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joined May 10, 2021

I don't know if this counts as soap opera drama, but damn I'm really enjoying this!
Thanks for the chapter!

joined Feb 16, 2020

So a lot of authors above said this is a good story, especially the novel, but no one spoiled why it’s such a good story. Anyone can explain?

Not spoiling the novel but I highly suggest everyone to read it, I read the mtl version some time ago and I know mtl is unreliable at times but this story is so good even if you read it using mtl! lol I can't quite explain it clearly but I really like how the author has written this novel(I'm also recommending checking out the author's other works), the pacing and the two main characters have a good chemistry towards each other!

Other people can try and read the reviews of the novel to see how other people are reviewing this novel.

joined Nov 13, 2023

So a lot of authors above said this is a good story, especially the novel, but no one spoiled why it’s such a good story. Anyone can explain?

For me, this story is one of the best of all time because:
1. I love the premise. It's not the usual "two people meet and fall in love" story.
2. The character development is one of the deepest and most well done I've ever read. The author really delves into the thoughts, motivations, and value systems of the characters and you can appreciate how they develop over time. It's not just one sided either, both main characters evolve.
3. There's a "peeling the onion" element to the storytelling that I find really satisfying. Past events are revealed slowly throught the story, and there's some really good plot twists.
4. The original Chinese version has a beautiful writing style and some very memorable, poetic lines

This story is a slow burn for sure. They don't even kiss until like 2/3 of the way into the story. But overall it is super entertaining, the romantic scenes are diabetes inducing, and the ending gives me the feels every time I re-read it.

last edited at Jan 5, 2024 2:26AM

joined Jan 3, 2020

So we finally see what she did to cause them to break up. Yeah, that's pretty heart-rending. When you have a loving GF who wants to go public with you against the odds and you chicken out... oof.

joined Nov 7, 2022

So we finally see what she did to cause them to break up. Yeah, that's pretty heart-rending. When you have a loving GF who wants to go public with you against the odds and you chicken out... oof.

And it's worth noting that she refused not just going public, but rather something that might have started rumors that would make it easier to go public. Given that situation, and Ji Youyan using her public appearances with male actors for publicity, it's easy to understand why Jing Xiu is reluctant to just go back to their old life.

Still... while it seems she's largely responsible for the current situation, I gotta respect Ji Youyan for trying to mend things and make them better. Especially as we saw in the introduction that this mistake, and not trying to fix it cost them dearly in their life for the years to come.

joined Feb 3, 2021

Ouch, that wasn’t fun to read. That’s a tough situation. Can understand both perspectives here. Youyan regrets her decision made at a time when she was (probably rightfully) afraid of what coming out would mean for her. A’Xiu, however, was deeply hurt and can’t trust that Youyan will actually want to go all the way this time. Youyan wants to do better, but trust is hard to get back once broken.

Wonder who Fang Shan is and what role she played/will play in the story. Clearly, Youyan has a negative connection with her.

joined May 10, 2021

Man oh man when I see Youyan like that, I just wanna grab a bottle and drink my sorrow away, for old time's sake.
On a more serious note, whilst a bit depressing, this is really good. I love how we see those two going two steps forward, and one backward the same instant. I don't know, it's just great.
And they're still way too good looking together (the chapter covers are still to die for).
Thanks for the chapter!

joined Dec 17, 2021

I like how we keep seeing the ways things were for them as a couple before they broke up.

joined May 29, 2022

If you’re into the manhua then I definitely suggest reading the novel cuz there’s a lot more details in there and you get more insights and read more into the mind and thoughts of the characters and there’s some stuff that couldn’t make it to the manhua.

SPOILERS AHEAD but not exactly if ur caught up with the manhua and this was only in the novel

Like when Jing Xiu was sick and Ji Youyan caught her cold, Yao Xiao had a sweat drop reaction because there was a side story about a time in the past when they had so much say gex that both of their voices were hoarse the next day and they came up with the excuse of them both catching a cold and Yao Xiao not buying it and tacitly tells Jing Xiu later to “do it in moderation” which got Ji Youyan laughing her ass off when Jing Xiu told her and JX was so embarrassed that she hung up XD back to the present, Jing Xiu remembers this and got embarrassed from Yao Xiao’s expression and glares at Ji Youyan who was trying not to laugh.

