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joined May 9, 2017

Might be the first time i see that kind of reaction, or rather here lack of reaction, to a confession.

I remember being confessed to before and having the same kind of reaction. The internal dialogue illustrates really well what I was feeling at that time. Nicely done!

joined Jul 26, 2023

did their height gap lessen?

joined Oct 25, 2022

Oof, ouch, owie.

That coincidence was pretty ridiculous though.

joined Jun 1, 2020

Is it ridiculous? Could definitely say so, but I legitimately love the coincidence. I find it bizarrely cathartic, how Kiki was her inspiration all along and how it came full circle with the two uplifting each other and all.

As for the confession, honestly, the pure shock from Kiki was perfectly conveyed, in my opinion. Especially how the fact that this is something that happens to her at that moment just hasn't sunk in yet. I also understand why Michiru ran away, considering the response, and hope and expect them to go through this. Hopefully soon, ideally to me, Kiki immediately realized "wait that actually just fucking happened" and runs after her.

joined May 10, 2021

First I was like "nah it's gonna take more chapters to happen", then I went "aaaaawwwww", then "oh shit wait a minute!". Then I kinda died inside. What a rollercoaster of emotions. Probably not as extreme as Kiki's and Michiru's but still.
Now, I doubt this little drama will take too long to solve itself, but the faster the better.
Thanks for the chapter!

joined Sep 10, 2022

Hopefully soon, ideally to me, Kiki immediately realized "wait that actually just fucking happened" and runs after her.

That would be great but we still have the loaded gun of that other girl's warning from a few chapters ago. I'm expecting that we'll see the pair struggle after the confession and that will affect their dancing, just like the girl warned. Then after that, maybe things will come together fully, proving that girl partially wrong. Or maybe this is an opportunity to show that girl that her fears and apprehensions were completely wrong. A couple of good ways it could go.

last edited at Jan 17, 2024 11:30AM

joined Mar 20, 2014

Darn it, Kiki. Don't just stand there like a salt pillar. Go after her!

Also, Michiru, good for you to finally be open about how you feel. It's just too bad that the target of your affections is a bit of a dolt.

joined Dec 20, 2018

A surprise reveal, and a confession. ^_^

joined Apr 20, 2013

I don't even know what to say I feel like screaming from 3 different and conflicting emotions

joined Dec 17, 2021

It's interesting how Michiru was inspired by Kiki leading, knowing what we know about Kiki's feelings about her height.

joined Oct 14, 2020

Eh...I'm not a fan of such a ridiculous coincidence. Kiki being at the competition itself is fine but her being the one to inspire Michiru is more than a little dumb. That being said, I did like the confession and Kiki's reaction of just 404'ing was just the kind of thing I'd expect from her. At least it's out in the open now. Things are getting more interesting.

joined Jun 21, 2021

That surprise reveal was a great, delicious piece of dramatic irony. The leader who so inspired her to be one, hated being one herself and both of them taking what Kiki said to her back then to heart is what led them to become partners and dance together.

And also it's a great callback to the very first chapter, where we saw that Kiki was already that tall in elementary school. So it may be a coincidence but it's not completely out of nowhere at all and that just makes it work so well~

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Oof, ouch, owie.

That coincidence was pretty ridiculous though.

I mean, I don't think the mangaka was worrying about the probabilities, BUT . . . it's a small community, ballroom dance I mean. There wouldn't really have been all that many people it could have been.

joined Jun 27, 2018

I don't even know what to say I feel like screaming from 3 different and conflicting emotions


joined Apr 20, 2013

Wait don't tell me they're actually not going to talk at all and just practice on their own until the day of the event and then dance and talk after all is done just for dramatic effect.

joined Oct 25, 2022

Wait don't tell me they're actually not going to talk at all and just practice on their own until the day of the event and then dance and talk after all is done just for dramatic effect.

You know that's exactly how this is going to shake out. I'm half expecting them to not even actually speak, but for it to just be them "communicating" through their dance or something.

joined Nov 7, 2022

Wait don't tell me they're actually not going to talk at all and just practice on their own until the day of the event and then dance and talk after all is done just for dramatic effect.

Don't know if it's going to take until after the dance, but right now Kiki isn't ready to talk anyway. Their relationship might just fall apart if she rushes.

joined Jul 31, 2019


joined Mar 20, 2014

Oh golly. It's the old "one of the girls doesn't know what love is" cliche. For crying out loud.


joined Jun 25, 2019

What it isn't a cliché at this point ? Everything you read is a cliché of some sort and it's not even like this one is particualry common.

joined Sep 10, 2022

What it isn't a cliché at this point ? Everything you read is a cliché of some sort and it's not even like this one is particularly common.

Yeah, there's nothing that hasn't been done. I think the execution is more important and the execution of this series has been pretty good. There's some nuance to how she reacted and what she has issues with. Just the subversion of the "jealous sabotaging friend" idea is worth some discussion. Looks like her advice/warning wasn't completely unwarranted.

last edited at Feb 21, 2024 1:37PM

joined Dec 20, 2018


joined Apr 20, 2013

Is not that simple, she just doesn't value herself enough or think she's "cute" enough for anyone to fall for her, so a confession comes out of left field and shakes her world... And that would be okay but she also said (lashing out at her) "Why you had to say that?! I just want things to never change!" which shows a level of immaturity never seen(... Of wait, there was that time her previous partner cut her off without an explanation before in this manga, so badly that even she cringed at herself during the episode, wow even Fujizono who is not even close to them couldn't take 10 seconds of Kiki's self pity before snapping, so is obvious for everyone and herself that she has a problem so the LEAST she could do is give a honest apology, reject her properly or say that you don't know how to respond and right now is better to focus on dancing.

joined Jul 13, 2015

The first page remember a typical subtext denying manga
but dance together so closely obviously will make them fall

joined Apr 5, 2023


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