people in one of the most sexist culture in the world are more aware of the harmfulness of unequal relationships than people defending harem plots.

The rest of the comment is literally suggesting that women living under Sharia law want to be part of a polygynous household and their position lower than men in the hierarchy, I don't know if you're making shit up to defend your position or intentionally trolling. Or maybe just think that being one step lower than your partner is fine and they should be content of it.

Nowadays, Saudi women who had a chance to get an education usually make a career for themselves, either in the country or abroad, as there is now a broad enough part of the population (especially among the younger generation) with sufficient awareness to support that. But it's still far from a land of equal opportunity, both in career and in marriage.

joined Dec 23, 2020

I just want to know if the series is still being worked on...I haven't seen any updates in a while.

joined Feb 2, 2023

Thank you so much for the update !!! <3

joined Jun 3, 2020

So glad this wasn't dragged on more than necessary. I was afraid it would go the annoying route of keeping Diana from talking with Natori so she would remain a pawn for the villain, but nope. They talk things through at first opportunity.

Now it's a matter of preventing Lapis from reverting back to her villainous ways to separate Diana and Natori.

last edited at Apr 20, 2024 4:15PM

joined Jun 12, 2021

"Wait, so you mean telling people I am a prophet and doing things to change how people behave is CHANGING THE PLOT?! How could that be?!"

joined Jul 13, 2015

We reach the point that mention the other girl name is almost explosive

joined Oct 20, 2017

When Rubeus claims Diana wants to marry Natori, isn't that basically a confirmation that same-sex marriage is possible in this kingdom? I don't think it has been mentioned before. If that information was in the game too, it's even funnier that Natori still hasn't figured out that she is in a love triangle with two girls.

joined Mar 8, 2022

Diana is still going to be the villainess in this timeline isn't she?

joined Dec 18, 2013

I look forward to Rubeus' little schemes spectacularly blowing up on his face.

Diana is still going to be the villainess in this timeline isn't she?

Is very likely, especially if her desire to help Natori ends up friend-zoning herself and pushing Lapis and Natori closer.

joined Apr 15, 2013

Lapis is super savvy about manipulating people. It would be kind of bad writing for her not to see through Rubeus pretty much immediately. I get that jealousy is a powerful force but it feels like she is smart enough not to get dragged down by it. Then again, her whole plan is basically a pointless self sacrifice so maybe I am giving her too much credit.

joined Sep 6, 2018

Ohhhohoho, it’s gotten so chewy, everybody’s collapsing together and conflicting in the most interesting ways. God, this is so satisfying. I need to go back and study and contrast the tearful outburst panels between Lapis and Diana, there’s so much there!!!

I can’t believe it’s still getting better, and the pacing is so tight! Nothing overstays its welcome!

God this manga is good.

joined Jan 30, 2017

This manga deserves far more recognition, it's a masterpiece. Really hoping it gets an adaptation someday.

joined Aug 11, 2022

Technically once again...Lapis original plan is to be a sacrifice (Scapegoat) to boost the prince's reputation and have Diana appear as a hero for the commoners so Commoners and Nobles will never long fight/civil war risk while killing off the crazy radical commoners...I don't consider Lapis' plan to be that pointless...but yes her plan is somewhat stupid and suicidal very much yes [Could have pin the blame on some corrupted noble]...If Lapis or some other smart character was in IRL...They would be smarter than 60% of the world population lol.

Diana...Please do not sacrifice yourself either...MC said she wants a world with no has to be a villain XD

On the poly-relationship possibility depends on the people involved and other factors like power structure/dynamics but as long as everyone consents to it without there being a very clear control in the relationship due to power/financial status then it mostly fine. It just takes more effort, emotions and time to make it work with clear communications....Though the chance of these 3 having a poly-relationship is...Well it depends on the author's plan and how their characters will developed, I won't say there is 0% percent chance but it will probably be very hard to do lol.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Ally acquired, nice!

