Forum › The Fed Up Office Lady Wants to Serve the Villainess discussion

joined Aug 10, 2015

If Natori openly dates Lapis and Diane, but Lapis and Diane don't date each other, that is still poly. There is no need to close the triangle.

That'd also require that both Diane and lapis agree and neither of them strike me as the type who would share her girlfriend, and again Natori already made it pretty clear that her feelings for lapis are different from her feelings for diane. Besides even if Natori were to fall for diane she seems like a really serious and devoted person, I don't really see her proposing that kind of relationship to them

last edited at Jun 3, 2023 3:13AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

In case anyone didn't notice during Natori's inner dialogue, but those are fox ears, not cat ears.

Which only makes it better.

joined Sep 10, 2022

It is hard for me to actually read Lapis as a ruthless, calculated villain, especially after very she's clearly been softening up in front of and thanks to Natori.

I agree. I think she might still be planning something villainous but, no matter what Lapis is doing, it's hard to imagine Neko writing a truly villainous (with a capitol V) character, especially with how she talks about the series. So idk.

last edited at Jun 3, 2023 9:20AM

joined Nov 7, 2022

Interestingly, since the prince entered the picture, Diana seems to be paying more attention to Lapis (instead of her only looking at Natori before).

I don't know where it's going (and I still think this should go for a Lapis x Natori ending, Diana can find herself some other girl), but it's interesting enough to follow this development.

joined Apr 12, 2018

But we don't need mind reading powers to see what the real treasure is.

To see why kids love cinnamon toast crunch?

In case anyone didn't notice during Natori's inner dialogue, but those are fox ears, not cat ears.

Which only makes it better.

Indeed! Kinda looking forward to seeing how they factor into things going forward.

joined Sep 23, 2020

Familiar of Zero, lesbian edition

Lol you watch that too... Same XD
But this story is a little-big different from that anime

joined May 11, 2023

That is a shame. I wanted Natori to end up with Diana. But chapter 9 makes it clear that Natori and Lapis is the end game, and that Natori likes Lapis.

joined Mar 25, 2020

lapis?? LAPIS!!???!!!??

joined Jan 11, 2023

That is a shame. I wanted Natori to end up with Diana. But chapter 9 makes it clear that Natori and Lapis is the end game, and that Natori likes Lapis.

yeah Diana x Natori is cute but it's pretty clear from the title itself, when i decided to read this, i already know that Natori will end up with Lapis, so i try not to ship Natori with other character in the end so i don't feel dissapointed.

last edited at Jun 7, 2023 9:21AM

joined Sep 23, 2020

I'm a person (woman) with a few words (irl)...
I love how the comments thoughts of this way (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠) and it's amusing me....

While i read the manga in my view:
- the title is pretty obvious of the main ship
- yes the love triangle feels exciting to read and i felt sorry for diana...
- im sorry don't kill me of your bullet-reply's im not shipping diana x natori cuz i feel like the author wants to know us that diana makes more favorable to the readers for natori and the important plot begins... means (the calm before the storm)
- and the last but not the least important im "prince" in this story hahahha XD I'll do anything in my power to invest natori x lapis (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) my otp in my list

joined Sep 23, 2020

I'm a person (woman) with a few words (irl)...
I love how the comments thoughts of this way (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠) and it's amusing me....

While i read the manga in my view:
- the title is pretty obvious of the main ship
- yes the love triangle feels exciting to read and i felt sorry for diana...
- im sorry don't kill me of your bullet-reply's im not shipping diana x natori cuz i feel like the author wants to know us that diana makes more favorable to the readers for natori and the important plot begins... means (the calm before the storm)
- and the last but not the least important im "prince" in this story hahahha XD I'll do anything in my power to invest natori x lapis (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) my otp in my list

joined Aug 20, 2022

As others said, Lapis's hatred toward the anti-noble fraction may come from her sister who was also a commoner. As implied, her sister likely dies when try to protect Lapis (maybe assault or kidnap by anti-noble people which relate to other lower noble families or even high-tier nobles). Lapis kills other commoners to hide her true revenge for the noble and help Gran strengthen his chance to become King. Anyway, just my guess.
The art is great, the plot is thick, some drama with a love triangle. Usually, I prefer kuudere type like Lapis but Diana is sooo cute. She is a sweet and docile girl (with puppy eyes) but when facing someone who wants to hurt her important person, she can be scary and protective (a bit yan?). She gets jealous when the other 2 skinship but doesn't hate Lapis after that. On the final page of chapter 5, Diana thought "I would never make you frown like that..."
when looking at Natori who is feeling sad, suddenly my brain plays the song "Treat you better " :). I hope she can find a better person (since we all know who Natori likes).
Lapis is awesome in her own way. She is strong, intelligent, beautiful, and has a complex background, can be evil (?) but also shows her tsundere side. I agree with other analyses about Lapis understanding Natori more than Diana. And that is what makes Natori fall for her in the end.
Ahh~Too bad it is not a harem or poly :(((

last edited at Jun 11, 2023 7:12PM

joined Jul 4, 2018

keep forgetting. at the end of the day shes still an office worker of a useless les.