Or the trimmed finger nails of Jing Xiu. There was also a side story in the novel in the past of them having gae seggs and it was Ji Youyan one sidedly topping Jing Xiu because Jing Xiu nails were long and she couldn’t find nail clippers at the hotel they staying and couldn’t be bothered making a call to Yao Xiao late at night and halting the hot and spicy mood they got going. The next morning after getting utterly topped by Ji Youyan, Ji Youyan wakes up to Jing Xiu making a call and telling her Yao Xiao is bringing the nail clipper and then after getting her nails clipped, Jing Xiu went so rough on JYY that she couldn’t walk for a few days. Ever since then Jing Xiu always has her middle and ring fingers trimmed with no nail polish.

Anyways read the novels cuz it’s great!

last edited at Jan 11, 2024 11:31PM

joined Feb 3, 2021

Oh, someone's started translating the novel again. I might actually read it now.
edit: AND, someone's picked up the Fangsi/Presumptuous novel too. Score, both excellent titles with ongoing manhuas!

last edited at Jan 11, 2024 11:07PM

joined Apr 7, 2016

I've also read the machine translated novel, and I gotta say, this story is amazing. It's a slowburn all the way, but totally worth it. The character development, inner monologues, motives, etc. just make this such an engaging, lovely story.

Also, something that I want to praise the author for is the depiction of PR and social media. I don't know if the author has experience in publicity, but the whole planning, scheduling deliberate social posts, publicity stunts, etc. is pretty much how PR teams do it. And it's really scary how quick the public's opinions and perceptions change. Just some food for thought on how the public and media perceive celebrities and what goes on behind the scenes to change the tides, for better or for worse.

joined Feb 3, 2021

Nice one Yueyue!!

joined Oct 11, 2019

Always nice to see an author who knows how to show, not tell. For instance, rather than just coming out and telling us, they use the needle thing to reveal that this story takes place in a universe where tweezers dont exist. Masterfully done.

joined Apr 12, 2018

Yueyue deserves the best wingwoman award

joined May 10, 2021

Yueyue is actually as precious as this chapter was.

joined Dec 16, 2021

Make this two assistant end together

joined Jan 3, 2020

Always nice to see an author who knows how to show, not tell. For instance, rather than just coming out and telling us, they use the needle thing to reveal that this story takes place in a universe where tweezers dont exist. Masterfully done.

Needles are slightly more common (though these are stars who rely on their appearance, so you'd think they have both). They're also better than tweezers at getting really deep splinters (but this one appears to be externally grippable already).

joined Nov 7, 2022

Gosh Youyan's happy face is so beautiful...

joined Jul 8, 2020

damnnn the visual, so good!

joined May 10, 2021

Well, they still look stunning..

joined Sep 9, 2016

Please, Youyan, bid on that artwork!

last edited at Feb 9, 2024 8:20AM

joined May 10, 2021

Those blushes were so heartfelt.
Also a wild and hot rival (or at least, troublemaker) appeared!
Thanks for the chapter!

joined Apr 19, 2019

Those blushes were so heartfelt.
Also a wild and hot rival (or at least, troublemaker) appeared!
Thanks for the chapter!

President Tao? She's Ningwei's girlfriend and Youyan's boss. She appears in chapter 2.

LunaaSnow Uploader
Zephyr Scans
joined Oct 7, 2021

Those blushes were so heartfelt.
Also a wild and hot rival (or at least, troublemaker) appeared!
Thanks for the chapter!

President Tao? She's Ningwei's girlfriend and Youyan's boss. She appears in chapter 2.

right on!

joined Jul 13, 2015

Even the handholding looks they banging!

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