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joined Jun 1, 2020

Maybe Hato and Ruri can curb the other's overworking tendencies?

I like this idea, and I also think that at least partly that's the angle here. The way I read it is that Ruri is really burning herself out, for one reason or another, and with how Ruri's dynamic with Hato has developed, I feel that if there's anyone that will really see behind the facade and/or to whom Ruri will truly open up, it'll be Hato. In other words, I can see the two serving as an anchor for each other, as the comment I quoted says.

Also, there's something I find adorable about how Ruri seems to have just immediately gotten attached to Hato and has made her a regular part of her life/routine. Especially as shown in this chapter, she even knows about Hato's routine. I find it all adorable.

joined Mar 28, 2015

I don't think there'll be any romance between Ruri and Hato. They both stated they were uninterested personally in romance. And indeed, I can't feel any romantic attraction between them.

So, if the author develops their relationship, I think it'll probably be an aromantic one.

joined Jul 15, 2016

I think Ruri's burnout has more to do with her having to shoulder leadership responsibilities that were previously split up among her and Miyako, as Nakajou does not seem like she is ready to carry the team at this moment. Ruri's friendship with Hatomori may give her a valuable outlet to vent stress, but I do not see them solving each other's workaholism problems.

joined Jun 22, 2022

Page 15 of this latest chapter is enough material to create an entire manga around, to say nothing of a casual side-ship in Hatomori and Ruri. Still 60/40 odds on whether we actually see it happen, but we're definitely in range for it now!

joined Sep 5, 2019

They're really cute together, even if it's not romantic and is just purely platonic. But hey, if the author manages to make it romantic I'll be extra happy regardless.

joined Mar 20, 2014

I can attest that gyodon is, indeed, delicious. Especially the Yoshinoya one.

joined Sep 10, 2022

It's sad that she was basically giving herself one safe relaxing space away from all that work and unintentionally because of the manager, she now thinks even that is too much. She's taking on too much, psychologically. I also wonder if Ruri's worried about potentially burdening her "friend." She might think that she's brought her idol/work life to Hatomori's home, since the manager found out where she lives and showed up at her doorstep. Guess we'll see.

joined Feb 17, 2013

Oooh, nice! Looking forward to it....

joined Mar 20, 2019

So, Kotori's mother is single... or she has two?

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

To note: the relationship between Hato and Ruri isn't romantic in nature. Asako says as much at the end: don't help her because she's a celebrity or because she's a (romantic) partner, but because she's a "neighbor", ie someone who lives next to you. Echoing her former situation with Miyako. She's not quite a stranger, not quite a friend, but someone you know well enough to try to help them.

Asako is giving Hato a reason to help Ruri, which she didn't really have before.

last edited at Aug 11, 2023 2:44AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

The ship is sailing!

joined Sep 10, 2022

To note: the relationship between Hato and Ruri isn't romantic in nature. Asako says as much at the end: don't help her because she's a celebrity or because she's a (romantic) partner, but because she's a "neighbor", ie someone who lives next to you. Echoing her former situation with Miyako. She's not quite a stranger, not quite a friend, but someone you know well enough to try to help them.

Asako is giving Hato a reason to help Ruri, which she didn't really have before.

I could be misinterpreting what you meant so let me know, if you see this.

To me it seems more like Asako is explaining that her and Hato have a unique relationship with Miyako and Ruri, in that both of them know these idols as real people, or metaphorically as "neighbors;" (Ruri isn't literally a neighbor) so they can help them in that capacity. They can't directly help them with idol issues, as they don't know much about that life but they do know them as people, as "neighbors." Even though Asako is now dating Miyako, her desire to help her is not even just because of that.

To me, it seems as though Asako is making a comment about the purity of their desire to help the people they care about, for who they are, rather than a celebrity position or even a romantic one. Hato came to her not knowing how to help and Asako is explaining the power Hato actually has. Doesn't seem like an indication of whether Hato and Ruri's relationship is (or will be) romantic or not. Asako is basically saying, "you may not know how to help her through all of her problems but you still have the ability to help her in your own unique way because you know her in your own unique way." I mean Miyako and Asako's "neighborly relationship," certainly became romantic--it doesn't mean Ruri and Hato will too but I don't think this convo implies one way or the other.

last edited at Aug 11, 2023 7:14AM

joined Jan 17, 2021

Now we're waiting for a not-so-grand gesture so that Ruri can visit the apartment without announcing herself... again.

