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joined Oct 14, 2020

Bilibili comic exclusive


joined Oct 14, 2020

Now that she knows she has a chance Michiru's really going for it.

joined Oct 14, 2020

It's been 3(000) years...

joined Oct 14, 2020

Eh...I'm not a fan of such a ridiculous coincidence. Kiki being at the competition itself is fine but her being the one to inspire Michiru is more than a little dumb. That being said, I did like the confession and Kiki's reaction of just 404'ing was just the kind of thing I'd expect from her. At least it's out in the open now. Things are getting more interesting.

joined Oct 14, 2020

Y'all are seeing ghosts fr

Agreed. People honestly just look for things to be upset about.

joined Oct 14, 2020

I don't quite understand the conflict here. If the blind girl doesn't know what the brother likes she could just say anything. Just tell her your favorite foods.

joined Oct 14, 2020

I dislike Eri so much. Funnily enough all this is only making me feel bad for the Senpai and Kyou, not Fuyuki or Eri. Can you imagine going on a date with someone and they spend the entire time talking about someone else?

I don't feel bad. I mean she knew Fuyuki has feelings for Eri yet still took her on a date, that's on her really

Really? You can be aware of someone's feeling for another person and still ask them out. That doesn't mean they have to rub it into your face, especially on a date...

I did feel bad for the senpai as well. I wouldn't go as far as saying that I dislike both main characters though, but they sure are selfish and living in their own bubble where they can only see each other...

I don't dislike Fuyuki, I simply don't feel as bad for her as the story wants me to. Eri is the one I can't stand.

joined Oct 14, 2020

I dislike Eri so much. Funnily enough all this is only making me feel bad for the Senpai and Kyou, not Fuyuki or Eri. Can you imagine going on a date with someone and they spend the entire time talking about someone else?

joined Oct 14, 2020

Girl has nobody to blame but herself. I don't have much to offer in the way of sympathy when a character loses out on the person they have a crush on cause they don't have the courage to say something.

joined Oct 14, 2020

It's been nearly 2 months since the last chapter. What happened? Things were finally getting good.

joined Oct 14, 2020

I heard chapter 5 changes things so I'm gonna patiently hope it does because right now Eri is one of the most annoying characters I've seen in a yuri manga. Her selfishness and a lack of consideration for others is grating on my nerves. I honestly felt bad for the dude. Why would you accept a confession if you don't feel the same way as the other party does? It's more harmful to pretend than to just flat out reject them, and the guy is ultimately going to end up in the worst position as a third wheel when his two best friends get together after Eri never really gave him a chance and just strung him along.

Senpai is a superior option. Too bad she's gonna lose badly.

joined Oct 14, 2020

I'm seeing a few people fearful that Shizuku will not get to say "I love you" before Kaori dies. Am I the naive one for believing that Kaori will live long enough to hear those words?

If she does get to say it, it'll likely be in Kaori's final moments. I imagine she'll say it seconds before Kaori dies and the latter only responds with a smile before she passes on.

joined Oct 14, 2020

Usually the "I won't say 'I love you' until it's too late" trope simply aggravates me to no end but in this case you know she's not going to say it before Kaori dies and that's just going to break my heart.

joined Oct 14, 2020

I don't give a fuck about Nanao or Mai. Sayaka is best girl and deserves to win Asumi.

joined Oct 14, 2020

Please don't end like Crescent Moon and Doughnuts. Even just one kiss is all I ask.

joined Oct 14, 2020

Hate this kind of character so much.

"Oh I can do whatever I want but you can't!"

The fuck?

joined Oct 14, 2020

I was having a good time reading this and then the poor girl got hit with a complete and utter backstabbing. What a way to kill the mood!

joined Oct 14, 2020

This is why I love slow burns. It just feels more natural for the girls to take time to know each other and interact before they fall in love, and that moment when something finally happens is so satisfying.

joined Oct 14, 2020

No dudes are going to stand in front of a school in broad daylight and practically announce they want to rape underage girls. I get it, men bad, but come on lmao.

joined Oct 14, 2020

What a bunch of artificial drama. Ruriko clearly doesn't like this girl. What's the problem? Of course that girl knows more about Ruriko than you since she's the type of outgoing person to actually try to get to know somebody unlike you guys who are in a strictly formal relationship. Holy fish paste this is annoying.

joined Oct 14, 2020

I love anime/manga. It's just about the only medium I've read where people consistently enter private residences or facilities without knocking or making any effort to announce their presence so they can conveniently see the most dramatic/sexiest thing possible happening at the exact moment they enter.

joined Oct 14, 2020

Thank you very much for the translation. I absolutely lost it when I loaded up the site and saw a new chapter lol.

joined Oct 14, 2020

It would honestly be interesting to see the aftermath and reactions to this from their family and peers. Their parents' lives are probably going to be fucked up. Their kids ran away, one killed the other and then essentially killed herself. That kind of thing has to be the absolute worst thing a parent can go through. And then there's Ichika. She was interested in how fucked up things could be but I don't know if she expected/wanted them to die so I wonder if she'd be upset, think it was super interesting that they did that, or simply not care about them anymore because they can no longer provide her entertainment.

joined Oct 14, 2020

Does this have an official translation I can pay for anywhere? Really wanna keep reading.

joined Oct 14, 2020

I might be misinterpreting this but I feel a bit confused about the fact that Kanon is scared of overcentralizing and becoming overly dependent on Saki yet she doesn't want to extend her hand of friendship because she has Saki...who she is scared to push away by demanding too much of her.