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Forum › The Engagement of the Disgraced Witch and the Cross-Dressing Princess discussion

joined Sep 10, 2022

This story goes way too fast

Yeah, I'm pretty confident that it's ending after a volume, mayyyybe two. Feels like it's meant to be short.

last edited at Dec 7, 2023 11:51PM

joined Oct 19, 2021

Can we . . . . never see this guy again? Or dispose of him in some way? Because ugh was that awful.

. . . . kudos to the author for hitting the nail on the head with Geom.

last edited at Dec 8, 2023 1:04AM

joined Jan 2, 2022

This story goes way too fast

Yup. I like the premise, but the pacing was horrible this chapter.

joined Mar 13, 2020

I smell axing

joined Oct 16, 2013

I smell axing

I dont even think it's really a case of axing because every chapter has had this horribly fast pacing. Problems are introduced and immediately solved in the same chapter. Characters' backstories and motives come out of nowhere and also immediately solved. Then we never hear from them again. I didn't think too much of it in the beginning, but by chapter 3 it was getting ridiculous.

Because things go so fast nothing actually feels impactful. We got a kiss, but I don't really care because they shoved a hundred other things in this chapter that it feels unearned. Like lol a random summons for an arranged marriage and then MC just randomly stumbling upon the Princess's diary conveniently changed her mind about the relationship. The author really is speed running through every western fantasy/villianess trope.

The only overarching issue that hasnt been solved is the whole thing with the brother and because of how poorly it's been handled it's a damn weak plot (and also not what most of us came to this series to read).

It really feels like it could end in 1 volume. I'd be surprised (and a bit horrified) if it went past 2 volumes. Even if the author intended to write a short series, it was still done poorly. They need to work on their pacing for longer series or stick to one shots for now.

last edited at Dec 8, 2023 2:27AM

joined May 25, 2018

imo it feels less like it got axed and more like the author is working on a rather strict time limit, like they were told "you have 10 chapters, make them count" and the author just has too many ideas to fit

last edited at Dec 8, 2023 3:09AM

joined Jul 10, 2015

i find it significant that, in the moment where eve makes it clear that she wants to be with Ciel, Ciel is very specifically not in her masculine guise

joined Nov 7, 2022

I'm quite happy with the pacing, heck, I wouldn't even mind a bit more. I hate these kind of story arcs -- I understand their relevance and importance, and the conclusion of this kind of plot is a satisfaction, but that doesn't mean I don't feel like shit after every chapter until we reach said conclusion.

Introducing an issue and solving it quickly, preferably in the same chapter, is something I often find valuable. Doubly so when the outcome is predictable.

Also, I love that final page and Ciel's mix of blushing, tears and relief.

joined Feb 18, 2013

It feels like there's only one or two chapters left... Speedrunning indeed.

Also, that guy was extremely gross and needs to be put to the sword.

joined Sep 19, 2021

Why are they doing this to a story with good premise?
I guess i should had expected it when chapter 2-3 came around.

joined Oct 25, 2022

Did the story really need to have this old guy be this gross? I mean I guess kudos to the creator for doing a solid job conveying how uncomfortable Ciel must have been, because I was certainly uncomfortable reading it.

joined Feb 18, 2013

Did the story really need to have this old guy be this gross? I mean I guess kudos to the creator for doing a solid job conveying how uncomfortable Ciel must have been, because I was certainly uncomfortable reading it.

I was reminded of that one scene in MagiRevo where the old church guys were lamenting that they had to find someone, anyone, willing to rape the protagonist right in front of her. (I have never wanted a character to give into their draconic instinct and murder everyone more than that moment...)

last edited at Dec 8, 2023 12:06PM

joined Dec 20, 2018

Good job rescuing your fiance! ^_^

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

There's an obvious solution here. The emperor wants dynastic succession. The girls have plenty o' magic. I'm sure magic babies could be arranged.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Because things go so fast nothing actually feels impactful. We got a kiss, but I don't really care because they shoved a hundred other things in this chapter that it feels unearned. Like lol a random summons for an arranged marriage and then MC just randomly stumbling upon the Princess's diary conveniently changed her mind about the relationship.