Slow-burning romance that keeps on giving.

joined Jun 1, 2020

To note: the relationship between Hato and Ruri isn't romantic in nature. Asako says as much at the end: don't help her because she's a celebrity or because she's a (romantic) partner, but because she's a "neighbor", ie someone who lives next to you. Echoing her former situation with Miyako. She's not quite a stranger, not quite a friend, but someone you know well enough to try to help them.

Asako is giving Hato a reason to help Ruri, which she didn't really have before.

I could be misinterpreting what you meant so let me know, if you see this.

...Asako is basically saying, "you may not know how to help her through all of her problems but you still have the ability to help her in your own unique way because you know her in your own unique way." I mean Miyako and Asako's "neighborly relationship," certainly became romantic--it doesn't mean Ruri and Hato will too but I don't think this convo implies one way or the other.

The way I'm seeing it is that Asako's words to Hato weren't what gave her the reason, but gave legitimacy and I'd say context to Hato's desire to help Ruri. It kind of felt like Hato hesitated and maybe even rejected her desire to help, and those words were the little push to say that it's okay for her to want to help. That kinda connects with what SrNevik said, as I think this is the likely development.

Regarding the romantic or not question, in my eyes, it's pretty much guaranteed to be deeper than the two being simply friends. Full-blown romance is what I'm hoping for, but there's also something about their dynamic that works really well in a more-than-friends, less-than-lovers kind of way, and I wouldn't mind this direction either.
joined Jun 6, 2020

I mean it's a yuri manga. It's gonna be romantic.

But there's also the darker undercurrent people are missing. She's def burned out but the manager stalked her there and that's just the manager. Who knows who else in the future might get a whiff and start stalking her there. Hato could be in serious danger if someone views her as a 'threat' (which she is). So there is the added burn out and hato can understand it but also her worries that she's dragging hato and imposing on her these dangerous feelings that could get her into serious problems she didn't ask for

joined Sep 10, 2022

I mean it's a yuri manga. It's gonna be romantic.

But there's also the darker undercurrent people are missing. She's def burned out but the manager stalked her there and that's just the manager. Who knows who else in the future might get a whiff and start stalking her there. Hato could be in serious danger if someone views her as a 'threat' (which she is). So there is the added burn out and hato can understand it but also her worries that she's dragging hato and imposing on her these dangerous feelings that could get her into serious problems she didn't ask for

Agreed on that front. I mentioned that in my earlier comment too. That's possibly another reason Ruri got worried. Her work life got brought directly to Hato's doorstep. Could be that fear or could be that she now views her pure place of calmness now tainted by work.

last edited at Aug 12, 2023 6:45AM

joined Apr 28, 2021

I don't have anything grand to add but I just love how everyone is sharing their cute interpretations of what Hato is thinking!

Also, I've been loving this series so much. It's so cute, this type of adult life is such a treat.

joined Aug 23, 2011

Neighbours? More like gay-bours.

joined May 29, 2022

If im being honest I not rlly too big on hato and ruris relationships...

joined Sep 10, 2022

She figured out how to make a space for Ruri to "come home" to. Very important that she understands her value to Ruri and what she can do for her that others cannot. Ruri can handle her own stress and Hato can be part of that, no matter what form their relationship takes. Very cosy vibe to this chapter (and the series in general).

last edited at Sep 21, 2023 8:43AM

joined Feb 25, 2014

Comfy platonic wing gals = best side relationship

joined Feb 17, 2013

Awww that was cute

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

To note: the relationship between Hato and Ruri isn't romantic in nature. Asako says as much at the end: don't help her because she's a celebrity or because she's a (romantic) partner, but because she's a "neighbor", ie someone who lives next to you. Echoing her former situation with Miyako. She's not quite a stranger, not quite a friend, but someone you know well enough to try to help them.

Asako is giving Hato a reason to help Ruri, which she didn't really have before.

Told you so.

joined May 3, 2014

I don't have anything grand to add but I just love how everyone is sharing their cute interpretations of what Hato is thinking!

Also, I've been loving this series so much. It's so cute, this type of adult life is such a treat.

me too i like how people get to interpret the story and what might happen :3 as some one that likes to take ideas from stories and add my own twist to it or make it an different story, so i like that kind of thinking were, how , who, when, and other stuff at trying to predict were the story might go :3

joined Jul 15, 2016

Very cosy vibe to this chapter (and the series in general).

"Cosy" was the word I was looking for to describe this chapter, thank you!

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