Forum › Pinky Candy Kiss discussion

joined Oct 25, 2022

I love this series so much. Something about it just hits all the right notes for me.

Ema looking strangely happy to hear that Takara is single...

joined Sep 13, 2022

this was such a sweet chapter. i really liked the afterword as well, internalized homophobia can really mess with your head

joined Nov 13, 2022

"I love Ema-chan"


What the hell. She's so cute. God damnit.

joined Feb 20, 2023

What a beautiful afterword. I hope this series gets licensed so I can buy a copy.

joined Apr 25, 2020

I'm not exaggerating when I say I believe this is the best manga being uploaded right now in this page. It's so complex, so profound, so touching, the characters feel so alive and their feelings so close to reality, simply fantastic. I thank author san deeply for this story as they care for it a lot and it shows, adult yuri drama for the win.

(Should this be tagged josei btw?)

joined Apr 25, 2020

What a beautiful afterword. I hope this series gets licensed so I can buy a copy.

I THOUGHT EXACTLY THE SAME!!! Even the afterwords this author writes are masterpieces lol

joined Jan 3, 2020

I love these type of self-discovery stories.

joined Jan 18, 2021

This tremendous!

joined Dec 20, 2018

A very cute tea set indeed.

And I swear their feelings are very much mutual and Ema-chan clearly has been in love with her as well since school. Whether she recognizes her feelings as such is another question entirely, though. But her reactions to Takara say it all.

joined May 26, 2020

This is why I JUST CAN'T WITH STRAIGHT GIRLS!!!!! They wat to be your BEST FRIEND, and tell you all these FEELINGS they had for you in F@CKIN MIDDLE SCHOOL!!!!! AAAAAARRRRGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

I may have stumbled onto some repressed childhood memories...

joined Aug 4, 2018

A very cute tea set indeed.

I love Chinese porcelain. ♡
Ah, except maybe it's not Chinese? But it looks Chinese to me.

I wonder if Ema realizes that every word she says about her plans for the future (both the immediate future and the distant future) spell D-I-V-O-R-C-E to the ears of any unbiased listener.

Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start
joined Nov 3, 2023

What's with the titles?
I get that this is called "Tsumetakute Yawaraka" which means "Cold and Soft" in English.
But what does Pinky Candy Kiss has to do with anything?
Unless they meant Pink Candy Kiss, not Pinky, and it's a reference to the strawberry candy in the flashbacks?

joined Dec 5, 2019

Adult life, het and Yuri tag without the bisexual one.

All aboard the closet and comphet express.

Loving this so far, the feelings of confusion but the rightness of it too, so good

joined Jul 14, 2021

What's with the titles?
I get that this is called "Tsumetakute Yawaraka" which means "Cold and Soft" in English.
But what does Pinky Candy Kiss has to do with anything?
Unless they meant Pink Candy Kiss, not Pinky, and it's a reference to the strawberry candy in the flashbacks?

Pinky as an adjective means somewhat pink (synonymous with pinkish), and you could say pastel pink from mixing in milk is less pink than deeper shades like rose or hot pink. How common its use is compared to the alternative spelling of pinkie the little finger doesn't matter for the gratuitous English used internally in Japan.

And likely not related, but: Pinky was a Japanese fruit-mint candy brand until 2018. They mixed a rare pink heart-shaped piece into some containers (shown here, near the bottom; according to a former employee, the production limit was no more than one heart piece per 300 normal ones) and high school girls supposedly attached superstitions to it like giving it to your crush would make the love mutual. Old ads compilation. There was a regional strawberry mint version sold in Kyushu.

Bonus: a bar in Kumamoto is now selling an author-approved strawberry milk cocktail named after the manga.

joined Aug 4, 2018

Akaii: Wow! Thanks for your post! So much good information! ^_^

joined Apr 6, 2019

Old ads compilation

Japanese ads are sooo cute.

Bonus: a bar in Kumamoto is now selling an author-approved strawberry milk cocktail named after the manga.

I wonder if this is a sign of the popularity of her manga? I sure hope so, this is one of those series I desperately want to see go on.

I wonder if Ema realizes that every word she says about her plans for the future (both the immediate future and the distant future) spell D-I-V-O-R-C-E to the ears of any unbiased listener.

Heh. This exactly was my first thought as well.
It's amazing that Takara didn't twig it immediately. I chalk it up to her extreme insecurity.

joined Feb 14, 2016

"Kitchen warm and hard, girl I have a very secret crush on soft and cold"

joined Mar 18, 2023

Ema clearly married for the wrong reason. Convenient. Looking for a single room means the marriage is still not good enough for the reason. I would not be surprised if she is a lesbian having self-doubt on her own sexuality. It is not unusual for 30 and 40 something women have divorces and come out.

joined May 3, 2014

Adult life, het and Yuri tag without the bisexual one.

All aboard the closet and comphet express.

Loving this so far, the feelings of confusion but the rightness of it too, so good

Let’s pray to the Yuri Goddesses that we get an happy Yuri ending otherwise……TT^TT

joined Jul 29, 2017

Oh shit—“Her eyelashes are so long.” That’s it—game over. The Yuri Express is now barreling down the track, brakes gone and the throttle wide open.

Well, the husband does like it that Ema seems so happy and expressive, so maybe . . .

joined Nov 13, 2022

pounding my fist repeatedly against the table

MY HEART!!!!!!!!

joined Apr 1, 2015

Sooo much gay panic...on both sides

joined Apr 25, 2020

This is the best manga being uploaded in this page (I say that about literally every manga. This manga is absolutely great regardless)

joined Oct 24, 2023

Sorry, husband-san. I hope for your sake that you're conveniently not in love any more, or secretly gay. Because I think you're about to lose your woman.

joined Dec 20, 2018

That book was a clever way to give a hint. ^_^

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