This panel goes hard

God damn an Ak type 3. What an unexpected beauty to see
Maybe someone should have known something was up when Vatican representatives were pushing real hard for Monster and ZipRecruiter to include the Khyber Pass in their covered regions.
I told my brother about this manga and he was like “Oh, and the church is actually a secret organization, right? I would be more surprised if it wasn’t.”
What is it about Japanese manga and The Church!?
Dude, that's been a fucked-out trope since forever. Japan loves making institutionalized religions into Secretly Evil Organizations!!!! Usually there are demons involved, but not always.
Home grown Japanese Christian AKs built by the best of the best from the Khyber Pass,what a time to be alive.
And this reminds me of a short lil' anecdote which I can't find anymore.
A pastor/preacher/priest during wild west era mentioned "everyones' time will come and they will go to meet their maker",when later asked why he carried a gun,"in case I met those whose time has come".
Christianity might be no different in terms of how bad it is,like all religions,but the sheer amount of great gun stuff associated with it is amazing,as well as ironic considering the origins of gunpowder.
Especially this :

And,despite definitely being a different church,one man delivered for sure.