I read too much yuri
joined Feb 18, 2023

As always, this update is delicious

joined Apr 10, 2023

Lapis is super savvy about manipulating people. It would be kind of bad writing for her not to see through Rubeus pretty much immediately. I get that jealousy is a powerful force but it feels like she is smart enough not to get dragged down by it. Then again, her whole plan is basically a pointless self sacrifice so maybe I am giving her too much credit.

I agree, especially since he directly insulted not just Diana but also Natalie. She might be possessive/competitive with Diana but she's absolutely not gonna act based on that goober's influence lol. I think that scene was mostly to show us Rubeus is still acting against the two of them and will have future backhanded schemes in store.

joined Apr 14, 2023

"I'll be sure to keep this conversation in mind." As soon as I read that my mind was already playing Doom music in the background. Hehe

last edited at Apr 22, 2024 12:57AM

joined Dec 18, 2013

Technically once again...Lapis original plan is to be a sacrifice (Scapegoat) to boost the prince's reputation and have Diana appear as a hero for the commoners so Commoners and Nobles will never long fight/civil war risk while killing off the crazy radical commoners...I don't consider Lapis' plan to be that pointless...but yes her plan is somewhat stupid and suicidal very much yes [Could have pin the blame on some corrupted noble]...If Lapis or some other smart character was in IRL...They would be smarter than 60% of the world population lol.

Lapis' original plan didn't count with her sacrifice nor was meant to boost the Prince and Diana's reputation, it was straight up just eliminating all commoners, she died because she was the villain of the story and that was how the story was written.

joined Jul 23, 2015

I am looking forward to the next updatesss

joined Jan 3, 2020

I was surprised to see how MangaDex's comments section is absolutely dominated for calls for this to have a poly ending. Some of the calls for that have almost 100 upvotes, which is pretty wild.

It made me really curious what separates this manga from others with love triangles where you don't see that type of behavior in the comments. I think it's probably because the least likely corner of the triangle (Diana, the one not in the title) is so hard to dislike. She's earnest, straightforward, and fairly relatable (a teen girl having a very obvious crush on another girl who is oblivious). Since you can't see an obvious "Natori + Diana" only outcome, Diana fans hope for poly, I guess?

Typically, most love triangles I read are manhwa with much higher stakes and where most of the characters are very manipulative. The comments on those stories are generally like "X is a bitch and should die". Nobody is calling for a poly ending there, lol.

Anyway, when you get down to analyzing things, Natori hasn't shown any romantic or sexual interest in any character. I wouldn't even be surprised if she was ace. Obviously, the OTP is Lapis + Diana. Let's go!

last edited at Apr 22, 2024 4:36PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Anyway, when you get down to analyzing things, Natori hasn't shown any romantic or sexual interest in any character. I wouldn't even be surprised if she was ace.

She's definitely shown those interests towards Lapis, but I agree with everything else you said.

joined Sep 1, 2021

Team poly let's goooo

joined Jul 15, 2016

When Rubeus claims Diana wants to marry Natori, isn't that basically a confirmation that same-sex marriage is possible in this kingdom? I don't think it has been mentioned before. If that information was in the game too, it's even funnier that Natori still hasn't figured out that she is in a love triangle with two girls.

I wouldn't put a lot of stock into that interpretation, as he had also described Natori as a "summoned beast". Legally, she appears to not even qualify as a human, so I don't think her gender and sex are even relevant to her marriage prospects. My guess is that Rubeus was using the term "marriage" in a general sense, not the legal kind, and he chose that word specifically to rouse Lapis' jealousy.

Lapis is super savvy about manipulating people. It would be kind of bad writing for her not to see through Rubeus pretty much immediately. I get that jealousy is a powerful force but it feels like she is smart enough not to get dragged down by it. Then again, her whole plan is basically a pointless self sacrifice so maybe I am giving her too much credit.

Oh, I am pretty sure Lapis has figured out what Rubeus was trying to achieve from the word go. She has never trusted anyone except Natori, and even if her trust in the latter is undermined by jealousy, I do not expect her to start trusting Rubeus instead, all of a sudden.

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