Forum › Citrus + discussion

joined May 20, 2019

Finally, someone with the common sense to drop a manga they don’t like.

joined May 28, 2021

Citrus+ problems are quite easily fixable IMO. All the story really needs is a little bit of fluff here and there, a few of those '' in between moments'' as someone pointed out. Just enough to give the readers a sense that Mei and Yuzu are happy being around each other. Give me the occasional chapter of them doing coupley things together and I'll be able to live with the rest just fine.

joined Apr 27, 2014

Ok so, is Mei asexual or something? I am serious, being asexual is ok and all that, but I start to wonder if that is the case here, they have very little intimacy, hugs, kisses, etc, is she aromantic? What is going on??

Ace? Probably not, at least not full on, judging from that time... I forgot which chapter of the original Citrus and I'm not gonna bother searching for it. Somewhere mid-way-ish through the anime? When she tried seducing Yuzu that one night and Yuzu seemed like she wanted it but still refused for some reason?

Aro? I kinda doubt it too, though it is certainly more plausible

There could be an arguement for like some sort of aspec/arospec, but a microlabel or few might be better than just aro and/or ace.

Hi, well yes, I just didn't want to be too specific, maybe she's graysexual like me too or something. I just don't understand this relationship very well, or maybe it's been going on too long, they did get married..I seem to recall. This is what happens in the meantime, so I guess some of us wanna see more chu and hugs and stuff. thanks again and good day

joined Dec 17, 2022

typical problem when you try to lengthen a story unnecessarily and fall into unnecessary drama, especially when the reader already knows how it will end.

Yes, but if this was an unnecessary lengthening of the plot with actual living as a couple/romance in it, then that would be okay

Romance? of course, and that's what I and many from citrus+ expected, a romantic dinner with yuzu and MEI over here, a stolen kiss over there, a hug, etc... but all we're getting is Dramas here and there already seen. Citrus+ started well but it was declining, not only because of so much artificial drama, it is because we do not see a real development of the yuzu and MEI couple, if this is what you like We add that the secondary ones have practically not undergone development and their only reason in the story is to be the support for yuzu and MEI, without their own life or any development we have a problem. concluded When citrus+ started there was a lot of expectation and it was noticeable in forums like this and in others where many people commented, that they have literally been disappearing and abandoning this manga, and beware With those who say "if you don't like it, don't read it", be careful (as is my case) because if they abandon this manga they are one of those who pay (let's not forget that it is a manga that is licensed in many countries) It is not going to be that we have an abrupt end or a cancellation. Greetings

joined Aug 10, 2015

Finally, someone with the common sense to drop a manga they don’t like.

I think you're misunderstanding something here, i (and probably most of the people commenting here) love citrus, it was one of the first yuris I've ever read and has a special place in my heart despite how critical I'm about it. Having said that I simply refuse to shower it with praises that simply didn't deserve, i used to love citrus that's why I'm so critical about it, because it pains me to see it's constant declining of quality. if I genuinely didn't liked it I'd just dropped it like I did with so many series
I will never understand the mentality that if you love something you have to turn you brain off and only say good things about it. For me that's extremely condescending and a borderline insult for the author, if I ever created something I'd definitely want people to tell me if I screw up

joined May 20, 2019

Finally, someone with the common sense to drop a manga they don’t like.

I think you're misunderstanding something here, i (and probably most of the people commenting here) love citrus, it was one of the first yuris I've ever read and has a special place in my heart despite how critical I'm about it. Having said that I simply refuse to shower it with praises that simply didn't deserve, i used to love citrus that's why I'm so critical about it, because it pains me to see it's constant declining of quality. if I genuinely didn't liked it I'd just dropped it like I did with so many series
I will never understand the mentality that if you love something you have to turn you brain off and only say good things about it. For me that's extremely condescending and a borderline insult for the author, if I ever created something I'd definitely want people to tell me if I screw up

Being critical of something also involves acknowledging the good in tandem with the flaws tho, not just constantly beating it down until there’s no more critiques or even nitpicks to be made.