joined Jul 6, 2014

Natori can fix Lapis, I believe in her~

joined Dec 16, 2015

I just realized in Ch5 when Gran scared Natori, that's the point Diana put Gran on her shit list.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Well, now I feel bad for her father... He simply wishes to spend some time with his daughter, and she only treats it as something she has to do due to her position.

joined Apr 19, 2018

No Natori, don't give me office anxiety - I'm trying to escape from it!

joined Sep 10, 2022

We get Lapis' thoughts! Lovely interaction between Natori and Lapis. Lapis again knowing what to say (and do) to greatly affect Natori positively. For whatever reasons Lapis has had to put on a mask around so many other people that she can't parse (or come to terms with) her obviously growing and genuine feelings for Natori. So she's tsunder-ish but as a result of her confusion (and denial) of her clear affections. Then, she's also got this suicide mission she's on and doesn't seem to want feelings getting in the way, but we know how that generally goes. Though I imagine at some point she might want to push Natori away, when their romantic feelings really start to interfere with the mission. She's a ball of complicated feelings +whatever mess her family life has been. She also doesn't realize that Natori already knows she's plotting things and being deceptive to others.

Well, now I feel bad for her father... He simply wishes to spend some time with his daughter, and she only treats it as something she has to do due to her position.

He seems fake, even if slightly well meaning--hard to tell. Why would he say "parent and child" in scare quotes and with that tone? Then after he says that we get a cut to Lapis' sudden disgruntled reaction to those words (hidden behind a smile of course). It's then that she refers to it being "his command." There's likely more behind that and behind him. He almost seems regretful in this scene, with the way he looks down and furrows his brow when she asks if that's "his command," and he doesn't push her on it.

last edited at Aug 2, 2023 7:39AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

Well, now I feel bad for her father... He simply wishes to spend some time with his daughter, and she only treats it as something she has to do due to her position.

He seems fake, even if slightly well meaning--hard to tell. Why would he say "parent and child" in scare quotes and with that tone? Then after he says that we get a cut to Lapis' sudden disgruntled reaction to those words (hidden behind a smile of course). It's then that she refers to it being "his command." There's likely more behind that and behind him. He almost seems regretful in this scene, with the way he looks down and furrows his brow when she asks if that's "his command," and he doesn't push her on it.

There certainly seems more to it with the quotes there, yes, but his regret seems very much genuine. May have to do with the glimpses into Lapis' past we've seen so far, but he truly seems to try to make things work while she is seeing their relationship essentially as business only.

joined Sep 10, 2022

There certainly seems more to it with the quotes there, yes, but his regret seems very much genuine. May have to do with the glimpses into Lapis' past we've seen so far, but he truly seems to try to make things work while she is seeing their relationship essentially as business only.

True. To me it seems that she dislikes him very, very much. That black screen when she asks if this is his command suggests more than just business like feelings. The business like mask seems like her best attempt to be cordial, for now at least. Whatever happened in their past (if he even is her real father at all) must have strained their relationship beyond repair. It really depends on what he did. If it was something truly terrible (maybe involving the supposed sister?) than her continued distance from him can be more than justified, despite his apparent remorse. So like with Lapis' plans in general, I'm in a "wait and see" mode.

last edited at Aug 2, 2023 7:58AM

joined Mar 16, 2018

Nice! I'm always glad when a series will actual give the perspective reigns to another character, it really helps add depth to a story. (something I wish other series had done coughcitruscough)

They have an interesting dynamic wherein Lapis thinks she's regretfully pulling a fast one on Natori, who in turn knows exactly how she is and is trying to turn her from it.

joined Aug 21, 2020

Listen to your heart ~
When she's calling for you ~

joined Jul 15, 2016

"I started showcasing all my bad sides to her..."

No, Natori, you have privately shown vulnerability to a person who cares deeply about you (and is in denial of this fact).

joined Mar 4, 2018

Listen to your heart ~
When she's calling for you ~

Listen to your heart,
there's nothing else you can do

I love the intensity of the villianess' eyes.

joined Jun 1, 2020

...Whatever happened in their past (if he even is her real father at all) must have strained their relationship...

Operating under the assumption that Lapis had a sister who had died due to reasons we are not yet (fully) aware of (which, by the way, is this the consensus? I'm uncertain what the general consensus is at the moment), I'm inclined to believe this dude, real father or otherwise, either has a direct relation to that or was in some sort of an antagonistic position against said sister. Perhaps he is that girl's biological father or something.

My read of him is that of an opportunistic slime. Something about the way he "showed interest" in Lapis felt beyond fake, and only to cynically get on her good side for whatever reason.

In any case, I love how this chapter develops our two mains -

Natori's flashback sheds some more light on her "background actor" nature and I'd say her general preparedness and skills and cements that it is truly part of her nature, being this benevolent goddess who somehow is also very generally prepared and eager to help.

And Lapis' monologue, a very self-hating monologue, I'd like to add, gives so much more volume to her as a character, and I really appreciate that. I'm also even more certain that Lapis isn't a villain by nature, she's playing the role of the bad guy because she feels like she has to, or something along those lines.

Also, I'm just a huge fan of the dynamic between these two. I'm really looking forward to seeing how things develop, there's so much potential, and so far the author has been doing a great job.

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