I kind of agree in general, but the "conveniently changed her mind" thing is I think a tad unfair. She didn't change her mind. She was already sweet on the girl. It was fairly clear that she was only saying "Whoa, slow down" because she was finding everything a bit too fast and overwhelming, not because she had any intention of saying "no" in the end. So then suddenly the thing she was trying to ease into is taken away, of course she's going to be reacting like "Hang on, you can't take that away, I was just getting ready to eat it!" Sure, they do the diary thing to sort of crystallize her resolve a bit more, but the direction of her thoughts and feelings was clearly already there.

joined Oct 16, 2013

Because things go so fast nothing actually feels impactful. We got a kiss, but I don't really care because they shoved a hundred other things in this chapter that it feels unearned. Like lol a random summons for an arranged marriage and then MC just randomly stumbling upon the Princess's diary conveniently changed her mind about the relationship.

I kind of agree in general, but the "conveniently changed her mind" thing is I think a tad unfair. She didn't change her mind. She was already sweet on the girl. It was fairly clear that she was only saying "Whoa, slow down" because she was finding everything a bit too fast and overwhelming, not because she had any intention of saying "no" in the end. So then suddenly the thing she was trying to ease into is taken away, of course she's going to be reacting like "Hang on, you can't take that away, I was just getting ready to eat it!" Sure, they do the diary thing to sort of crystallize her resolve a bit more, but the direction of her thoughts and feelings was clearly already there.

I admit my wording about her changing her mind was unfair. I think my frustration came about how ham-fisted it was to progress the story. All other plotlines aside, I thought the story was already doing an alright job progressing their relationship. Like you said, MC was already feeling sweet towards Ciel. It didn't feel like it needed a sudden arranged marriage to be the catalyst that pushes the MC into doing anything. I know arranged marriages are a very common trope to push relationships along, but I also just hate how they handled the arranged marriage here. How is Ciel supposed to do her duties as the crown prince AND appear as the wife of a duke? It doesn't make sense with the world shown to us and doesn't offer any explanations as to how it could and that's because it was only brought up to be a plot device with no further thought put into it. Then they haphazardly throw the secret diary bit in to make it extra clear to the audience lol.

So looking back on what I wrote I guess I meant convenient in the sense that I didn't like how everything was conveniently plotted to force the relationship forward at this point in time. Maybe if it was paced just a liiiittle slower, I wouldn't really think much about this plot convenience, but as it is now it's like ok what's on the menu for the trope of the day today?

joined Feb 18, 2013

There's an obvious solution here. The emperor wants dynastic succession. The girls have plenty o' magic. I'm sure magic babies could be arranged.

Any fantasy world that can't do it isn't worth living in.

joined Jan 9, 2017

Evris refuses to let Ciel condemn herself to the same fate she saved her from

joined Mar 23, 2021

Feel like the impact's lessened by making the dude so comically evil and disgusting. Makes choosing what she really wants the overwhelmingly correct choice to the point it's not really a choice at all, would've been better if it at least seemed tolerable

joined Nov 7, 2022

I don't think it should even seem remotely tolerable at all. Making the guy this completely disgusting conveys the message that what is expected of Ciel is completely disgusting.

If things had gone otherwise and someone reading it arrives at the conclusion "it's not as bad as if the guy was disgusting", that would have been a failure from both the author and the reader. It doesn't matter that the guy is nice or not, she should equally not be required to go through this.

Arguably the guy could be less cartoonishly evil (the MagiRevo example of handling this situation comes to mind), but I don't think it would make a meaningful difference, because this isn't cartoonish enough to be unrealistic.

joined Feb 18, 2013

Ah, so the emperor finally shows that he's a malicious shitlord too. I suppose that's right on time for this pacing.

joined Feb 16, 2023

So this has gotta be planned for one volume right? The pacing seems to suggest next chapter will be the finale in my mind.

Not that I have a problem with that, I love a one volume yuri.

last edited at Dec 20, 2023 4:16AM

kenkyokitsune Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined May 4, 2021

So this has gotta be planned for one volume right? The pacing seems to suggest next chapter will be the finale in my mind.

Not that I have a problem with that, I love a one volume yuri.

Chapter 6 is the first chapter of a new volume.

joined Jul 15, 2016

Ah, so the emperor finally shows that he's a malicious shitlord too.

Nothing that a little palace coup, Edelgard-style, couldn't solve.

last edited at Dec 20, 2023 6:39AM

joined Nov 7, 2022

Now that your true colors... of a caring, supportive maiden in love and reliable fiancée... have finally bled through, I will drag your foul nature out in the open, witch.

I have no idea why he hates Evris, though he did have a son with a darkness magic affinity, maybe it's related.

I'm curious whether it will end in a "I was wrong, welcome to the family" type of resolution, or a "I wasn't wroooong" while falling in a bottomless hole one.

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