Yes, this current arc is a slog, but the previous one with Kana and Manami coming back was well-done. Yes, the Yuzu’s birthday arc was anticlimactic af, but the buildup to it with seeing Mei fuss over Yuzu’s present was sweet and gave us a great chapter with her and Matsuri.

It’s not all doom and gloom with this series. Saburouta is far from an A-class writer, but that doesn’t mean she hasn’t done anything good with the series recently. Criticism is of course necessary for any series to improve, but no one’s going to listen to your points if all you say is “this sucks, this sucks, this sucks…” If anything, it’ll discourage them from listening to your criticisms because they’ll think you’re just being rude.

As if Saburouta even looks at this forum in the first place lol

last edited at Jul 23, 2023 12:38PM

joined Aug 23, 2022

Y’all may or may not know me as the diehard Citrus fan and defender who comes in here to say something positive about the new chapters now and then cuz I hate seeing people dunk on mah gurls.

And even I gotta say…… yeah this chapter wasn’t it :(

Not only are we back in forced drama territory straight out of Volume 1-3, but Yuzu forcing herself on Mei, aka the thing that gave her trauma and skewed her perception of relationships and intimacy in the first place, didn’t sit right with me at all.

I really hope this arc is amounting to something good, otherwise I just want it to be over at this point.

Hope that i can explain myself correctly. English is not my first language.

Well, since the beginning there was this blurry line about consent in this manga; crossing boundaries and SA were so normalized and painted as romantic back then by the author.

Now if Mei is a survivor and have this trauma. God. Author never cared to explain that to the readers and this manga, and if we deep analize the inuendos and roles in the Mei x Yuzu relationship we end with Yuzu n Mei having a trauma and a very distorted view love and being painted as a healthy and beautiful relationship, and that's a huge problem. The author has deepened about Mei's character and her back story quite a few times, for example now we have a new character about her childhood and her motivations are well explained. The same happened with the daddy issues arc, where it does a good job in explain Mei as a persona and her actions and motivations. Point is that the teacher, I can't even remember his name, never was mentioned again or was showed in some kind representation of trauma. And a trauma have a lot of representation in mangas like flasbacks or explicitly changing face expressions when characters is facing said trauma or more subtle ways like analogies.

Is the authors duty to give that kind of information to have all the context and empathize with the characters, or know the whys of their actions at least. This are just assumptions.

Now theoretically, what Yuzo did in this toxic sick relationship was replicate what Mei did to her aka her first approach to romance aka sexual assault... multiple times and this manga is just straight up afoul.

And please remember that if you have a trauma it doesn't excuse your abusive behavior towards the person you say to love. And that your significant one, while they can be a great pillar to overcome said traumas, they are not therapists and you can hurt them deeply.

Analyzing this, Mei shouldn't be in a relationship to start n Yuzu needs to feel loved.

Sorry for controversy n for the bible guys. :|

joined Jun 17, 2021

Bearing that in mind, they felt like genuine moments of connection and romantic development. To me at least, clearly it’s just not your thing.

That just means you're fine with whatever you want to think, whether it's good or bad writing.
That's fine, you're allowed to enjoy flawed things, but don't pretend this is a masterpiece of writing when it's not.
There are times and places for your "J-Drama" storytelling modes. You'll note this is when they are not an established couple in pretty much every instance of it. And any that would use this storytelling method when there is a couple will - as I said earlier - at least imply that there are moments in between the drama. There is literally nothing implied about their relationship other than the drama we see in scenes. That is why this is written terribly.

joined Jul 13, 2020

You're mistaking a well-narrated story with good character development, with repeated drama and fanservice. Let's put an example: On chapter x, volume whatever, Mei with tears on her eyes tells Yuzu how much she loves her, ok. But something changes from there? Nothing! The next arc Yuzu is troubled about because she don't have trust on herself and Mei's feelings, and Mei even when she really loves Yuzu, still acts coldly to her. As always. Because Mei loving Yuzu and not expressing her feelings is nothing new since a lot of arcs ago. If you have that moment on chapter x, volume whatever, but nothing changes from there, then you just get fanservice. You can even remove that moment and nothing changes.

last edited at Jul 23, 2023 8:12PM

joined May 20, 2019

That's fine, you're allowed to enjoy flawed things, but don't pretend this is a masterpiece of writing when it's not.

