Forum › Alcohol and Ogre-girls discussion

joined Sep 10, 2022

Each new character expands Naori's understanding of the world: Family Head's fears, Aju's double-life, Mikage's duty, Doctor's contradictions, Slayer's violence, this Guy's (?). All different perspectives and ways of handling the world they live in.

Naori clearly absorbs these lessens and thinks about how she can help Hinata and herself and that's one of my favorite aspects of her character. She's finally got another human bartender to confide in, who also seems to have a unique view of the status quo.

Meanwhile, Hinata continues her "introduce and show-off my (soon to be) gf to literally everyone I've ever known" tour. You can't be a prouder gf than her, so it sucks that Naori still feels inadequate in many ways.

joined Sep 16, 2019

I absolutely adore how giddy Hinata is in this chapter. She’s literally bouncing in her seat in some of the panels here.

Hinata is thankfully not a cheat! Though to be fair if we took bartending as the relationship it is analogous for it does paint a very fun picture wherein Hinata is exclusive to Naori but Naori is open to pretty much all female ogres. Lmao

So you could say that Hinata is the leading lady in Naori’s Harem of Hooch, then?

joined Aug 19, 2015

I would take this group as my D&D party. XD

joined Jul 10, 2015

actually, i think Tsukasa's got the right idea here. Isuzu seems like a good kid at heart, but she's got some preconceived notions about oni (i refuse to call the ogres) that she needs to unlearn. Spending time near Hinata and seeing the main duo interact might be just what she needs to realize that at the end of the day, oni are just people

joined Jul 31, 2019

she's got some preconceived notions about oni (i refuse to call the ogres)

get out of my swamp

joined Jan 30, 2017

I would take this group as my D&D party. XD

Naori: The only one taking things seriously, tries to act and then cringes.

Hinata: Always messing around, somehow never loses a fight.

Isuzu: The min—maxer.

Tsukasa: Is the only capable one, holds back because he enjoyes the chaos.

joined Jan 24, 2022

A loner, a gyaru, an ikemen, and a kid

joined Jul 6, 2020

This really is a slow burn.

joined Sep 10, 2022

The friend, Settsu, has figured out Hinata and Naori's intimate relationship, so she's fully in the know (and now knows not to ever cross Hinata lol). Hinata has formed a sixth sense for Naori--even appreciating Naori as a friend makes Hinata's GF ears perk up lol. Looking forward to the event now! Hopefully Hinata can escape drinks.

last edited at Jan 14, 2024 3:26PM

joined Oct 15, 2014

We're now caught up with the serialization.

joined May 27, 2019

Naori’s charisma is too powerful lol

Also, we’re nearing idiot couple territory with this chapter

joined Aug 1, 2011

Naori’s charisma is too powerful lol

Also, we’re nearing idiot couple territory with this chapter

Based on the scene where they started watching Veryuri and Settsu's assessment, we're already there. I mean, that image of them watching a movie, with Hinata draped over Naori's shoulders, just screams "they're a couple" and the fact that they some how haven't realized it yet ...

joined Feb 19, 2023

I've been enjoying this series a lot these last 5-6 chapters. Feels like they've found their footing. All the new introduced characters and plot hooks are nice, and the story is really going places.

I was wary of Tsukasa initially -- felt like this tropey super attractive and flawless male character that shows up to try and steal yo girl to generate some bullshit jealousy subplot that goes nowhere... But seems there's a glimmer of hope that he's actually just is an oblivious but good dude. That'd be refreshing.

Anyway, non-alcoholic vodka base??? That's just potato flour mixed with some water, isn't it?

last edited at Jan 14, 2024 6:51PM

joined Mar 26, 2021

What a pair of dummies, getting jealous over each other.

The best part of this arc is seeing Naori's growth, she really has come far

joined Feb 19, 2023

Naori’s charisma is too powerful lol

Also, we’re nearing idiot couple territory with this chapter

Based on the scene where they started watching Veryuri and Settsu's assessment, we're already there. I mean, that image of them watching a movie, with Hinata draped over Naori's shoulders, just screams "they're a couple" and the fact that they some how haven't realized it yet ...

Yeah I agree, it might be that they're taking the Futaribeya route, i.e. they're "roommates", aka super gay for eachother but don't feel the need to make it explicitly sexual or to put labels on their relationship beyond bartender and ogre.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Naori’s charisma is too powerful lol

Also, we’re nearing idiot couple territory with this chapter

Based on the scene where they started watching Veryuri and Settsu's assessment, we're already there. I mean, that image of them watching a movie, with Hinata draped over Naori's shoulders, just screams "they're a couple" and the fact that they some how haven't realized it yet ...

Yeah I agree, it might be that they're taking the Futaribeya route, i.e. they're "roommates", aka super gay for eachother but don't feel the need to make it explicitly sexual or to put labels on their relationship beyond bartender and ogre.

Hinata wants to but Naori is still finding herself and working through her self-worth issues. It seems Hinata is being patient with Naori but has otherwise been pretty upfront about her feelings. She had that intimate moment when Naori was asleep much earlier in the series as well.

last edited at Jan 14, 2024 7:11PM
joined Jun 6, 2020

Hinata wants to but Naori is still finding herself and working through her self-worth issues. It seems Hinata is being patient with Naori but has otherwise been pretty upfront about her feelings. She had that intimate moment when Naori was asleep much earlier in the series as well.

Yeah Hinata is very forward about it. Naori is just slower on the upbeat

joined Jul 23, 2019

We're now caught up with the serialization.

Thanks to the scanlators for their hard work!

joined Jan 10, 2022

I wish this had more romance. I like all the plots and the characters, they're fun. I just wish we would get a bit more out of Hinata and Naori. I'm not sure for how long this will go, but I hope we'll see them confront each other about all these feelings somewhere in the middle of it all, so we can have them sail to the end as an official couple. I'd hate it if they did that at the end "just" before the curtain falls.

And yes I know, they're into each other. Bad. But this "idiot couple sideshow" will get tedious at some point. I'd hate for it to happen to a series I'm enjoying.

last edited at Jan 14, 2024 10:42PM

joined Jul 31, 2018

A loner, a gyaru, an ikemen, and a kid

… walk into a bar.

joined Mar 18, 2023

I wish this had more romance. I like all the plots and the characters, they're fun. I just wish we would get a bit more out of Hinata and Naori. I'm not sure for how long this will go, but I hope we'll see them confront each other about all these feelings somewhere in the middle of it all, so we can have them sail to the end as an official couple. I'd hate it if they did that at the end "just" before the curtain falls.

And yes I know, they're into each other. Bad. But this "idiot couple sideshow" will get tedious at some point. I'd hate for it to happen to a series I'm enjoying.

this manga has so far been the most generic romcom ive ever seen, so id definitely say that your hated scenario is exactly whats going to happen.

havent you noticed the effortless protag harem forming?

joined Aug 4, 2021

god I love this series. in particular the little bits of their home life in between adventures. the way naori and hinata just are around each other when theyre alone

joined Jan 30, 2017

I love how touchy Hinata is; she's never afraid to show her affection for Naori.

And this chapter had a nice sprinkle of jelousy too ^.^

joined Jun 17, 2021

Just casually reading chapters 32 and 33, thinking about the person who was really upset when they introduced a new character like ... 6 new characters ago, haha.

joined Jan 1, 2019

I too would've been perfectly happy if the manga focused on exploring Hinata and Naori's relationship instead of all this world-building. However, I must admit that this ogre-world is very interesting. I'm curious to see where the author is going with this.

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