Literally never said that. I’m fully aware Citrus is far from perfect, and that I enjoy it despite its flaws. Somethings doesn’t have to be a masterpiece for it to be good.

Clearly we see this series in very different ways; you don’t see any of the positives I do and I don’t see most of the negatives you do. Citrus fans debating with haters/critics is the very definition of an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object.

joined Dec 28, 2021

Saburouta wrote 6 more volumes of a manga that has ended 5 years ago lol

joined May 27, 2019

I hope that this manga is able to finish without getting axed or rushed or anything

Deliberate pacing isn’t a bad thing, but with the frequency of release it feels glacial

at this point I’m convinced that any big leaps in progress for our main couple isn’t happening until after the wedding and all of the school stuff is resolved

joined Apr 7, 2018

Citrus feels like a circle at this point, it ALWAYS loop back to the same thing: Mei puts the academy above everything else and completely disregard Yuzu's feelings and fears, drama ensue, drama gets resolved (but never thanks to Mei who systematically do everything she can to make things worse), Mei behave like a somewhat normal human being instead of a robot for a very short period of time, then back to square one with Mei putting the academy above everything else.

At this point I just want Saburouta to get to the wedding part as fast as possible and be done with it.

joined Mar 18, 2023

At this point I just want Saburouta to get to the wedding part as fast as possible and be done with it.

not be done with it after the wedding, but rather start a sequel, for example College. With the wedding being in the rear view mirror, the entire future plot can be written freely, even a divorce and cheating! Or 3 volumes of Harumatsu.

joined Jan 3, 2020

Ah, a classic "Mei can't communicate" chapter. Yuzu opened up to her and Mei shut her down by saying things overly harshly. Mei was 100% focused on the content of what she was saying and not the delivery (she didn't even realize how that last line hurt Yuzu).

Most shocking thing about this chapter is that Nene reacted like a human and didn't say "Haruyuzu" at all.

Anyway, I actually like Citrus+. I think it feels (and is) much lower stakes than Citrus. I could barely read Citrus because how tense it was. But in this, both of them are actually trying to look out for each other (hence why each of them goes straight to their friends to ask for advice, though Mei is asking the wrong question). They still sleep in the same room each night even when they're fighting, and they usually resolve things much more efficiently than in Citrus.

joined Mar 18, 2023

I want to see what happens if and when Arata turned out to like Yuzu and started to flirt and asks for dates, will Mei still be in robot mode? Will she be ok? Or jealous? lack of confidence? will she not care because she is 100% into the school?
She may as well tell Arata about she and Yuzu's real relationship. Many people inside the school have already known. Exchanging small personal info and story is always a key to a successful business partnership.

last edited at Jul 27, 2023 2:18AM

joined Mar 8, 2019

I want to see what happens if and when Arata turned out to like Yuzu and started to flirt and asks for dates, will Mei still be in robot mode? Will she be ok? Or jealous? lack of confidence? will she not care because she is 100% into the school?
She may as well tell Arata about she and Yuzu's real relationship. Many people inside the school have already known. Exchanging small personal info and story is always a key to a successful business partnership.

I have been wanting an insecure jealous Mei! We only got a glimpse with Matsuri. It's always Mei being chased, admired, and wanted by others for various reasons. Yuzu gets zilch... sure there's some subtext between Harumi and her going on but then again Harumi hasn't been shown to have a suitor outside of maybe Matsuri...

I'd prefer to see Mei in the hot seat for once. Maybe she can understand Yuzu's feelings better this way... to see someone connect better with Yuzu and provide the emotional support Mei struggles with giving and receiving. How would this "evolving" Mei feel about that? How would she handle thinking Yuzu would actually give up on her and leave her? Has the idea ever crossed her mind? Or is she simply confident Yuzu will persevere and be patient with her given how Yuzu has ALWAYS chased after her?

joined Feb 11, 2022

damn it's been a long time since there was a kiss too

joined Nov 13, 2019

Every chapters feel the same nowadays :Worried she doesn't like me, sudden moves like kissing a person out of blue

It's alright if you are drawing something new, problem is it's getting stretched, if it's not organic what's the point in the 'shock' a sudden kiss is supposed to bring

You betrayed the truth in trying to depict something you don't know so you couldn't get it right which betrays readers' feeling which is real which is why I am mad : If you are not supposed to be rich and famous and get your own anime because your drawing is shit, it should be the same if your story is shit

what they should've done is introduce 2 male main character in citrus +, and the female characters realized they liked boys, so Yuzu breaks up with Mei etc but she likes her but also like him but.. but... but

Now we are getting some action, please if you are running out of talent / inspiration just draw your manga in a git repository so you can take back what you drew and start something new for people

Just walk around write your story like everyone else:

last edited at Aug 6, 2023 12:13PM

joined Jul 22, 2023

Is there any way we can see less of yuzu and mei’s relationship

joined May 21, 2020

saburouta is like genuinely retarded, this was so kino up until like the original's chapter 32. you genuinely need to have brain worms to be able to fuck up your biggest work to this extent, it could've in progressed in so many kino ways but the author's cursed hands always choose the worst possible braindead scenario.

joined May 21, 2020

in my headcannon this slop ends when the anime ends, i refuse to acknowledge whatever the fuck this is.

joined Jul 13, 2020

Citrus feels like a circle at this point, it ALWAYS loop back to the same thing: Mei puts the academy above everything else and completely disregard Yuzu's feelings and fears, drama ensue, drama gets resolved (but never thanks to Mei who systematically do everything she can to make things worse), Mei behave like a somewhat normal human being instead of a robot for a very short period of time, then back to square one with Mei putting the academy above everything else.

At this point I just want Saburouta to get to the wedding part as fast as possible and be done with it.

Because you see it in that way, on another point of view, is just Yuzu and her insecurities starting an unnecessary drama once again. It's not Mei's fault if her former classmate is in love with her, she's just making a move for academy's sake and the guy is the allie that she needs. (Let's try not to forget that Yuzu always knew that Mei's dream is to take over the academy and agreed to support her) There's nothing that make you thing that she's doing anything out of the plan, just because the guy says that he likes Mei, doesn't mean that she's gonna reciprocate. I can say: "Ok. Just a teen girl, with teen dramas". But that movie has been played a lot of times. Like you say: It's a loop

joined Jul 22, 2023

Dude I literally hate this manga so much I would’ve totally loved it if mei and yuzu weren’t a couple

joined Dec 17, 2022

Because you see it in that way, on another point of view, is just Yuzu and her insecurities starting an unnecessary drama once again. It's not Mei's fault if her former classmate is in love with her, she's just making a move for academy's sake and the guy is the allie that she needs. (Let's try not to forget that Yuzu always knew that Mei's dream is to take over the academy and agreed to support her) There's nothing that make you thing that she's doing anything out of the plan, just because the guy says that he likes Mei, doesn't mean that she's gonna reciprocate. I can say: "Ok. Just a teen girl, with teen dramas". But that movie has been played a lot of times. Like you say: It's a loop

I agree with your analysis. The big problem with this story is that we have not seen this couple act romantically in all of citrus+, given that they are engaged and live together. In my opinion they do not have an equal relationship. Yuzu has to learn to not depend so emotionally on MEI and MEI has to learn to show her feelings more. Having said that, this story has been weak for a long time and is becoming repetitive. What is needed is for Saburouta to develop the characters once and for all, because it seems that we are still in the original citrus.

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